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Roberts Jeans


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:lol: The ambulance is on it's way!


I always thought that I know what it means "sexy man", but now I see, that I don´t know anything!

Robert´s beauty is the absolute celebration of grace and sexappeal!!!

I think you must revive me as well!!

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I always thought that I know what it means "sexy man", but now I see, that I don´t know anything!

I understand that! I'm a very new fan to Robert (and Zep) myself. I had always thought he was a good looking guy, but never really paid attention as to how beautiful he actually was (is!). But I do remember watching TSRTS before I was a fan and literally losing my breath looking at Robert during the scene where he's walking with his family. I remember thinking he was the most perfect man ever. I need to find some screenshots of that! :)

Edited to say: Found it! A little blurry, but you get the idea.


Edited by Roxie
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I understand that! I'm a very new fan to Robert (and Zep) myself. I had always thought he was a good looking guy, but never really paid attention as to how beautiful he actually was (is!). But I do remember watching TSRTS before I was a fan and literally losing my breath looking at Robert during the scene where he's walking with his family. I remember thinking he was the most perfect man ever. I need to find some screenshots of that! :)

Edited to say: Found it! A little blurry, but you get the idea.


Oh yeah, that scene is perfectly beautiful! I always enjoy watching it. I remember seeing him for the first time...i didn't realized what was going on but i was shoked...and after few minutes i realized he was the sexiest man i had ever seen :rolleyes:

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Such gorgeous pics, I have never seen before! I must admitt, I have nearly fainted :wub:

Such a load of sexappeal is pretty dangerous :D

I was thinking over the whole evening yesterday about -what makes Robert so sexy? And I have found it out: he is the ideal combination between the boyish innocence and the explosive erotic.With those blonde locks he looks like an angel with a little devil in his gorgeous body. His smile is so disarming-you must love him. His sexappeal is not obtrusive or vulgar though he is mostly half naked- he is simply and only BEAUTIFUL!!!

Excuse my gritty English- I think we understand each other :D :D

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Such gorgeous pics, I have never seen before! I must admitt, I have nearly fainted :wub:

Such a load of sexappeal is pretty dangerous :D

I was thinking over the whole evening yesterday about -what makes Robert so sexy? And I have found it out: he is the ideal combination between the boyish innocence and the explosive erotic.With those blonde locks he looks like an angel with a little devil in his gorgeous body. His smile is so disarming-you must love him. His sexappeal is not obtrusive or vulgar though he is mostly half naked- he is simply and only BEAUTIFUL!!!

Excuse my gritty English- I think we understand each other :D :D

Well, I have to agree here! *****sigh*****

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I was thinking over the whole evening yesterday about -what makes Robert so sexy? And I have found it out: he is the ideal combination between the boyish innocence and the explosive erotic.With those blonde locks he looks like an angel with a little devil in his gorgeous body. His smile is so disarming-you must love him. His sexappeal is not obtrusive or vulgar though he is mostly half naked- he is simply and only BEAUTIFUL!!!

Excuse my gritty English- I think we understand each other :D :D

I couldn't agree more as it is exactly what i was thinking!!!!!! Seriously, i have realized it recently)))) Ah, you simply has written my thoughts :watchingyou::drunk::D

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