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New 1977 soundboard - Landover 25/5 & 30/5 - Empress Valley release

Triplet Kick

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I’d like to apologize ahead of time for being long-winded. I won’t make a habit of it, but I think Double Shot is a really important release, so I just want to finish my review.

After the very nice surprise of the May 25th show, I moved on to the 30th. The recording is even better - the balance is close to perfect for most of the show, and the sound is warm, clear and very “alive.” The drums could still be a little more crisp-sounding, but I really can’t emphasize enough what a huge leap this is from Dragon Snake and Bringing The House Down. Yes, the ’75 soundboards are still the standard of excellence, but this one comes close. I think a good sign of a soundboard’s quality is how well the guitar effects translate (think of how great Jimmy’s Sick Again phaser sounds on Flying Circus, for example). This recording has a similar “loyalty” to the effects - vocals, guitar, and everything else. It’s a REALLY good soundboard.

Like the 25th, the performance is very good to excellent. There were some songs on the 25th that I preferred to this night’s, but overall this is a better show, in my opinion. I don’t think Rob’s comments about “the last night” in Landover are empty stage patter at all - you can really hear the effort coming from all members of the band - they’re clearly trying to deliver a special night. At times it’s also clear that Rob is pacing himself, but that’s what a singer has to do, and his voice is in very good shape.

The first four songs are basically all part of one devastating opening attack. Rob comes in late for one verse of NFBM due to being hit with a bottle rocket, but that’s about the only hitch. Jimmy is remarkably precise, fast and daring, and Bonzo is on fire - check his drum roll at around 6:18 during IMTOD (complimenting Page, who’s in a wicked frenzy).

SIBLY is really spacious and epic sounding, but I kept flashing back to the version from the 25th, which sounded so unique to me. Tonight, they do everything right, and do it beautifully, but it’s more of a standard approach. Nothing wrong with that, though.

NQ is great tonight - one of the best. The 25th was good, but there were limp sections in the jam where they would pause and try to figure out what was next. Tonight they go from one point of inspiration to the next, almost without pause. There’s an audience patch, but I actually think it was handled in a cool way - Rob sings “they choose the path where no one goes,” and as “goes” is being drawn out and echoed, the audience source comes in and you find yourself in the midst of the Capitol Center crowd. I thought it was kind of trippy...and the audience source sounds better than my copy.

I like TYG better on this night. It sounds more heartfelt to me, and the effort is still showing every second - Page throws in some sweet sounding decorative trills that I haven’t heard before.

BoE can be magical on some nights, but this one seems a bit sub-par. The mandolin sound on this recording is still beautiful, but Jones’ guitar is down, and Rob seems to be going into “relax” mode. On some recordings of this song, Bonzo’s tambourine can make me smile with how HUGE it sounds, but it’s just a faint thump here.

Because of this, I expected there to be an an extended dip in the performance, but then the band delivers an absolutely gorgeous GTC. The instruments sound perfectly balanced with the vocals on this song, and the effects on the vocals come across wonderfully. Great performance.

BCWoman is a light, fun version, but the guitar is down in the mix again for some reason. I’m just glad it sounded right on GTC.

The Stomp features some nice upright bass, and although it sounds vaguely off-kilter to me, the crowd goes nuts at its conclusion. I should mention that the audience once again has a great, enthusiastic presence the whole night.

Jimmy plays a masterful WS/BMS, and I think this is one of the best recordings of the Danelectro that you’ll hear. It sounds awesome on this soundboard. Kashmir starts as an average version - the mellotron is in perfect tune, but other than that, there’s nothing really of note. Suddenly, around 3:50, JPJ starts bending the notes in a very dramatic, very swooping Arabic/Indian fashion. Maybe it’s just the recording, but I don’t remember him getting this far out with pitch-shifting on the mellotron. It sounds very cool, and at this point the whole band takes it up a few notches and performs the rest of the song with a lot of power.

Moby Dick is energetic again tonight, but not too notable in my opinion. The tympani section on the 25th made me feel like someone had spiked my coffee. I was looking forward to that feeling again, but no luck.

The Guitar Solo is kind of the same story. I thought it was concise, disciplined, and very strong on the 25th, but it sounds lackadaisical here. You can clearly hear the crowd going into rapture though, so it’s good to remember this was a dramatic visual moment as well.

