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Attending Concerts Alone


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And then there was the time me & a mate went without our gfs, and got so loaded that we ended up rolling around on the floor, snogging and tugging on each other's dicks... :bagoverhead:

Oh my eyes...they burn! Oh the humanity...the horror, the horror!

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Is it worse for a woman ? I think most things are easier for a man alone than for a woman alone... but my only difficult solo concert was Lynyrd Skynyrd at the age of 16 : that got a little bit redneck ...... Other than that, no problem.

I find that people (especially other women) are more likely to talk with a woman on her own. Sometimes it's people you kinda wish *wouldn't* speak to you, but that's another subject entirely. :)

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Excellent. Most have had good experiences, a few weird ones, and one that must have been a truly (mind) blowing experience. I am definitely going. I know it might be a little weird, but I'll get over it.

I don't regret asking the question, this thread has been an enjoyable read.

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I've always went to concerts with groups of people. And by groups, I mean about 4-5 people. I have a blast when I go with friends or family. I don't think I could go by myself. But that's just me. If I did go with a friend, say a guy, I would feel it would be more of a date than just going with a friend. Because nobody wants to be 'just friends' anymore it seems. So I think going with a couple of awesome people is best for me. You shouldn't let anything stop you from doing what you want to do or see. I am just stuck in my comfort zone.

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I was going to say that I've never been to a gig on my own, but i just remembered there were two - The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Without Alex, and Peter Frampton. Both in 1977.

On the other hand, there have been times when I wished I had gone alone - fussy gfs or wives can ruin a good show without even trying. 'Get me another Baileys'; or 'I want to go to the toilet, and you have to come with me and stand guard'; or just 'It's too loud, I want to go home NOW'. And then there was the time me & a mate went without our gfs, and got so loaded that we ended up rolling around on the floor, snogging and tugging on each other's dicks... :bagoverhead:

I've never whined or bitched. I was a good girlfriend.

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I recently saw Petty live, and would have gone alone, but my 69 yr old father actually wanted to go with me! We had a great time, but I would have definitely bolted for front row had I been alone!

BTW, nice to 'meet' a fellow New Englander!


How nice. Nice to 'meet' you as well.

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I was going to say that I've never been to a gig on my own, but i just remembered there were two - The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Without Alex, and Peter Frampton. Both in 1977.

On the other hand, there have been times when I wished I had gone alone - fussy gfs or wives can ruin a good show without even trying. 'Get me another Baileys'; or 'I want to go to the toilet, and you have to come with me and stand guard'; or just 'It's too loud, I want to go home NOW'. And then there was the time me & a mate went without our gfs, and got so loaded that we ended up rolling around on the floor, snogging and tugging on each other's dicks... :bagoverhead:

Damn, man! TMI! TMI!
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When I heard/saw Robert and Strange Senastion in 05 in London Canada..this gorgeous long-haired blonde who was alone sat down beside me...she was wearing white and had a flowing scarf....

I sunk into my seat....and made a mental note to buy a flowing scarf for my next concert...

J :coffee:

Edited by Juliet
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When I heard/saw Robert and Strange Senastion in 05 in London Canada..this gorgeous long-haired blonde who was alone sat down beside me...she was wearing white and had a flowing scarf....

I sunk into my seat....and made a mental note to buy a flowing scarf for my next concert...

J :coffee:


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I went alone to see Billy Idol for the first time in 05...there was a large man in front of me who kept standing up...there wasn't any need since our seats were front and centre..however he was deteremined to get out onto the floor in front of the stage..when he was sent back to his seat he continued to stand up...I finally said, "SIT DOWN" then I realized he was large enough to beat the c*** out of me...Luckily he did not....he left for a bit...I watched him leave and that made me miss Billy's strip tease...not a complete strip just his jacket and shirt ....

I went alone to a Dwight Yoakam concert...I left getting a ticket to the last minute and I did not have a good seat...the couple beside me kept arguing and getting out of their seat...the man wanted me to switch seats with me but I like an aisle seat so I said, NO...

Juliet :coffee:

PS I also went to a Lenny Kravitz concert alone..I was searched for cell phone etc..yet many people were using cell phones..digital cameras...a woman near me kept yelling at the top pf her lungs...another women had to leave quickly as she was sick.....

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Hi jb:

It was my purse not me that was searched,,I assumed they were looking for camera phones or recording devices such as digital cameras, tape recorders, camcorder etc etc.I had a regular old-fashioned camera that just happened to be in my purse. I told the officer, "This was a last minute decison to come this concert. I was originally going to go to the lake for my day off..don't worry there are no batteries in this camera" He looked at me as if to say, "Sure lady...that's what they all say."


PS No show compared to Robert Plant and Strange Sensation... :cheer:

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I've been to many shows by myself, it's great! I always meet people to party with or run into old friends. No worries about other folks time schedules or whether they are enjoying themselves. But that's how I am, I like to do things alone, hiking, biking, astronomy and DIY projects. I suppose that's from being married with children and having a job working with the public (I'm a junior high school science teacher).

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^^^ :lol:

...I finally said, "SIT DOWN" then I realized he was large enough to beat the c*** out of me...

Any man that would beat a woman is not a MAN…nor is any man who stands by and watches another man beat up a woman.

Just my opinion.

Edited by Strider
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HI Strider;

Thank-you..I think there were enough people around that even if the man did strike out he would have been apprehended..

