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Jimmy Page - Celebration Day // TOKYO


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October 17 & 18 2012...it's Celebration Day across Japan - and the world!

Many of the Japanese cinemas screening the film do not have marquees, but here are three that do have promotional posters on display.


Fukushima, Japan

Warner Mycal Cinemas (Screen 3)



Hamamatsu, Japan

Toho Cinemas (Premier Screen)



Hofu, Japan

Warner Mycal Cinemas (Screen 1)


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I'm blessed! There was a draw for 300 fans to attend his press conference in Roppongi Hills and by a serie of concidences nothing short of magical I got to know about it (I am not Japanese and not even a crazy diehard fan, to be honest), got a ticket, and be among the 3 luckiest of the lucky ones among the general public allowed to ask him a question.

It was about that mountain-climbing sequence in TSRTS, and whether he could give some advice, as an experienced "Master Climber", to complete beginners like me (a book to read, a song to meditate upon, anything...)

The question obviously had a hidden meaning, and I think the answer too was both 1st and 2nd degree (at least that's how I took it, but maybe it was just plain and factual in Jimmy's mind, who knows...).

He replied he was very happy it happened on a nice snowy mountain he had chosen, during a full moon, but it was quite hard to climb and he was somehow satisfied with the result the first time, but the filming crew asked him to repeat it again and again so eventually he was exhausted and didnt find it much fun. So his advice was: "do it on a nice snowy mountain, under a full moon, but just do it once and don't bring a crew with you". I let you judge of this, personnally it had some spiritual meaning for me, in the current status of my "quest" (whatever it may be called, and don't think I am just some kind of mystic lunatic). Love to you all, and thanks again to Jimmy for this great occasion to watch Celebration Day in Tokyo (there was a premiere secreening just before the press conference, it was awesome) and meet him in person. Big thanks also to Warner Japan and Toho, the event was supremely well organized, as always in Japan.

PS: I' d like to add a pic of Master Jimmy from where I stood, but I'm new to this forum and dont know how to do it (please help!).

PS2: Funny thing is that , looking now at Google News in Japanese, I already noted that some Japanese media reported about our exchange! Maybe I should start a new career as mystico-rock journalist!! :wizard:

Hi there, have you read the book, The Comte De Saint Germain, the Secret of Kings, by Isabella Cooper-Oakley?



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Steve, thanks for the great report, photos and details of Jimmy's promo for Celebration Day. Well, done and much appreciated around here. A special thanks to Compte de Saint-Germain, who also got to experience this first land.

Looking forward to more reports.

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The Brazilian press reports today on Jimmy Page's visit.

Jimmy Page divulga filme do Led Zeppelin em Tóquio

16 de outubro de 2012 • 10h08

O guitarrista Jimmy Page fez uma sessão de fotos nesta terça-feira (16), em Tóquio, no Japão, para divulgar o lançamento do filme 'Celebration Day', registro da última apresentação do Led Zeppelin


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Celebration Day Tokyo Premiere

Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills

Tuesday, October 16th 2012


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment


Photo credit: M Found Entertainment

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Celebration Day Tokyo Premiere

Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills

Tuesday, October 16th 2012


Photo credit: Man Tan Web


Photo credit: Man Tan Web


Photo credit: Man Tan Web


Photo credit: Man Tan Web


Photo credit: Man Tan Web


Photo credit: Man Tan Web


Photo credit: Man Tan Web

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Hello, I'm new to post here;

I think it's kind of late to report about Japan premiere and press conference on Oct.16th, 

but I felt that some details would be interesting for you, as it seems not posted here so far.

(I apologize that my English isn't good, it’s not my mother tongue…please go easy on me.)

Schedule was that we see the film first, followed by a press conference with Jimmy Page.

Just before the film, Jimmy made a surprise appearance on stage!

It's 5 years since his last visit to Japan.

The theatre was filled with applause, everybody standing up with excitement to see him.

He was absolutely elegant with his velvet Armani jacket together with slender gray trousers.