Achilles is mostly strong, and Jimmy comes through with some great playing, but the version on the 25th had me on the edge of my seat, and I’d say it’s the better of the two.

The balance tilts back to the 30th with an epic version of Stairway to Heaven, complete with a brilliant guitar solo and passionate vocals from Rob. This will be on some people’s list of favorites, I think.

WLL sounds badass - all 72 seconds of it. I was sorry that it ended so soon, but RR is really energetic and has a great frenzied ending.

I truly think these Landover soundboards are special and they shouldn’t be passed over with a shrug and a ho-hum.

The 77 tour is finally represented with very good soundboards of two very good-to-excellent shows. A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this.

Edited by mielazul
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Thanks! I appreciate it! I hate to keep pestering, but I would like to see scans of the other cases because I was gonna edit them to be for jewel-cases and print them out. It would still be highly appreciated!

No worries - here you go. If there's a really tough one that you haven't been able to find, let me know and I'll scan it for you. Also, I'm sure you already know there's a Zeppelin art site (not sure how current it is though) http://www.zeppelinart.com/. I've been on your end of these deals and have totally appreciated when people put stuff out for me. Have some fun! Talk to you later...





Edited by billyst
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I truly think these Landover soundboards are special and they shouldn’t be passed over with a shrug and a ho-hum.

The 77 tour is finally represented with very good soundboards of two very good-to-excellent shows. A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this.

Nice Review. Sorry I am slacking. I'm listening to all 4 shows in order and will write back at that time. Thanks for covering the acoustic set - I think this sometimes defines the entire show. BofE is always one of my favorites - I will particulary listen to this as I am evaluating. I miss Bonzo.

Edited by billyst
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Thanks for covering the acoustic set - I think this sometimes defines the entire show. BofE is always one of my favorites - I will particulary listen to this as I am evaluating. I miss Bonzo.

Does anybody know why Bonzo seemed to choose the Landover shows to lend his voice to "Battle Of Evermore"? He sings along with JPJ at least three out of four nights (I couldn't detect him on May 25, but he coulda been singing there too)- something I'm not sure if he did on other dates on the tour? I don't recall Bonham's singing being heard on any of the other '77 SBDS, at least.

I reckon somebody like Strider would know (did Bonzo sing on BOE on the L.A. dates for example?)

I seem to recall Robert making a remark during one of the acoustic sets (can't remember which gig at the mo) about "Crosby, Stills, Nash and Bonham" :lol:

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Nice Review. Sorry I am slacking. I'm listening to all 4 shows in order and will write back at that time. Thanks for covering the acoustic set - I think this sometimes defines the entire show. BofE is always one of my favorites - I will particulary listen to this as I am evaluating. I miss Bonzo.

Oh, you're not slacking at all - I wasn't directing that at anybody who wasn't as thrilled with this release as I was...I was just urging people to check it out, for sure.

I totally agree that the acoustic sets were often a source of magic during the 77 shows. Like I said though, it seems to me that the instrumental balance in the acoustic set is the main weakness on these new releases. It's weird, because the acoustic set is nicely balanced in the audience recordings. I'm not sure about this - I'd love to hear from somebody who's an expert - but we're probably getting the monitor mix as opposed to what was fed through the PA, and they probably had to bring the volume down in the monitors for the acoustic set to avoid feedback. Still...Going To California sounds great to me on the 30th.

Well, Happy Jimmy Page's Birthday!

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Please tell...

they are coming out with their own double shot set - what do you guys of their practice of ripping off EVSD to resale their own packaged version? I understand that legally, no one is going to start a fight, but what is the difference between downloading the FLAC and burning them onto a CD and buying Eelgrass' versions? To have them on silver cds? with some artwork to go with it?
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they are coming out with their own double shot set - what do you guys of their practice of ripping off EVSD to resale their own packaged version? I understand that legally, no one is going to start a fight, but what is the difference between downloading the FLAC and burning them onto a CD and buying Eelgrass' versions? To have them on silver cds? with some artwork to go with it?

