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Raw MSG footage


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When I lived in FL, someone had a bootleg of a San Fran show from '75 or '77? Not sure of the year. It sounded SO much better than TSRTS and it was an ok quality boot. You could hear the power of our favorite band which in TSRTS they sound, tired.


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I found the experience of watching the film...magical? I don't know; I've always enjoyed it. The fantasy sequences give you a peak into the heads of the band-members, and the actual concert footage/soundtrack is (barring a few faults) impeccable.


When I lived in FL, someone had a bootleg of a San Fran show from '75 or '77? Not sure of the year. It sounded SO much better than TSRTS and it was an ok quality boot. You could hear the power of our favorite band which in TSRTS they sound, tired.


I would suggest that you listen to the remastered/remixed version, if you haven't already. Sonically, it is an immense improvment over the 1976 release.

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I found the experience of watching the film...magical? I don't know; I've always enjoyed it. The fantasy sequences give you a peak into the heads of the band-members, and the actual concert footage/soundtrack is (barring a few faults) impeccable.

Utter bullshit.

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Quoting Henrik's quote above: "shooting in 35-mm film but on 400 foot rolls" - if this is true, then people, that explains why TSRTS footage is so inconsistent. Changing a reel every 3.5 minutes at a music show? This show-all-the-footage pipe dream has been discussed many times here and elsewhere - even a minor understanding of filmmaking would comprehend that 400ft rolls@3.5min each + Zep gig x 3hrs + bad PM decision = Missing entire/complete songs. We can't get that which probably doesn't exist. Let it go, man. :bubble:

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The fantasy parts are just unnessesary, but that's my opinion. I saw Zep in Tampa that same tour. The Zep in Tampa and the Zep in TSRTS are not the same, and that's by a long shot, again, my opinion. When I saw TSRTS in the theater I was embarrassed to say the least, and that's because I kept bragging about how awesome Zep was in concert and the film wasn't what my friends were expecting, especially with all my bragging about how awesome they are in concert. Celebration Day rights all the wrongs of TSRTS.


Yeah, the fantasy sequences were fine the first time you saw the movie drunk and/or stoned out of your mind...it was 1976 and the band wasn't touring and if you were a Zephead, you were suffering withdrawals so any bit of live Led Zeppelin on film was welcome.

But after the first couple times of viewing the movie, you began to get annoyed at all the intrusions into the live footage(and by all the shoddy editing and obvious mismatched footage...see Jones switch shirts right in the middle of the song! See Jones with wig and without!). You wanted to see the band during No Quarter, TSRST, Rain Song. You wanted to see how Jimmy and Robert made those sounds during the bow segment of Dazed and Confused.

That's what makes "Celebration Day" so awesome...you get to see the band at work. PLAYING. No extraneous bullshit distractions.

When the remastered TSRTS was released back in 2007, I posted a long response expressing my disappointment with the result and how Jimmy could have avoided the whole movie copyright thing to begin with...and I still say Jimmy approached the whole remastering project the wrong way.

Of course, now Joe Massot is dead and who knows what is and what isn't there. Obviously they have no complete MSG show...if they did, they wouldn't have needed to go to Shepperton in 74. Joe and his crew of stoners were incompetent boobs...again, this is a viewpoint I've had for 35 years and it's made some people mad.

But for the OP and others that have this pipe dream of complete raw footage of 73 MSG existing...give it up. It's a fantasy.

When I lived in FL, someone had a bootleg of a San Fran show from '75 or '77? Not sure of the year. It sounded SO much better than TSRTS and it was an ok quality boot. You could hear the power of our favorite band which in TSRTS they sound, tired.


No SF dates in 1975 and the Oakland 77 boots do not sound better than TSRTS. You must be thinking of the June 2, 1973 Kezar Stadium show...sometimes booted under the title of "Persistence".

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The LP is a great illustration if not the truth about how the band was at that certain moment in those nights. Hell I'd take TSRTS for HTWWW any day, even thou I love HTWWW, but that 1973 North American tour was the ONE! And movie isn't bad, while I do agree that some things were unnescessary like the Fantasy sequence and all of that, I still think it's a remarkable "live" performance by the best band in the world at the moment.

But it kinda leaves me pissed because it's not a true live performance, a pristine reproduction of what was going on that night, like we have from RAH in 1970, so I get what people's feelings sometimes are towards the Movie.

