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Just how bad REO Speedwagon are? I have just caught one of there "songs" on the radio. "Take it up the bum baby" or something like that. Bubblegum shite which should be banned. Appalling. I think I need to get the papers together and listen to "Gong Live" ?

Welcome back from jury duty. Send anyone up the river?

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yeah welcome back chillumpuffer, well I`ve been looking around wondering about which ways to be taken the changes within the company which are pissing me off the biggest way... there isn't much kind of gone but not so so where`s the spaces within my own inner space of quality personnel quality listening pleasure times, as I`ve only had a very limited quality times within the fabulous hiding out time with my oldest greatest buddies... however you`ve been around the block a time or ? you`ve taken on to many ill advised different parts of other lifecycles troubles and sometimes you`ve wished you`d never ever gone there in the first place, but you`ve always been a sucker for my fellow human beings so I`ll never stop caring about people within my life or around the edges lol, but that's yours truly. I`ve been on a extra special journey with the specialist as now with there specialist helpful input I`m now finally on the right road to being so called normal living... well I`ve been looking into the jazz musician John Scofield which as been an amazing journey into this musicians life and work. me, you and music too!... maybe live and music to us all is one and the SAME, you now life is music, music is life. which to me sounds great news...

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Just how bad REO Speedwagon are? I have just caught one of there "songs" on the radio. "Take it up the bum baby" or something like that. Bubblegum shite which should be banned. Appalling. I think I need to get the papers together and listen to "Gong Live" ?

I never got into REO Speedwagon for whatever reason. It's weird, there are some bands I adore, and one might think I LOVE a particular genre, but I don't, it's just a band that I like. My tastes are all over the place, Right now I have Johnny Cash playing the background.

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I never got into REO Speedwagon for whatever reason. It's weird, there are some bands I adore, and one might think I LOVE a particular genre, but I don't, it's just a band that I like. My tastes are all over the place, Right now I have Johnny Cash playing the background.

I sense a common trait among LZ fans is that their musical tastes are all over the place. Mine are, too, and I love Johnny Cash...and love the movie about him, Walk the Line.


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Ddlandner stop on. mine is a wonderous musical tastes of many amazing musicians, from the humble blues of leadbelly to slayer and in between... well were moving along the roads highways of a brighter future away from all the misery of the last few weeks or so... we`ve been ever on the wicked mixed of total out balls busting metal rock bands blowing the cobweb out of the headspace, playing now. well the misses is getting her hair done... life is doing the same boring day in the revamping the spear bedroom today its all D.I.Y all the way lol... where we`ve been trying to patch the different part of gothic/modern-ish look for the room... twisted mouth of geekfreak isn't getting me into the tuff spots which isn't bad for me... well there is a newer pieces of music been added to the listening list, well bit more played of the band Grace Potter & The Nocturnals what a amazing female vocalist and band rock `n` roll music... Ho Ho Ho lets go...

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The last 3 gigs I went to, was able to get parking within a 100 yards of the venue, and last night at the hockey game, the same happened to me. Sometimes I run into a string of luck, and I love it when it happens! Plus at the game, the weirdest thing happened to me, some strange chick offered me a free drink if I filled out a raffle card which I did, and the Mrs was not to impressed in that she walked up to me and saw this happening and was sure the chick in question was hitting on me, which felt great, knowing an old ugly dude like myself can still pull it off once in a while.

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well said CJW, its great when some young chick shows you you`ve still looking good.... also the Mrs getting a little jealous helps to... well I`m still tellin` stories of hopefulness to the worlds most underrated human beings... I`ve also gotten the listening cd list from hell but a that's life of a music junkie... I`ve been looking at newer clothes to bring myself into the none hippie style but it just isn't me, so no way I`m stay like I`ve been full of happiness... well we`ve been busy with removing out the old to bring the new looking rooms we`ve been revamping up are looking cool...

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well we`ve been busy with removing out the old to bring the new looking rooms we`ve been revamping up are looking cool...

I spent the entire summer of 2013 doing that, good luck to ya, it was exhausting. I did the work myself while the Mrs gave the orders. Not fun at all but when it was done it felt good knowing I had done it with my own hands.

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well we`ve been happiest doing the house up our self`s its just adding our own style to our home... isn't everyone on the forum as a passion for music I`ve found that there are loads of fellow music junkie on here, Charles J. White is a great music junkie too! I mean how can you lack the vision to allow your self to seeking out the inner childlike music freak out to play. then there`s the search for the gems of the musicians where you`d losing the inner mind within the wonderous music is always helpful... whatever will be a another reading matter as I`ve never been able to seek out another more for filling read POE/LOVEGRAFT/RICE, nothing new there to be read....

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Air born viruses freak me out! Saturday night my daughter became violently ill, she had the shits/runs, and puking; just happened out of nowhere - 24 Hours later, I got, and 24 hours later my wife got it. It really is amazing how nature works, how things can just be moved around in the air like that.