See what I said on the previous page about everybody and their goddamn dog releasing their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!! versions :lol:

Unless Eelgrass does indeed add different EQ or whathaveyou to their version, it'll be exactly the same as EVSD's, just different packaging. And people will buy it (price be damned, and I think we all know it- it's the "Collect 'em all!" mentality at work), upload it, etc...not quite the same as 'polluting' the trading pool, no, but, Jesus, how much fucking recycling do ya need? Still, that's the way it goes, I s'pose- every bootleg company just hasta put out their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!!

version, that's the way it's always been, whether it's a pristine new soundboard or an audience tape recorded from the back of the arena on the finest tin can and string money can buy...just goes to show PT Barnum was right after all...

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See what I said on the previous page about everybody and their goddamn dog releasing their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!! versions :lol:

Unless Eelgrass does indeed add different EQ or whathaveyou to their version, it'll be exactly the same as EVSD's, just different packaging. And people will buy it (price be damned, and I think we all know it- it's the "Collect 'em all!" mentality at work), upload it, etc...not quite the same as 'polluting' the trading pool, no, but, Jesus, how much fucking recycling do ya need? Still, that's the way it goes, I s'pose- every bootleg company just hasta put out their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!!

version, that's the way it's always been, whether it's a pristine new soundboard or an audience tape recorded from the back of the arena on the finest tin can and string money can buy...just goes to show PT Barnum was right after all...

what did PT Barnum say? And who is this person?
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See what I said on the previous page about everybody and their goddamn dog releasing their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!! versions :lol:

Unless Eelgrass does indeed add different EQ or whathaveyou to their version, it'll be exactly the same as EVSD's, just different packaging. And people will buy it (price be damned, and I think we all know it- it's the "Collect 'em all!" mentality at work), upload it, etc...not quite the same as 'polluting' the trading pool, no, but, Jesus, how much fucking recycling do ya need? Still, that's the way it goes, I s'pose- every bootleg company just hasta put out their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!!

version, that's the way it's always been, whether it's a pristine new soundboard or an audience tape recorded from the back of the arena on the finest tin can and string money can buy...just goes to show PT Barnum was right after all...

Eelgrass is usually a cheaper version and always sounds the same as EV, to me. If I buy a disc anymore, it's usually Eelgrass months after the initial rush.

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Does anybody know why Bonzo seemed to choose the Landover shows to lend his voice to "Battle Of Evermore"? He sings along with JPJ at least three out of four nights (I couldn't detect him on May 25, but he coulda been singing there too)- something I'm not sure if he did on other dates on the tour? I don't recall Bonham's singing being heard on any of the other '77 SBDS, at least.

I reckon somebody like Strider would know (did Bonzo sing on BOE on the L.A. dates for example?)

I seem to recall Robert making a remark during one of the acoustic sets (can't remember which gig at the mo) about "Crosby, Stills, Nash and Bonham" :lol:

My seats weren't close enough for me to see clearly who was singing into which mic at which time, other than Robert. The way the mics were set up and angled obscured part of their faces from my vantage point in the audience on some nights...and other nights I was just too far away in the Loge or Colonnade section to tell.

Plus, due to circumstances such as smoking a little grass and other things I shouldn't have been doing, my memories of the 75 and 77 shows have always been hazier than the 72 and 73 ones. They're more impressionistic in general, with a few exceptions.

As for Bonzo singing on BOE...as exhuberant as he was in that Forum run of shows, I wouldn't be surprised if he did add his vocals on a night or two.

I think I was listening to Houston 77 and heard him on BOE...unless I'm confusing that with the Powhatan Confederacy Landover show.

I haven't listened to the 6.7.77 Soundboard in a year, so I cannot remember if Bonzo is on BOE on that night. As a rule, it seems to be easier to tell if Bonzo's singing on the soundboards than the audience tapes...even Millard's.

As for your initial question: Maybe Bonzo was upset at Jimmy usurping his vocal duties on Stomp and decided to find another opportunity to sing, and BOE provided one.

See what I said on the previous page about everybody and their goddamn dog releasing their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!! versions :lol:

Unless Eelgrass does indeed add different EQ or whathaveyou to their version, it'll be exactly the same as EVSD's, just different packaging. And people will buy it (price be damned, and I think we all know it- it's the "Collect 'em all!" mentality at work), upload it, etc...not quite the same as 'polluting' the trading pool, no, but, Jesus, how much fucking recycling do ya need? Still, that's the way it goes, I s'pose- every bootleg company just hasta put out their own SUPER DUPER NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!!

version, that's the way it's always been, whether it's a pristine new soundboard or an audience tape recorded from the back of the arena on the finest tin can and string money can buy...just goes to show PT Barnum was right after all...

