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just got a 3 million signing bonus and he did not play one game

yeah, well the Yankees were too stupid to put that stipulation in his contract. Even though he admitted using before. He is an embarrassment to the unform he wears and the sport he plays!
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the human scum bag that is alex rodriguez got a 3 million dollar signing bonus despite not playing on a game and for the next three years will get 21,20,20 million despite putting banned substances in his body lying and throwing everybody under the boss even his own cousin and not one yankee can stand the guy sometimes I wonder where the justice is

Yeah, but the guy banged Madonna and half the actresses in Hollywood...why do you think they call him "A-Rod?"

Sometimes it's not WHAT you know but WHO you know. Hells bells man, Gunsmoke ran on CBS from 1955 to 1975 strictly based on the fact that the wife of CBS President liked James Arness. The stupid show ranked last in the ratings from 1965 until it cancellation in 1975.

Edited by IpMan
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I wonder if there's going to be much of a circus atmosphere surrounding the Yanks this season because of you-know-who? Whatever he does, whether he hits over .300 or he struggles and barely hits 10 home runs, I have to imagine the media and baseball fans at large will be all over Roid--just what Joe Girardi and the Yankees need this coming season....


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I wonder if there's going to be much of a circus atmosphere surrounding the Yanks this season because of you-know-who? Whatever he does, whether he hits over .300 or he struggles and barely hits 10 home runs, I have to imagine the media and baseball fans at large will be all over Roid--just what Joe Girardi and the Yankees need this coming season....


Haha, ya think? Without Derek Jeter there to provide leadership and keep the media wolves at least semi-respectful, it'll be a full three-ring circus in Yankeeland.

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Gunsmoke ran on CBS from 1955 to 1975 strictly based on the fact that the wife of CBS President liked James Arness. The stupid show ranked last in the ratings from 1965 until it cancellation in 1975.

Somebody must have liked MIss Kitty too.

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Not that this "pace of play" thing is going to cure all what ails MLB--if indeed there is anything wrong with the current product. Personally, I don't have much trouble watching a well pitched, low scoring game--those are the games that usually take the least amount of time. Of course, you're not going to eliminate all the 3 hour plus marathons & "boring" games--but then again what sport doesn't have boring games; are you trying to tell me every NFL game is riveting theater...

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The Mighty Saint Louis Cardinals are once again the front-runners to represent the National League in the World Series this 2015 season.

If they make it into the 2015 post-season it will be 11th time that the Cardinals have made it into the playoff/post-season this century. That calculates to 11/15. The Saint Louis Cardinals are such a constant and consistent Baseball Team that these facts cannot be ignored or contested. I am not making this stuff up. It is solid and proven FACT. How many other MLB teams can make the same claim? Only about 1 or 2 others.

Anyone who reads this and cares to reply to this post, I challenge anyone to make the same claim about their team and provide indisputable facts that can even come close to the recent past (since the year 2000) that there is a better and more solid and consistent team other than the SAINT LOUIS CARDINALS.

Edited to add: If I read one more post about how the Baltimore orioles are the best team in the American League and that they are going to win the 2015 World Series, I will have to have an even more of a laugh then I did last season when they were humiliated in the playoffs by the KC Royals. The last time the Baltimore orioles were in the World Series was 1983 and that was 32 years ago.

Edited by kingzoso
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The Mighty Saint Louis Cardinals are once again the front-runners to represent the National League in the World Series this 2015 season.

If they make it into the 2015 post-season it will be 11th time that the Cardinals have made it into the playoff/post-season this century. That calculates to 11/15. The Saint Louis Cardinals are such a constant and consistent Baseball Team that these facts cannot be ignored or contested. I am not making this stuff up. It is solid and proven FACT. How many other MLB teams can make the same claim? Only about 1 or 2 others.

Anyone who reads this and cares to reply to this post, I challenge anyone to make the same claim about their team and provide indisputable facts that can even come close to the recent past (since the year 2000) that there is a better and more solid and consistent team other than the SAINT LOUIS CARDINALS.

Edited to add: If I read one more post about how the Baltimore orioles are the best team in the American League and that they are going to win the 2015 World Series, I will have to have an even more of a laugh then I did last season when they were humiliated in the playoffs by the KC Royals. The last time the Baltimore orioles were in the World Series was 1983 and that was 32 years ago.

FYI Washington +250, LA Dodgers + 380 St Louis + 670 Chicago Cubs +1050 are current odds to win the NL. Yes the Cubs are the 4th choice!!!!!!!! Pretty telling I would say. I say the Cubs win the Central.

AL Angels are the fav at +550 and my Orioles are the 7th choice at +1175. Only Boston is picked ahead of them in the East and I suspect this is all due to pitching. Baltimore has better pitching than it seems on the surface and if Dylan Bundy works out, look out. We get back 3 AL All stars into the lineup that were not on the team for the ALCS. That is pretty damn big if you ask me. The Orioles and Cardinals are neither picked on top by Vegas. But neither are ruled out either.. you are a complete moron and trouble maker

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^^ Thanks Walt & enjoy the game....

Thanks Paul. I just looked up the Mets schedule and their first game is Wednesday, March 4 at the Braves. Some teams are playing against college teams this weekend. But next week everyone is underway.

I see a lot more CC coming our way this year. He has put the weight back on that he took off last year. Says it will give him more power and stamina. I believe he is correct, power pitchers need those strong legs and carrying that weight around certainly will help. I still think this year will not be great for the Yankees. Not enough hitting, starting pitchers coming off injuries, but then again you never know. Unfortunately they play in one of the most competitive divisions in baseball.

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^^ I'm thinking C.C. may be in the same boat as a Justin Verlander--power pitchers who used to have great heat but may have to rely more on pitching now, as in working the corners, using more off-speed and breaking balls & spotting the fastball when necessary. I'm not sure at this late stage in his career if Sabathia can reach back and hit 90+ on the radar gun.

And btw, Since Sabathia has put back on the weight, does that mean Rick can start calling him "fat-ass" again... ;):D

Edited by paul carruthers
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^^ I'm thinking C.C. may be in the same boat as a Justin Verlander--power pitchers who used to have great heat but may have to rely more on pitching now, as in working the corners, using more off-speed and breaking balls & spotting the fastball when necessary. I'm not sure at this late stage in his career if Sabathia can reach back and hit 90+ on the radar gun.

And btw, Since Sabathia has put back on the weight, does that mean Rick can start calling him "fat-ass" again... ;):D

Well I guess we should have that contest that I won again? Hear that King shitso? The baseball contest that I WON!!!!! Lets put your brilliance up to the task Mr Cardinal. You know, I actually love Cardinals. The birds that I feed daily. Not those idiots you seem to think are the best team. Washington, LA and the Cubs willl have a big say in the outcome of the NL. And do not be so fast to count my Orioles out with the talent they have. With 3 main players out they reached the ALCS. Not bad. I do not look forward to your long winded posts. Nor will I waste my time reading them if they are longer than a paragraph. So keep them short if you want the rubbish to be read. And why don't you like the Blues? I actually want them to win the Cup. But you likely are no fan of hockey. My favorite sport

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The AL East should be Baltimore's for the taking--I'm not so sure how good the Sawx or the Rays are and the Bronx Zoo should be back in effect with the poser A-Roid leading the circus. That leaves me to wonder about the other 2 divisions--are the Tigers still a lock in the Central; what about the West? Should be a two team race between LA and Oakkand--although Seattle may finally live up to all the promise they've had the last few seasons....

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