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hope you are all feeling well CJW, well its on to the revamp living-room which will mean geekfreak will be without the hi-fi help its going to take 8/9 days to finish shit no music for 8/9 days, I`ll need a DOCTOR...


sometimes life is like a roller coaster ride... a wicked wild ride.

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well we`ve just putting the finishing touch`s to the spare-room, then where starting the living-room... I`ve only lazily flicked through the latest`s issue of relix magazine there`s a cool photo of Robert on the front cover with the headline " Robert Plant The World`s Roar " how cool is that... maybe there isn't one positive manger within the company but its never been there stonger suit in there anyway... are will here`s the latest total gibberish bollocks hearing about the company annual bonus $$$$$$$$$$$$ or zip lol... sometimes there isn't an instant answer to grasp at within the timeframe your seeking for which truly isn't so surprizing is it, after all where only human but there wouldn't been bring anything which would most likely add to the overall picture which as all ready gotten your brain in a state of overload, so shut down... I`ve been having only a limited amount of time listening to my personnel all time classic ways to enjoy myself music,

but what I`ve listened too as been a tonic of life`s riches...

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are will here`s the latest total gibberish bollocks hearing about the company annual bonus $$$$$$$$$$$$ or zip lol... sometimes there isn't an instant answer to grasp at within the timeframe your seeking for which truly isn't so surprizing is it, after all where only human

That sucks, I have been through that shit, and know exactly how it feels, believe me. Whenever I did my part of the bargain and they would play the shit with me, I moved on in life. Don't let anyone tell you, that you have no options. You have to stand up for yourself and be counted. Look for work elsewhere or work for yourself. Fuck em! I have always been able to bring my clients with me because they like working with me, they could give a flying fuck about the company name!

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you are totally spot on with that bosses shit... I`ve been busy with the revamping the house which on top of getting ready for Christmas isn't the greatest plan ever but we`ve been having a funny time doing it all. well I`ve been sorting out my plans for what to listen to over the Christmas Holiday... also plan when to see the family and friends too!... which other forms of looking which way to forever be for filling happiness to us both in 2015...

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are well my hi-fi is boxed up due to the arriving new units/carpet cleaning so NO music until after Christmas day oooooooooooooooh no no no music I`ll be a gibbering mess... its so unreal there`s never anyway I`d ever never been unable to for fill me passion of music so its the ipod, or car cd player... well we`ve been doing the revamp for the last few weeks its gone to plan so far so good... I`ve been looking at the soundtrack to the POTO, which is one of the musical of Andrew Loyld Webber I`m totally enjoyed on many stages and hi-fi...

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are well my hi-fi is boxed up due to the arriving new units/carpet cleaning so NO music until after Christmas day oooooooooooooooh no no no music I`ll be a gibbering mess... its so unreal there`s never anyway I`d ever never been unable to for fill me passion of music so its the ipod, or car cd player... well we`ve been doing the revamp for the last few weeks its gone to plan so far so good... I`ve been looking at the soundtrack to the POTO, which is one of the musical of Andrew Loyld Webber I`m totally enjoyed on many stages and hi-fi...

Not fun, I can't imagine having the hi-fi boxed up. Do what I do, pick up an acoustic guitar and annoy the hell out out of everyone in the house - sing and play the damn guitar as if the stereo was on!! It will drive your Mrs nuts!

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well that sounds great CJW, But I`ve gotten the D.I.Y bug means that there isn't the time to do anything like that to... well there`s always some sort of shit that will hit you whenever you`ll find the ways of the inner working of the company your working for like mine they give out two bottles of wine, 320 gift card and I`ve been asked to give mine back ooh fucking goody...

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well we`ve gotten more out of the revamp of the living room done, sadly its a waiting game now for the new units to arrive which with the Christmas holidays its a wonder if there here before the holidays isn't looking to likely at all, which isn't that good for me as no HI-FI over Christmas bummer... isn't there always a downer side of something`s in which you`ve no way of now the out come... the vinyl is being well and truly being MISSED...

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thanks ledzeppfan77, well its nearly the end of the week only two shifts to go the following week its Monday/Tuesday that's it till 27/12/14... I`m totally lost without the hi-fi... hoping to be in a better site ones the hi-fi up and on again, I`ve never been this long without before its a killer.... well there`s the uneven aspect of the ho ho ho gent in the big red suit handing out the Christmas merry meant, which always seems to be over the top piss ups lol... we`ve been looking into the holidays 2015 ooh sunny weather, ooh yes please... don't get me wrong I`m not a scrooge with the merry meant over the Christmas cheers its just this year I gotten the short straw I`m working most of it...

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well why isn't it the lightest tones of life we sooner forget, but there really isn't any times where I`ve ever felt happiest without my two bro`s, friends and music, the biggest happiest is within the life of myself and Mrs GF she is the total best friend and lover... there is the inner childlike music junkie as I`ve removed the old cd player so I`ve gotten the music back yep yep yeah!...

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