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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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Anyone think Cano will be out of NY? I say the Dodgers may pony up

If they do, they're idiots that deserve whatever wreckage ensues from that folly. As A-Roid and Pujols have shown, NO player is worth a $200 million plus contract. It is an albatross that dooms the franchise. Any GM that pays Cano what he's asking should be relieved of his job immediately.

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If they do, they're idiots that deserve whatever wreckage ensues from that folly. As A-Roid and Pujols have shown, NO player is worth a $200 million plus contract. It is an albatross that dooms the franchise. Any GM that pays Cano what he's asking should be relieved of his job immediately.

But no doubt the Yankees or Dodgers will bite

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Francona over Farrell? Cleveland was a nice story and all, but come on...Boston was left for dead after the Bobby Valentine fiasco. I didn't see one prognosticator pick Boston, while Cleveland was given a chance to make the playoffs by a few.

Throw in the tragedy and upheaval of the Boston Marathon attack, and the way Farrell rallied his team and an entire city and finished with the best record in the league...to not name him Manager of the Year is a joke.

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There are those who feel this was the baseball writer's way of making it up to Tito Francona for not ever winning Manager of the Year while he was in Boston.

I was shocked Farrell didn't get it, but I'm sure John won't shed too many tears over it while he's polishing the World Series trophy.

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The A-Roid soap opera continues; I'm just hoping MLB nails him to the wall & gives him something close to the 211 game ban MLB sentenced him to from the start...


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^^ That is interesting, can't wait to hear Bong-Man's take on it. Don't know if Prince will have the protection in the Texas lineup that he had in Detroit, but on the other hand his power might increase playing in that bandbox in Texas as opposed to Detroit's Comerica Park.

I'm happy as hell. I can't believe we were able to unload the guy to anybody. I don't want to rip on him too bad. Losing 100 rbis isn't anything to snuff at. He's had some personal problems this year and it clearly affected his play. I never liked Cabrera and Fielder back to back in our lineup. Sure it was nice when the homers were flying, but those moments were rare. An opposing pitcher could have Cabrera at 2nd and Fielder on 1st, and we'd need two hits to score anybody. Rally killing double plays were too easy. I also firmly believe that Fielder is a total liability at 1st base.....worst I've ever seen in my 45 years of watching ball and you all got a taste of that in the playoffs. Now we move Cabrera back to 1st and our infield is greatly improved, and Miggie's body won't take as much abuse over a whole season. We also owed Fielder 185 million, so this frees up money to pay Scherzer and Cabrera for future deals. Dombrowski isn't done yet. There will be another major trade to get at least a left fielder and some relief help. Sanchez is signed with a workable contract, so he might be trade bait. Stay tuned.

Not a big fan of the Tiger's managerial choice. He was a great catcher, but the thing I remember most about Ausmus was his constant arguing with umpires when he was a Tiger (twice). I sure hope as a manager that he has the maturity to get past that. He has no managing experience, so how he handles the veteran players on our team remains to be seen.

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Not a big fan of the Tiger's managerial choice. He was a great catcher, but the thing I remember most about Ausmus was his constant arguing with umpires when he was a Tiger (twice). I sure hope as a manager that he has the maturity to get past that. He has no managing experience, so how he handles the veteran players on our team remains to be seen.

I found this laugh-out-loud funny. I do have a weird sense of humor though...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it looks like my Orioles are looking to trade Jim Johnson and that is music to my ears. The Dodgers are interested I hear. I think Tommy Hunter is capable. But I know they have alot of plans for some of their young guys, Bundy included. With all the Gold glovers on this team, Johnson managed to fuck things up and cost us a playoff birth with his shoddy ass pitching. Throwing it all over the place. I hope they get a good price for him.

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