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NBA season 2012


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I know the Lakers will get better. But can they do it in one night with this guy? Ill take my chances with Houston plus the 7. I dont think they will win outright, but they can cover. Took Chicago for the first time ever I think. 76ers are already in the bank and Brooklyn too.

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I know San Anton will be out to pay the Clippers back tonight after the blowout last week, but I bought them up to 5 1/2 pts and will figure they will put up a fight. Hammered Memphis. minus 6 1/2.

Well Strider, when Nash returns and D Antoni takes the spotlight it should be interesting. I wonder if he paid Jack Nicholson a visit? I love Jack. I have always llked the Lakers. But my fav Laker team was the 70 team that had Wilt, Jerry West and Gail Goodrich and McMillan. Great team. 33 wins in a row is a record that may never fall. West was my favorite player of all time and then Rick Barry. Back to Nash's return, I watch the NBA channel when I get up to see the recaps and interviews and the talk is can Kobe stand not holding the ball? IE, Nash is of course the field general whereever he goes and he should be. they figure Kobe and him will split the duties. Dont know how that will happen, I assume when they are both on the court Steve will usually bring the ball up and then they can us Kobe and Gasol to weave and Dwight will be waiting in the paint. If used correctly, offensively unstoppable starting five. They lose a bit on defense with Nash but not enough to make his precense unworthy. The Clippers second unit is far better than any the Lakers can put on the court. Imagine when Billups is back. Chris Paul and Chauncey and Bledsoe coming off the bench. Yikes. Jordan can give Dwight plenty of hell down low and with Blake at his side, Gasol is no answer for Blake Griffin. Kobe is the guy that will have to be Kobe. I believe ultimately the west will come down to both LA teams and Memphis. I am not sold on OKC or San Antonio. San Anton is too old. OKC has no answer for the non perimeter game. I hope the Clippers can get the best record so the Lakers would have to play Memphis in a war. Memphis is no joke. The survivor may get the Heat as long as Wade is ok. If Wade goes down, it could be the Knicks. But I do not think the East can beat the West this time

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Rick, I keep telling you but you keep forgetting: the Laker team with Jerry West, Wilt, McMillan, Gail Goodrich, Pat Riley that set a record of 69-13 with 33 wins in a row was the 1971-72 team, NOT 1970.

They had just recently won the NBA championship when I went to my first Led Zeppelin concert that June in 1972. The Fabulous Forum, as it was known then.

Was hoping to relax and watch the Clipper-Thunder game now but I forgot to get eggs...and I've got a staff meeting at work in a couple hours. I'll have to catch it on DVR.

Hahaha...just heard "Kashmir" playing behind Hubie Brown talking during the telecast!

Edited by Strider
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Rick, I keep telling you but you keep forgetting: the Laker team with Jerry West, Wilt, McMillan, Gail Goodrich, Pat Riley that set a record of 69-13 with 33 wins in a row was the 1971-72 team, NOT 1970.

They had just recently won the NBA championship when I went to my first Led Zeppelin concert that June in 1972. The Fabulous Forum, as it was known then.

Was hoping to relax and watch the Clipper-Thunder game now but I forgot to get eggs...and I've got a staff meeting at work in a couple hours. I'll have to catch it on DVR.

Hahaha...just heard "Kashmir" playing behind Hubie Brown talking during the telecast!

Horse shit call by the fucking refs. Send Durant to the line for that bullshit "attempted shot". How am I going to remember the difference betweeen 1970 and 1971? Does it matter?

