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Why the Republicans lost in 2012


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A Democratic strategist cuts through the bullshit right to the heart of the matter.

An excellent read.

Mostly because it's completely true.

And yes, this is a political thread.

If you're bored of politics, then just ignore it.

But don't come posting about how tired you are of political threads.

I find it interesting, and some others do, too.

And if Sag happens to read this, I'll be the first to say my mind has continued to change regarding John McCain.

I still respect him for his service, and for what he endured, but he's a miserable failure as a politician.

He's part of what's destroying the Republican party, and he needs to go.

Article here - http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/03/14/Caddell-Blows-the-Lid-Off-CPAC-With-Blistering-Attack-on-Racketeering-Republican-Consultants


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Hey there TypeO, yep I am here. You know I love these political threads...

Good post and I must admit, I vote for the person, never the party. If the republicans field a viable candidate in 2016 I would vote republican, no problem, I simply yearn for the days (politically that is) of the Eisenhower type republican party. What I really liked about the politics of that era is the bipartisanship, you had John Kennedy siding with republicans against his own party if he thought it was right, as many others on both sides did back then. Sure, during the election cycle it was "all party," but when it came down to governing both the dems and repubs usually did what was in the best interest of the country and not their party.

Cheers TypeO, keep up the good work!!!

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id say Obama won because the US government and media create an atmosphere of fear so when you're stuck and that frame of mind, you don't want change, you play it safe! Obama said his administration would be the most transparent, not true, troops our of Iraq during his first term, not true, a rollback of the patriot act, not true. closing of Guantanamo, not true, same policies, different face! the 9/11 drug is wearing thin, the US is becoming a police state..now they say its legal and ethical to use drones on American soil, land of the free? not anymore

Edited by henrybonzo
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I'd say this is more a sympton of a deeper underlying problems with the Republicans essentially becoming the tool of a relatively small number of rich donners, hence the need to create a climate of hate and bigotry in order to get the average working man to vote agenst his own interests.

Edited by greenman
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I'd say this is more a sympton of a deeper underlying problems with the Republicans essentially becoming the tool of a relatively small number of rich donners, hence the need to create a climate of hate and bigotry in order to get the average working man to vote agenst his own interests.

The part of this I don't agree with is who is creating the climate of hate and bigotry.

That's not a winning formula, and most Republicans don't support that.

That climate is fed by the left and the media (again, redundant) to keep the party from appearing to evolve, which it definitely is doing.

Once that stigma is attached, ANY reference, legitimate or not, reinforces the stereotype.

Are the vast majority of racist bigots (redundant) Republican?


But as a whole, they are a relatively small minority, just like the percentage of radical left-wing activists is very small.

But the entire party - politicians and voters alike - get painted with that broad generic brush, and it's not accurate.

Just like the stereotype of "rich Republican donors".

So much hay was made about the $50,000-per-plate fundraiser where Romney made his 47% remark, yet Obama held just as many equally expensive-per-plate fundraisers.

Hell, even after shutting down White House tours under the guise of "cutting back because of the sequester", Obama is shamelessly selling facetime access for $500,000.

Where's the outrage?

Where's the commentary about being out-of-touch with common folk, the outrage Romney was constantly hammered with?

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id say Obama won because the US government and media create an atmosphere of fear so when you're stuck and that frame of mind, you don't want change, you play it safe! Obama said his administration would be the most transparent, not true, troops our of Iraq during his first term, not true, a rollback of the patriot act, not true. closing of Guantanamo, not true, same policies, different face! the 9/11 drug is wearing thin, the US is becoming a police state..now they say its legal and ethical to use drones on American soil, land of the free? not anymore


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id say Obama won because the US government and media create an atmosphere of fear so when you're stuck and that frame of mind, you don't want change, you play it safe! Obama said his administration would be the most transparent, not true, troops our of Iraq during his first term, not true, a rollback of the patriot act, not true. closing of Guantanamo, not true, same policies, different face! the 9/11 drug is wearing thin, the US is becoming a police state..now they say its legal and ethical to use drones on American soil, land of the free? not anymore

The part of this I don't agree with is who is creating the climate of hate and bigotry.

That's not a winning formula, and most Republicans don't support that.

That climate is fed by the left and the media (again, redundant) to keep the party from appearing to evolve, which it definitely is doing.

Once that stigma is attached, ANY reference, legitimate or not, reinforces the stereotype.

Are the vast majority of racist bigots (redundant) Republican?


But as a whole, they are a relatively small minority, just like the percentage of radical left-wing activists is very small.

But the entire party - politicians and voters alike - get painted with that broad generic brush, and it's not accurate.

Just like the stereotype of "rich Republican donors".

So much hay was made about the $50,000-per-plate fundraiser where Romney made his 47% remark, yet Obama held just as many equally expensive-per-plate fundraisers.

Hell, even after shutting down White House tours under the guise of "cutting back because of the sequester", Obama is shamelessly selling facetime access for $500,000.

Where's the outrage?

Where's the commentary about being out-of-touch with common folk, the outrage Romney was constantly hammered with?

Please...fear doesn't play political favourites. Before Obama got in office, we had 8 years of Bush/Cheney/Rove fomenting fear at every opportunity. The Republicans and their lapdog, Fox News are experts at this and have been at it far longer than the Democrats. That's why Fox News purposely got Obama's name wrong on their graphics and news scrolls...they knew every time they referred to the President as Osama instead of Obama, it would link the President to Muslims/terrorists in the minds of its viewers. It is no accident that more viewers of Fox mistakenly believed that Obama was a Muslim than viewers of other networks.

