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Coolest Trailer Music Ever - "American Hustle"

Chad Monroe

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Yeah Cookie, it uses Good Times Bad Times.....rather well might I add! They synched the music to showing of the names of the actors and scenes very well. Looks like a good flick!


Ooh, you're right, it is cool.

Here it is on YouTube

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I'm going to the AFI Film Festival's An Evening with David O. Russell this Friday night, where along with clips from past movies, David will be showing some from "American Hustle". I've been looking forward to this one ever since it was announced.

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I'm going to the AFI Film Festival's An Evening with David O. Russell this Friday night, where along with clips from past movies, David will be showing some from "American Hustle". I've been looking forward to this one ever since it was announced.

Oh swoon...I would love to see this. I have seen the trailer from "American Hustle" with D&C. I wonder if Mr. Russell will use any full length songs in the movie itself. He does love the band, doesn't he? I love him for that alone. Please let us know Strider. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to the AFI Film Festival's An Evening with David O. Russell this Friday night, where along with clips from past movies, David will be showing some from "American Hustle". I've been looking forward to this one ever since it was announced.

So what did you think of the Amercian Hustle Strider? Can you give us a review?

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So what did you think of the Amercian Hustle Strider? Can you give us a review?

David only showed us the first 10 minutes or so...but just from the opening scene, it looks like it will be incredible and continue the run of good films that he's made since coming back from the dead with "The Fighter". Extra credit must go to whomever was the "hair-wrangler" on this film, as there looks to be a cornucopia of bad '70's hairdos amassed for this film, starting with Christian Bale's hilarious combover-toupeee combo! :hysterical:

Edited by Strider
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