I would say for the most part that is true. But there are exceptions. For instance, Godfatherecords "That's Alright New York" CLEARLY is superior to EVSD's "Flying Circus", Red Devil's "Madison Square Graffiti" and other bootleg label's releases of the 2.12.75 Soundboard.

People always think I'm playing an official release when they hear that.

what did PT Barnum say? And who is this person?

You're joking, right?

Edited by Strider
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For instance, Godfatherecords "That's Alright New York" CLEARLY is superior to EVSD's "Flying Circus", Red Devil's "Madison Square Graffiti" and other bootleg label's releases of the 2.12.75 Soundboard.

People always think I'm playing an official release when they hear that.

'That's Alright New York' is defintely my favourite version of 1975/02/12 as well!

Edited by Sue Dounim
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My seats weren't close enough for me to see clearly who was singing into which mic at which time, other than Robert. The way the mics were set up and angled obscured part of their faces from my vantage point in the audience on some nights...and other nights I was just too far away in the Loge or Colonnade section to tell.

Plus, due to circumstances such as smoking a little grass and other things I shouldn't have been doing, my memories of the 75 and 77 shows have always been hazier than the 72 and 73 ones. They're more impressionistic in general, with a few exceptions.

As for Bonzo singing on BOE...as exhuberant as he was in that Forum run of shows, I wouldn't be surprised if he did add his vocals on a night or two.

I think I was listening to Houston 77 and heard him on BOE...unless I'm confusing that with the Powhatan Confederacy Landover show.

I haven't listened to the 6.7.77 Soundboard in a year, so I cannot remember if Bonzo is on BOE on that night. As a rule, it seems to be easier to tell if Bonzo's singing on the soundboards than the audience tapes...even Millard's.

As for your initial question: Maybe Bonzo was upset at Jimmy usurping his vocal duties on Stomp and decided to find another opportunity to sing, and BOE provided one.

I would say for the most part that is true. But there are exceptions. For instance, Godfatherecords "That's Alright New York" CLEARLY is superior to EVSD's "Flying Circus", Red Devil's "Madison Square Graffiti" and other bootleg label's releases of the 2.12.75 Soundboard.

People always think I'm playing an official release when they hear that.

You're joking, right?

no, i'm french.
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That's because you have impeccable taste.

Another case where Godfatherecords clearly slams the EVSD and eelgrass releases is the 2.16.75 St. Louis sbd. Compare Godfather's "Rock Saint Louis Roll" with EVSD's "St. Louis Blues...it's no contest.

Then there is 3.11.75 Long Beach. EVSD's release was at the wrong speed, while Godfatherecords "The American Return" was at the proper speed.

Plus, the Godfather release is cheaper than EVSD and has better artwork and packaging.

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no, i'm french.

In that case, I'll explain.

P.T. Barnum was a huckster showman...are you familiar with the Barnum & Bailey Circus?

Anyway, he is reputedly to have said "There's a sucker born every minute." I say 'reputedly' because there is now doubt about whether he actually said such a thing and there exists no confirmed attribution.

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In that case, I'll explain.

P.T. Barnum was a huckster showman...are you familiar with the Barnum & Bailey Circus?

Anyway, he is reputedly to have said "There's a sucker born every minute." I say 'reputedly' because there is now doubt about whether he actually said such a thing and there exists no confirmed attribution.

ah, thank you. Very Sacha Guitry.
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what did PT Barnum say? And who is this person?

He was an American showman in the 1800s. He promoted things like the circus, freakshows, etc. He's often quoted as saying "There's a fool born every minute," or "There's a sucker born every minute," or something like that.

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I tried my hand at making alternate covers that are accurate (or close to being accurate) for MM. Also switched the runes around so that it would all still make sense. Thanks to billyst for uploading the original scans to begin with. I'm not gonna lie, this was a semi-rush job on MS Paint, and I had to resize the covers so that new images wouldn't become too pixelated. If I could find scans of the back covers as well I'll edit those up too.

Edited by Sue Dounim
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