The GOP for years has tried to create an atmosphere of fear of black people, brown people, gay people, educated people, women, the yellow peril...the list goes on and on. It was the GOP and Fox News that came up with that goofy phrase "Fiscal Cliff" to terrify the average viewer into thinking doom was imminent. It was Sarah Palin who coined the odious and utter lie that "death panels" would dot the land if the new healthcare plan was passed. Then there's the ridiculous threat that the GOP always trots out to frighten the local yokels...the Democrats are going to take their guns away! Which, as any sane person with a grasp of reality and politics knows, ain't ever gonna happen! It's a bullshit threat...a strawman argument that distracts the rubes from the real issues.

So please don't expect me to feel sorry for you Republicans crying about how Obama and the media are being mean to you, boo-boo-hoo...you guys started it and have been at it far longer and far more viciously than the Democrats. You helped create this poisonous atmosphere and now that you aren't winning, you cry foul. Tough luck. Deal with it.

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So please don't expect me to feel sorry for you Republicans crying about how Obama and the media are being mean to you, boo-boo-hoo...you guys started it and have been at it far longer and far more viciously than the Democrats. You helped create this poisonous atmosphere and now that you aren't winning, you cry foul. Tough luck. Deal with it.

The GOP and FOX News is hardly the equivalent of Obama/Democrats and the ALL THE REST of broadcast and cable media.

Would you TRULY prefer there was no FOX News?

Would you honestly be glad to have every major news outlet to be left-of-center all the way through to the fringe?

Being liberal is one thing, but I wouldn't imagine you to be one to prefer the elimination of opposing views altogether.

FOX does nothing the rest of the liberal media hasn't done for quite some time, it just wasn't as obvious what they (liberal media) were doing until FOX did it from the opposite side.

Personally, I would not be OK with all the media being only right-wing.

When I had cable, I watched FOX least of all, I monitored MSNBC, CNN and the broadcast networks more than any, to get a feel for how they're presenting events.

As for poisonous atmosphere, in my opinion the 2000 election changed respect for the office of President forever.

Democratic politicians took opposition to previously unreached depths of disrespect and behavior that was practically seditious.

Republicans weren't friendly with Clinton, but they still basically worked together when necessary for the benefit of the country.

But that can't be said about the Democrats once Bush took office.

They were so wrapped around the axle about losing to Bush, they seemed to have made a goal out of proving that he wouldn't be "a uniter" - one of the campaign promises he made.

Other than the next year or so after 9/11 when they had no choice but to lay low, they went so far out of their way to oppose Bush on pretty much ANYthing that eventually they found themselves turning 180s on previous positions since Bush had done the same.

Think about that - Bush changed his position to what the Dems previously held, and instead of finally agreeing, they reversed as well in order to maintain direct opposition.

And now the Dems cry because the Republicans are doing the same thing the Dems did for 8 years.

They were the Party of NO for all those years.

But here's where the excuses don't hold up.

Obama had majorities across the board for the first 2 years and STILL didn't pass anything except his partisan goals.

No budget for 5 years in a row now.

Do you think the media would be as quiet had Bush failed to produce a budget for even 1 year?

Yet we haven't had a budget passed since 2008.

And regardless if FOX coined the term Fiscal Cliff, the whole sequestration debacle was created by Obama and the Democrats, supposedly to insure this would never actually happen.

What kind of Bizarro World reasoning is that?

We'll create consequences so damaging that we would never let it actually happen!

Are you fucking kidding me?

But then again, it's the same party that said we need to pass the bill so we can see what's in it.

There's a proud moment in legislative history.

Anyway, I didn't think the original article I posted should stir up the generic Republican vs. Democratic arguments.

It was more about a precise and insightful explanation of what's wrong with the Republican party.

Rand Paul was staging a filibuster on a real, very serious issue while the rest of the McCain Club went to Obama's schmoozefest dinner.

THAT's what's wrong with the Republican Party right there.

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It was the GOP and Fox News that came up with that goofy phrase "Fiscal Cliff" to terrify the average viewer into thinking doom was imminent.

No worse than Obummer giving apocalyptic speeches about what would happen if the sequester went into effect. Like all hell is going to break loose if we dare cut $85 billion out of a $3.6 trillion budget. Of course he's prolly doing it so he can blame the R's when the economy starts to tank and the "blame Bush" strategy can only go so far.

It was Sarah Palin who coined the odious and utter lie that "death panels" would dot the land if the new healthcare plan was passed.

How can you call it a lie when the law hasn't even gone into effect yet and nobody really knows what's going to happen with it? Hope she's wrong too but to say it's a lie seems a bit premature.

Then there's the ridiculous threat that the GOP always trots out to frighten the local yokels...the Democrats are going to take their guns away! Which, as any sane person with a grasp of reality and politics knows, ain't ever gonna happen! It's a bullshit threat...a strawman argument that distracts the rubes from the real issues.

Are not the Dems pushing for stricter gun control laws? Sure, it's not going to happen overnight, but you've heard of the frog in the boiling water anecdote about the gradual erosion of our rights. I agree though that the gun control debate is a strawman argument being used by politicians to distract people from important issues that affect their daily lives like the lousy economy, unemployment, inflation, etc.

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Type O, I don't watch any of the national broadcast media, that's how disgusted I am with pretty much all television news. If I watch any news at all, it is the BBC, or CNN if I can't get the BBC. I also watch the international newscasts(Germany, Canada, France, Al Jazeera) from time to time. I get most of my news from reading newspapers: Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The London Times and The Guardian...and magazines: The Economist, Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, National Review, the New Yorker.

Internet websites I'm more wary of, and frankly just don't have the time.

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So the thread dissolves into another political shout down, inside of 24 hours, with everyone staying firm....:rolleyes:

Cut and paste the last 5 threads on politics and you'll have what's gonna be said here.



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