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the Star Wars thread...


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This topic is devoted to any and all things Star Wars related.

Anything related to Star Wars. (The Movies, History, Trivia, Memories, Facts, Opinions, Questions, Quotes, anything, etc)...

I will begin. I remember when Luke Skywalker first saw the Millennium Falcon at the Mos Eisley spaceport He said, "what a pile of junk". (Classic!!!)

Also, who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?

I realize that he is a Bounty Hunter and a bad Guy however, Boba Fett, in my opinion, is one of the Great and Classic movie characters of all-time.



Edited by kingzoso
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The opening shot in "Star Wars"(1977) will always be one of the great moments in cinematic history.

Everyone knows Han Solo shot first. No amount of George Lucas tomfoolery will change that.

Boba Fett is overrated.

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>The opening shot in "Star Wars"(1977) will always be one of the great moments in cinematic history.<

Lucas got in trouble for that.He wanted to exclude the opening credits(same with Coppola in A N)

>Everyone knows Han Solo shot first. No amount of George Lucas tomfoolery will change that.<

His sandbox,his rules.

Edited by Anjin-san
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Part of my DNA...... I was 8 years of age that summer (1977)......at least once a week my parents would drop my friends and I off to get in line to see the movie. .......I dig Boba Fet, I was pissed the was he was killed off, and so early in Return of the Jedi too.

Edited by zepscoda
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LOVE this movie. It came out when I was 6 and it has stayed with me ever since. The first time I saw it I thought Darth Vader was called Dark Vader and I loved that he scared the crap out of me.

Bobs Fett was not overrated just underplayed. He was a true badass villian.

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You seek Yoda...

(see my sig too)

As most already know, when Luke firsts meets Yoda in "Empire", Yoda is old and living in exile and seclusion in the Dagobah system.

When Luke returns to finish his training in "Return", Yoda peacefully succumbs to his old age (around 900 years).

Then with the Star Wars "prequels" we see Master Yoda as a (younger) strong and very wise Jedi master.

I remember when I saw this scene with Yoda and Count Dooku, it blew my mind and was so funny at the same time:

What was so funny about this scene was: We all knew Yoda was a very Powerful Jedi master but we didn't know or had seen how much "mad skills" Yoda had with a lightsaber.


Edited by kingzoso
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I read somewhere once a long time ago that George Lucas named the planet Hoth after the initials of Houses of the Holy. Hoth is the frozen planet that the rebel alliance used as a base at the beginning of the Empire Strikes Back.

Anyone ever read or heard this?

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Boba was a great character they killed off in a very shitty way. He was a badass that was done in like an extra from a Three Stooges episode...WTF?

Yoda? If he was such a nimble little troll why did he fake it and walk around like a fucking gimp all the time? Was it to get those choice parking spaces? Was he really on the dole milking the system like some green welfare queen? I never trusted Yoda after I saw that scene with Duku.

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Why? That makes absolutely no sense especially since Lucas based "The Force" on Buddhist teachings, nothing christian about it at all, if anything it is anti-christian.

Catholic Mass/sign of peace. "May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always" ("May the force be with you") "...and also with you".

I read years back; about mid-way through the Harry Potter series' release; that both the Star Wars and Harry Potter series (and others as well) borrow from several universal themes that are common across multiple religions but specific to none (good and evil; holy trinity; a Judas-like figure; religion/the force/magic, etc.). There are plenty of examples.

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Catholic Mass/sign of peace. "May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always" ("May the force be with you") "...and also with you".

I read years back; about mid-way through the Harry Potter series' release; that both the Star Wars and Harry Potter series (and others as well) borrow from several universal themes that are common across multiple religions but specific to none (good and evil; holy trinity; a Judas-like figure; religion/the force/magic, etc.). There are plenty of examples.

Big, big difference between the dualistic good vs. evil theology of the middle eastern religions and the all encompassing, good and evil are simply constructs of the eastern religions. The force was neither good nor bad, it became whatever the person was who was tapping into it. The same is in Buddhism, you make exactly what you wish to make, you want to be good than be good, want to be evil than be evil, but there is no god and devil, there is simply the godhead and there is truth. Christianity and other similar philosophies believe in a continuous struggle between a good force (god), and an evil force (satan). They are completely either or philosophies whereas the eastern philosophies do not believe in evil at all, just fear and ignorance. That is why The Force is in no way a christian construct since the force was never good nor evil. Lucas went to great lengths to point that out in the series. Vader, Sidious, Duku, Mal were "dark" because they were ignorant and scared and thus chose the easy path. Luke, Kenobi, and Yoda were "light" because they sought the truth and the difficult path toward enlightenment over the shortcut to power for powers sake the "dark" side offered. In truth there was no dark or light side to the Force, only how one used the Force.

Than again it's just a fucking movie so who really gives a shit. I personally believe in The Shwartz!!!

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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^^^ You missed Dave Prowse (i.e. DarthVader),not the voice or even the light saber battles,....

I am pretty sure the tall man is Peter Mayhew and not David Prowse. (I could be wrong but these are all of the "good" guys and girl from the movie).

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That is indeed Peter Mayhew. David Prowse is not in that photo.

It is such a shame they dubbed Darth Vaders voice with James Earl Jones. Prowse's voice would have been awesome!!! Think about it:

"Cherieoo Obi Wan, how bout we slog off to the pub and talk about it over a pint? Waddya say mate? No? Well bullocks! You wanna act the tosser you nancy geezer than sod off!"

That would have been priceless!

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