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That fucking Popovich. He sent his whole starting team home to rest. They are at the Miami Heat tonight. I bet San Ant plus 5 1/2 and flat on the money line this morning. The line skyrocketed to 13 and gee, no shit. He has basically thrown the game. The league commisioner is pissed and will fine him. I have not seen this in sports. Ever. This guy is a fuckhead

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San Antonio covered and almost fucking won. Should have won if they had been smart last two minutes. They were up 7 with less than two minutes left. If you have not heard, Popovich did something I have never seen in sports. He put his three best players, all starters, Parker, Ginobli and Duncan on a plane home!! Now its one thing to rest your players. But they cruised in Orlando last night by 18. And teams play back to back games all the time. Sometimes you are on the short end and the other team has the rest. Stern, the commisioner is not happy with it and will fine Popovich and rightfully so. The las vegas line went from plus 5 1/2 to plus 13!!! I almost lost my fucking mind when I found out five minutes before the game. Charles Barclay walking around and calling the game from courtside. I called my sports book and they would not refund the wager. I got lucky. San Antonio is deep. Their bench almost beat the defending champs. And Wade played. The Western winner is going to win this year. San anton, Clippers and OKC. A three horse race according to me and one Charles Barclay. The Lakers could join the mix but must play far better, especially Howard. I expect the Lakers to come around at some point. If not, D Antoni will take the fall. Its just a joke how bad they are playing with the talent they have. Its just unthinkable. I wonder if Nash will be back tomorrrow. He may be the spark they need. My Clippers played a few stinkers but now that Chauncey is back loook out. I also love this Minnesota T Wolves team. I like them alot. Love and now Rubio is returning. Watch out for the T Wolves now as they are going to startt winning. They are still a player or two away to contend with the top four, but are better than the lower teams easily.

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Big game tonight, Knicks at Heat. Are the Knicks as good as advertised and will the Heat rebound from that embarassing loss against the Wizards? I'm actually picking the NBA over football tonight.


I believe there are four teams in the West better than both. Lakers not one of them. Clippers, Memphis, San Anon, and OKC. I do think the Clippers are the best team right now and can beat anyone.

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^^ And Miami has lost to two of those teams in the West, barely scraped by the Spurs second unit players and play the Thunder on Christmas Day.

The Lakers are a mess right now. I wonder if things will get significantly better for them when Nash returns and whether or not Gasol will get traded.

Gasol has to be gone. Kobe tried to fix it with a statement saying how he "loves him". That does not work in the sports world after you call a guy out publicly like Kobe did. Nash is going to make the offense better. The defense will be the same. Howard must step up. He is another Shaq at the line. The Clippers are deep. Beat the shit out of Dallas last night all be it without Dirk. Miami is coming off a loss to Washiinton!!! Yes the Wizards who have 2 wins now. Go see. if they were smart they would sit Wade. He is hurting last I knew. They cannot win without Wade. The Knicks all of a sudden appear to be the biggest challenger to the Heat in the EAst. But when the 76ers get Bynum back, look out. and Indiana is good too.

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I parlayed the Knicks plus 9 1/2 with Dallas plus 3. Did not know Anthony was out. Good thing. I am a bit scared of my Dallas bet for two reasons. I know they are not that good, but believe Phoenix is worse. But they have guaranteed Pheonix fans their money back tonight. Unreal

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Strider. Your Lakers can't get out of their own way. I took Utah plus the 7 last night. What a gift. I have been making money betting against the Lakers. Especially at home. I think they are a better road team now because they dont hvae the pressure on them on the road. If this coach doesnt fix things soon he will be done. But I doubt Phil Jackson would accept now. Nash cannot return soon enough. His return will give them a lift. But I just dont know how a team this talented can be so bad. Expecially when you have unheard of guys like Meeks is it? Hitting 3s. Kobe is Kobe but he cant run like he used to. Howard has to be a force and Gasol has gone south and they have alienated him for good. A trade is a certainty and I am really surprised it has not yet happened. Maybe he does not want to return to Memphis? But why not? They are a legitamate contender. I only fear them and OKC and San Anton right now. Dallas will be better when Dirk gets back but not good enough to beat the likes of the Clippers or San Anton or Memphis. San Anton can put their bench on the court and beat half the teams in the league. But so can the Clippers. If they stay healthy, the Clippers to me are the best. Miami is in a funk and I took Atlanta with the points tonight. And even one shot straight up. I was really shocked to see Atlanta win at Memphis. Miami is coming off losses to Washington and the Knicks. If they dont improve, Atlanta will eat them up. And you get 7 points. I am also taking a shot with Sac with the points and the Raptors too. Taking the 76ers and Golden St who has been very good to me. Last night I had Milwaukee wheeled. And I did not realize they have beaten the Nets 12 straight.