Next time I will get a security guard to help me if someone is interfering with my enjoyment of a concert..

Juliet :wave:

PS This reminds me of another Billy Idol gig..he opened for Def Leppard in 08..there were unruly people behind me..they spilled beer that ended up on the floor under my seat.. .they were moved to a section closer to the stage..rather than kicked out of the venue...grrrrrrr..that really made me mad..

PSS I also went alone to see Billy in Windsor Ontario in 2010..it was a last minute decision as I had never been to that town alone..I spoke with many poeple who assured me I would be safe..I had the best time..I got very close to the stage and saw Billy as well as Steve Stevens,his guitarist very well....it was a night I will never forget..thank-you Billy, Steve, Jeremy, Derek and Billy Morrison (members of his band)..and may everyone have a chance to see the Detroit skyline from the beautiful city of Windsor...

PSSS...BTW..There was a fellow by the name of Slash who opened for Billy...he put on a great show to!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm seriously considering it. Rick Derringer is playing at a local small venue in November and the hubby hasn't expressed any interest in going. I brought it up 3 times and no bites. I really would like to go. I may go alone or find a friend to go with me.

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I'm seriously considering it. Rick Derringer is playing at a local small venue in November and the hubby hasn't expressed any interest in going. I brought it up 3 times and no bites. I really would like to go. I may go alone or find a friend to go with me.

Hi ledzepfvr!

I have seen Rick a few times, most recently with Ringo's All Star Band. He also performed then with Edgar Winter. He is just as good as he was in the 70's. I would recommend seeing him, even if you have to go alone. The Ohio crowd goes crazy when he plays "Hang On Sloopy", a song he played when he was in the McCoys. You will have a good time.

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Not me, I'm too much of a people person. In fact, I usually buy 4-8 tickets for any event I want to attend and no matter who the artist, have no trouble finding friends to go with me. In turn, my friends call me often and say "hey you wanna to see ______". Work would be the only thing preventing me from saying "yes". I've seen loads of artists I never would have considering seeing. Of course there are the before and after concert rituals that we always follow, dinner, drinks, chit chat, etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Post show comment, I went solo and it was great. I look forward to the next time. Hope to see Neil Young, in Nov/Dec. if no one is interested, I now feel OK to just go.

Next up in November, my first true solo vacation. I have been to other countries for business and sport events alone, but this will be the first time that I don't have an "event" to plan around.

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Not me, I'm too much of a people person. In fact, I usually buy 4-8 tickets for any event I want to attend and no matter who the artist, have no trouble finding friends to go with me. In turn, my friends call me often and say "hey you wanna to see ______". Work would be the only thing preventing me from saying "yes". I've seen loads of artists I never would have considering seeing. Of course there are the before and after concert rituals that we always follow, dinner, drinks, chit chat, etc.

I hope that chit chat is after the show. I can't stand groups of people who go to concerts and then gab all the way thru it. Oh, and since you're a 'people person', can you kindly answer my question I asked you ages ago on the Jethro Tull thread? :)

Post show comment, I went solo and it was great. I look forward to the next time. Hope to see Neil Young, in Nov/Dec. if no one is interested, I now feel OK to just go.

Next up in November, my first true solo vacation. I have been to other countries for business and sport events alone, but this will be the first time that I don't have an "event" to plan around.

Good for you, jb! :thumbsup: Why deprive yourself of pleasure simply because you can't find anyone to go with you? By going you increase the chances you'll find someone at the show that shares your taste in music, become friends and have someone to go to shows with in the future.

Edited by Strider
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I have been to a few concerts by myself. I don't think it is a big deal to go to a concert by yourself if you can't find anyone else who wants to go and you really do. I have seen Robert Plant and the Band of Joy, Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience, the Led Zeppelin tribute band Led Zeppelin II all on my own. After each of those concerts, my brother picked me up and we went and had a few drinks afterwards, so I could at least talk to someone about these great shows I witnessed.

I am also the type of person who can usually go up and talk to people before, during and after these concerts (even only if sometimes briefly). Total strangers to me but I know that all these other people are there for the same reason that I am. To Rock out and have a Great time.

Last year I even travelled solo to see Rush in Austin, Texas. Within 10 minutes after checking into the Motel 6, I met two people who also travelled to Austin to see Rush. I ended up hanging out with them drinking beers before and after the concert.

So, to the person who started this topic, if my advice (and everyone else's for that matter) makes any difference, go to the concert alone. Concerts are for pure musical enjoyment, alone or with friends.

Edited: I just read that you already went and it was great. Good for you! Anyway, I hope my words (and theirs) may help the next person who may feel the same way as you did.

Edited by kingzoso
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Not sure if this belongs here or Ramble On, but here goes.

Recently I attended my first big venue concert after a long hiatus. I had so much fun I made a vow to start seeing live music again. There's a concert I would like to attend, but can't get anyone interested in going. I usually don't let this stop me from doing something I want to do. I've been to MLB & NBA games, skating events, movies, etc. alone, but never an "assigned seating" concert. It's already very late to buy a ticket, but I think I can get a good seat since I'd only be looking for one.

One very silly thing that is holding me back is that the vast majority of the audience will be much younger.

Anyone care to share experiences (the good, bad, ugly) of going to a concert alone?


Whenever I went to a concert and saw someone older I always thought that person was pretty cool. Go enjoy yourself. Live life. Don't let anyone or anything stop ya...Plus, people are usually pretty friendly at shows....
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