Let's just wait this year and see what Jimmy has in his vault. Maybe it will surprise us.

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I'm sure some of you already have boots of Zep live. I found a link to the whole concert on guitars101.com but am leary of downloading a virus. But this is the only song I've found from my magical night from the metalden.com..click on the middle picture of Robert. To me it sounds so much better than TSRTS version.



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When charlie rose asked page, plant and jones on cbs morning show, if they ever thought they were the best band in the world, maybe they did in 73 and that had something to do with making this movie. imo they were they best band in rock music in 73, live and with they're four albums. Everyone from the beatles to the ramones tried to control they're image and legend, but over time of a career, never seem to be able to totally do that. i think the movie is a good cult classic, but doesnt stand up over time, yet the record does. imo. In retrospect it seems it would have benefited the band if they released the album asap in 1973, would have tempered the rock critics and only brought new fans.

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I LOVED the second guitar solo on Celebration Day, on the original SRTS. And then it was gone on the Kevin Shirley version. I was really sad about that...and then kind of angry. I contacted Kevin Shirley to ask him about it, in fact - his e-mail was available on some engineering site. I was surprised to hear back from him right away...but he just gave me some bullshit about not having the film to match that performance. And I don't mean to say I don't believe him...but there's so much random matching of video to sound in that movie, I thought what's a little more to save a great performance? I still have a couple of the old copies, but I feel bad that future listeners will be robbed of hearing that solo, and so much else.

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That is up to each person to individually decide, so don't pass it off as a fact that it isn't Led Zeppelin's greatest performance.

Again, I saw them in Tampa that same tour. TSRTS was NOT the same Zep I saw that magical night. When sitting in the theater when TSRTS was released I was saying WTH is this? TSRTS is NOT Zeppelin at their best by a very huge margin.


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I love the CD, because, it was the first time I heard live Led Zeppelin, my head fucking spun, hearing them live, it then drove my thirst for these "bootlegs" I was hearing about, and as a time frame, I'm 43 years old, and I first got TSRTS in 1987 when I was 17, and I also hate that the remastered CD, is different, original No Quarter guitar solo is magic

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I love the CD, because, it was the first time I heard live Led Zeppelin, my head fucking spun, hearing them live, it then drove my thirst for these "bootlegs" I was hearing about, and as a time frame, I'm 43 years old, and I first got TSRTS in 1987 when I was 17, and I also hate that the remastered CD, is different, original No Quarter guitar solo is magic

I'm close in age and close to the experience you described. I didn't mean to get off topic here, but it all comes back to this talk about raw footage anyway...and in a way, this was the worst - and totally unforeseen - consequence of the filmmaker's ineptitude...that years later, great music would be deleted because of a (totally imaginary) need to match the new soundtrack with the new mash of footage.

I don't mean to be negative though - I'm a true believer in Led Zeppelin's longevity, and I'm sure every document available - even long-deleted SRTS solos - will be poured over by future 17 year olds...on some colony on Mars, maybe.

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oh wow i didn't realize that!

Does anyone know if this version is posted online anywhere?

I LOVED the second guitar solo on Celebration Day, on the original SRTS. And then it was gone on the Kevin Shirley version. I was really sad about that...and then kind of angry. I contacted Kevin Shirley to ask him about it, in fact - his e-mail was available on some engineering site. I was surprised to hear back from him right away...but he just gave me some bullshit about not having the film to match that performance. And I don't mean to say I don't believe him...but there's so much random matching of video to sound in that movie, I thought what's a little more to save a great performance? I still have a couple of the old copies, but I feel bad that future listeners will be robbed of hearing that solo, and so much else.

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oh wow i didn't realize that!

Does anyone know if this version is posted online anywhere?

Hey, I'm not sure if you mean the Celebration Day version I was talking about, but you can find it on youtube pretty easily.

The first one I found was under the title "Celebration Day (live) - Led Zeppelin - vinyl"

It almost certainly is not the best clip you can find, but you can try other searches....maybe SRTS Celebration Day, original mix or something like that.

I'm sorry I didn't paste it in - I need to learn that basic skill, I'm embarrassed to say - but check out the clip. The original version is considerably better than what they have out now...and the second guitar solo is just pure rock and roll genius, especially the way he flows back seamlessly to the riff at the end of it. Hope you like it.

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