Clippers baby!! The best

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No way a Del Negro team goes deep in the playoffs. They took Memphis to 7 in the 1st round last year. Memphis is way stronger this year. Clips better hope they don't meet again in the 1st round or it's a one and done. Griffin has improved his jumper and moves farther away from the basket, but it's not enough. Team's built for the regular season. Thunder, Spurs, Grizzlies built for the post season.

Raps on a steep slide to extinction. Nuclear winter has come early.

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No way a Del Negro team goes deep in the playoffs. They took Memphis to 7 in the 1st round last year. Memphis is way stronger this year. Clips better hope they don't meet again in the 1st round or it's a one and done. Griffin has improved his jumper and moves farther away from the basket, but it's not enough. Team's built for the regular season. Thunder, Spurs, Grizzlies built for the post season.

Raps on a steep slide to extinction. Nuclear winter has come early.

Are you kidding me? They took Memphis apart last month. Crawford and Bledsoe to back up the likes of Chris Paul, Blake, Jordan and now Chancey Billups is back!! You are nuts if you think they will go quietly. They will win the whole damn thing. They beat San Anton by 24

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Rick, I emotionally checked out of this season as soon as Mike Brown said he was going to install the 'Princeton offense'. I knew then that this season would be a trainwreck and Kobe would revert to 'bad Kobe'. Only difference is that this isn't 2006 when he could outscore entire teams by himself(Kobe's 81 against Toronto). His legs and accumulation of shoulder, knee, and hand injuries have taken a toll.

I believe I posted before the season started that you could make a killing betting against the Lakers because Vegas overrates them.

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Rick, I emotionally checked out of this season as soon as Mike Brown said he was going to install the 'Princeton offense'. I knew then that this season would be a trainwreck and Kobe would revert to 'bad Kobe'. Only difference is that this isn't 2006 when he could outscore entire teams by himself(Kobe's 81 against Toronto). His legs and accumulation of shoulder, knee, and hand injuries have taken a toll.

I believe I posted before the season started that you could make a killing betting against the Lakers because Vegas overrates them.

And I took Utah Sunday. Tonight I wont tough it. They should beat Cleveland and had better. The line is right on the money. I like the knicks to pay back Brooklyn for an ass whoopin earlier in the month. Taking Denver and my Clippers too.

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So Strider. Do the Lakers recover enough to get in? I mean, you look at the West. The T Wolves are not chopped liver. Utah either. Dallas will get Dirk back. Golden St has Ellis and is better than they have been in years. /And they have a good head start. It would be a shock if the Lakers do not get in. Denver and Houston are both playoff teams if they were in the shitty East. Nash will give them a spark but not enough to beat the best teams in the West,. Like the Clippers

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If Nash can come back and be effective, the Lakers will win enough to get in...but as a low seed. They won't win the Division, and therefore will not have home court in the first round. It could be one-and-done for them.

Pau Gasol is a major question they have to deal with...and SOON! The tendinitis in his knees is a red flag that he may be breaking down physically as well as mentally. Look at game footage from the 2009-2010 season and now...it's shocking how far Pau's game has fallen.

Trade him? For who and what team?

As I said before, defense is a Lakers weakness...and defense is not Steve Nash or D'Antoni's forte. So even if Nash's return helps things offensively, the Lakers still have problems defensively.

The big cloud hanging over the season is that Dwight Howard is only signed for this season. If he doesn't like what he sees this year he will go thru the entire free agency thing again after the season. With all the coaching drama and Kobe calling out his teammates in public, Dwight might end up in Houston next year...or even back in Orlando. Anywhere but the L.A. circus. It takes a certain type of player to handle playing in LA, NY, Boston, Miami.

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