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2013 NFL Thread


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The difference between Tebow going to New England as opposed to when he went to the Jets is that Tom Brady is secure in his position and mentally stable and confdent, and Belichick is a great coach in control of thr situation. While the Jets were a three-ring circus with Sanchez's confidence and psyche completely destroyed and Rex Ryan an utter buffoon who sabotaged his own team.

Whether Tebow works out in NE is still up in the air, but he will get a better chance than he got in New York.

I cannot wait for the NFL season to start! I'm looking at a dismal sports summer. No Lakers or Kings championship glow. The Angels are already toast, so there goes the baseball season.

The only thing I have to look forward to between now and football season is Wimbledon.

I have yet to watch any of the NBA Finals and even though I want the Bruins to win, I am not sure I have the time to watch any of the Stanley Cup Finals. Maybe the title-clinching game to see the hoisting of the Cup.

But football is really the only team sport I can enjoy watching even if I have no rooting interest in the teams playing.

Bring on the NFL season opener!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just heard that police are expected at Aaron Hernandez's house this morning to serve an arrest warrant for AT LEAST 'obstruction of justice'. There is also concern for him fleeing as he has a fleet of vehicles rented out from Enterprise. What's up Pats fans?

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So what do you think Kev? Looks pretty bad when you call in a new cleaning crew to clean your house, smash your cell phone to pieces before handing it over to authorities, purposely destroy your home security system and are on the neighborhood survalance tapes with the person who a couple of hours later turned up dead down the street in a car that was registered under your name....

I heard he was at the Pats facility for an hour yesterday, so he must not have been immediately barred from there. Guess there might be a need for Tebow at tight end after all!

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^^^ Walter,it's a cluster****! Embarrassing,....

Victim found by a girl jogging,AH's rental car nearby,Victim was also dating AH girl friends sister.Couple other incidents AH has been involved in have surfaced(both with guns involved.!)

Bad stuff,he went to the stadium yesterday but was told to leave.News helicopters following him around all day.


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Yeah it looked kinda OJ-ish. Not calling him guilty yet, but while he was a Gator there were a lot of stories of drug use and gang relations. Doesn't look good though. At the very least Roger Goodell will having something to say about this, if he is able to avoid jail time.

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Yeah it looked kinda OJ-ish. Not calling him guilty yet, but while he was a Gator there were a lot of stories of drug use and gang relations. Doesn't look good though. At the very least Roger Goodell will having something to say about this, if he is able to avoid jail time.

True,rumors say an obstruction of justice charge is coming,...

Goodell will wait until the legal-eagles sort it out first.

Can Tebow catch? :blink:

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No one knows enough yet. At the very least he obstructed justice by having the house thoroughly cleaned last Monday, smashing his cell phone and home security system. If that's all they were gonna charge him with, then you'd think they would have done it before today. I'm thinking accessory to murder is a probability and/or possibly a murder charge. Guess we'll find out soon enough when the charges are made public and if he gets a bail amount.

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"the Patriots have a major hole at Tight End to address." ...er...isn't this somehow contradictory? :blink:

Kidding aside, I'm a Colts fan, and I am not optimistic about the upcoming season. Pagano is going to prove himself a dud. I can't believe the Colts let Arians go--they should have gotten rid of Pagano or at least made him defensive coordinator and kept Arians as head coach. Plus, they didn't get Tom Moore back.

With both Arians and Moore in Arizona, I think that's going to be the team to watch this year.

I am really looking forward to the Broncos Colts game this year. I hadn't been a fan of Manning for years due to poor post season performance, and I would love to see Luck best Manning. Muhahahaha!

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the end of a promising career comes to an end...what a disgrace,


Damn straight...complete and utter disgrace. No sympathy whatsoever for this piece of shit. I don't care what kind of sob story his defense concocts for him.

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Damn straight...complete and utter disgrace. No sympathy whatsoever for this piece of shit. I don't care what kind of sob story his defense concocts for him.

Oh c'mon...you know as well as I do how short memories are for fans of pro sports. I just heard a statistic today on The Sports Hub, 98.5 fm in Boston that since the Superbowl, 27 players have been arrested.

All you have to do is find God and the world is right again.

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Oh c'mon...you know as well as I do how short memories are for fans of pro sports. I just heard a statistic today on The Sports Hub, 98.5 fm in Boston that since the Superbowl, 27 players have been arrested.

All you have to do is find God and the world is right again.

Yeah...well, as you might have seen by now, I'm not like other fans. ;)

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