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2013 NFL Thread


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Does anyone know why Indy is a 2 pt dog at Arizona? Is Luck out? How can this be? And the Rams after what they did to the Colts, I think they will bury the Bears. They Rams are on the way up. The Bears have never been a Turf team. Rams win this one big. I just have to take Indy and the Raiders

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Indy has a trend of playing down to their competition & they have been getting waxed in the first half of their past few games, so that might have something to do with the line. And Luck is playing that game.

There are a lot of games I don't feel good about this week; who knows who will start for the Packers Sunday or if it will even matter. I was thinking about taking Jacksonville against Houston & the Cowboys always worry me....

And oh yeah, Rick says the Panthers will wax my Dolphins which will make it even sweeter when the Fins pull the upset... ^_^

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Indy has a trend of playing down to their competition & they have been getting waxed in the first half of their past few games, so that might have something to do with the line. And Luck is playing that game.

There are a lot of games I don't feel good about this week; who knows who will start for the Packers Sunday or if it will even matter. I was thinking about taking Jacksonville against Houston & the Cowboys always worry me....

And oh yeah, Rick says the Panthers will wax my Dolphins which will make it even sweeter when the Fins pull the upset... ^_^

Indy has a trend of playing down to their competition & they have been getting waxed in the first half of their past few games, so that might have something to do with the line. And Luck is playing that game.

There are a lot of games I don't feel good about this week; who knows who will start for the Packers Sunday or if it will even matter. I was thinking about taking Jacksonville against Houston & the Cowboys always worry me....

And oh yeah, Rick says the Panthers will wax my Dolphins which will make it even sweeter when the Fins pull the upset... ^_^

I almost took Jacksonville myself and would not be surprised if they won. Houston has alot of innner turmoil and in house fighting going on right now. They are in a bad place. My Bills, who are off this week, are in a very good place. Not only getting healthy, they now have a 4 receiver threat with a tight end in Chandler that is a big time threat. They have EJ who is cleary going to be a good QB. Spiller and Jackson and a defense that has really become good with Super Mario, Alonso who is in the running for rookie of the year and Searcy who is a beast. Jarius Byrd may be the best safety in football. They really need to give him the money and sign him. He is a game changer. Knows how to pick off pass's with the best.

I think the Rams are a super pick minus a pt vs the Bears. I am licking my chops on that one. I will take Indy over Arizona until the fucking cows come home. And Carolina is going to fucking destroy your fish. It won't be close. Carolina will fucking wax their ass's

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They are making a BIG deal over that last play last night and if it was interference. An official on ESPN is standing pat that it was NOT. But this shows you how much gray area there is in this sport. Its just too complicated in many area's. They never had this many arguments in the old days. For God's sake, when are you going to let a team play defense? Are you going to call pass interference every fucking time a guy cant make the play?

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They are making a BIG deal over that last play last night and if it was interference. An official on ESPN is standing pat that it was NOT. But this shows you how much gray area there is in this sport. Its just too complicated in many area's. They never had this many arguments in the old days. For God's sake, when are you going to let a team play defense? Are you going to call pass interference every fucking time a guy cant make the play?

I agree but either call it on both sides or don't call it on both sides... if they're going to put the whistles away at the end of the game put them away the whole game and against both sides..

2 of the 3 games The Patriots have lost have this season been decided by controversial calls.. or non calls.

It felt like the refs were playing to the home crowd the whole game .. and not because it was against New England either.

And yeah, if they played better thru the whole game and if that fumble didn't happen, they wouldn't have been in that position..

But like I said 2 of 3 of their losses were controversial game ending calls by the refs.

Bill Belichicks post game press conference was a work of art... well worth checking out. 45 seconds of awkward silence.. the only noise was a microphone feeding back..

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They are making a BIG deal over that last play last night and if it was interference. An official on ESPN is standing pat that it was NOT. But this shows you how much gray area there is in this sport. Its just too complicated in many area's. They never had this many arguments in the old days. For God's sake, when are you going to let a team play defense? Are you going to call pass interference every fucking time a guy cant make the play?

I'll remember this post when Miami mauls your receivers this Sunday and you start bitching about the refs not calling pass interference. ;)

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I haven't seen the play yet - but what is being said is the alleged interference was at the same time as a pick. I know that once the ball has been touched by the defense, no interference can be called. I'll have to see this to comment.

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Tough call against the Pats. I don't see their explanation at all. Maybe due to it being uncatchable due to being short, but certainly not because it was touched before the interference took place. Definitely a tough pill to swallow....

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After seeing the special on Bob Costas, the Dallas Cowboys did not want to play a football game that weekend in 1963 after the president was shot. They received death threats and the city was blamed. Even the Browns, who beat them that weekend, did not want to play the game, but once they had no choice, said they were not going to let Dallas beat them. Of course a young Staubach, who played for Navy and met JFK in person, as John was a big Navy fan having served there, felt the same way. Pete Rozelle always regretted for the rest of his life that decision to let the games be played. It was a big mistake. The players did not care about the game and admitted they did not have their hearts into it at all.

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Could this be the classic "trap game" for the Saints; we shall have the answer in a few minutes...

Closer than maybe they would like but still the Who Dats prevailed. Now circle December 1 on your calendar...THE GAME OF THE WEEK: New Orleans @ Seattle. Number one seed for the playoffs will be in the balance.

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It should be mentioned that Pete Rozelle regretted to his death allowing the NFL games to be played the weekend of President Kennedy's assassination. For the Dallas Cowboys it was especially tough. Death threats at the hotel in Cleveland and on the field. None of them wanted to play. Once the game did start, some Cleveland players vowed they would not lose to Dallas. They indeed did not and in those days were a far better team. A young Roger Staubach, who I always admired, had met JFK at an Army/Navy game a year or two before. Kennedy of course was a Navy guy and so was Roger. Can you believe Navy was ranked number 2 in the nation back in the early 60's!!! Unimaginable isn't it. The same year Army put up a fight and lost 21-15. Pete Rozelle was a very good commissioner but this was the one terrible mistake he made and later admitted to. . He felt that JFK would have wanted them to be played and of course he was a fan of the game. Much was going on in Dallas and the players minds were on those events and not on football.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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^^ I wouldn't be surprised if Tampa did win, but the game is in Detroit, so I have to think home field counts for something. At least it should if the Lions expect to be a playoff team & possible division winner.

On another note, I'm still unsure about whether or not to change my Houston pick to Jacksonville. Something about that game just doesn't feel right; but I could say that about a lot of Week 12 matchups.

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