He said hello to all, and said that he’d hoped everyone would enjoy watching the film.

I'm one of those lucky ones who could be at O2 on Dec.10th 2007.

This film 'Celebration day' just brought back all those overwhelming memories about O2,

and just how superbly Led Zeppelin had played that night.

Being a Jimmy Page fan, it was my ultimate 'dream come true' to see Jimmy in big screen.

(we had the biggest 8.4m×20.2m screen at Roppongi cinema complex, with 644 seats )

Jimmy is playing his guitars so honestly, giving us the best he had.

I just hope that everyone will get to see the film and enjoy in their own eyes.

Before the press conference we had a short “photo time”, anybody could take photos on Jimmy then.

He's posing beautifully :wub:


post-22699-0-58740500-1350567377_thumb.jsorry my photos aren't very clear...

According to Warner Music Japan, it was Jimmy's idea to invite 300 general public for this premiere.

I do admire the way Jimmy thinks about fans and tries to have time to communicate with them.

Naturally, at press conference, general public was allowed for a few questions.

A Japanese lady, who brought a bouquet of flowers for Jimmy, asked him why they had picked Japan

as one of 4 countries to have premieres.

Jimmy's answer was like:

"It was such a thrill to be visiting Japan in 1971 and 1972, having read about Japanese cultures.

Such an experince to be here to be playing, it did have an affect on me.

After that, whenever we have new Led Zeppelin release premieres, like DVD or Mothership,

I always made a point to come to Japan because I really enjoying coming here.

Thank you very much everybody for that."

Comte de Saint-Germain, I liked your question! I believe Jimmy did too.

I felt that it was sort of refreshing for him to talk about climbing mountains.

I was very delighted to see Jimmy looking so happy all the way through the press conference.

Local reports mentioned that his visit this time was only for 4 days,

but I hope it had left lots of fine memories on him.

Thank you for reading :)

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Hello, I'm new to post here;

I think it's kind of late to report about Japan premiere and press conference on Oct.16th, 

but I felt that some details would be interesting for you, as it seems not posted here so far.

Thank you so much for sharing this with the forum. :thumbsup:

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Hi Comte de Saint-Germain, thank you for your comments!

I saw the film again on 17th;

I found that the audience were obviously HOTTER than 16th, they were truly enjoying Led Zeppelin performance.

On 16th, it was somehow strange, they were so quiet and no applauding during the film at all.. :unsure:

By any chance, were you the lady with the dragon suit? Or have you seen her?

Unfortunately I'm not...but yes I saw her! She looked pretty, didn't she?

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just to inform you that Jimmy appeared in Japanese TV program called "Shu-ichi" this morning,

he looked enjoying the brief interview.

Actually he looked so lovely laughing, it made me laugh too in front of TV :D

I love to see him relaxed like that!

so let me share some screen-shots.




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Hi truth and beauty, Texas Melanie, I'm glad you liked my screen-shots!

OK, what was he laughing at...

That was when Jimmy got asked "Why did you have your guitars hung THAT low?"

I'm afraid I couldn't catch Jimmy's answer exactly, because he was talking in a quiet voice,as always...

anyway, he was saying something like this,

"I can't play like that now, but I did, because during long tours, you start trying things,

like, let's see if we can do this, let's see if we can do that...

constantly pushing things, how far we can go in extension.

Acutually when I started, my arms started to grow longer, so that I could play!! :lol: "

When he mentioned about his arms growing, he suddenly burst into laugher,

as seen in above screen-shots.

The way he laughs, almost like child.. that's what I cannot resist!

As to Youtube, sorry I don't know about that... but I hope somebody will soon.

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Japanese magazine Shu-kan Shincho have published two photographs of Jimmy shopping for bootlegs in Nishi-Shinjuku last week.

In the first photo, Jimmy is shopping at Back Trip Records. He is standing in front of the Led Zeppelin bootleg selections, holding one of the new Tarantura releases.

In the second photo he is standing outside Blind Faith with the skyscrapers of Nishi-Shinjuku in the distance.

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