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This season is over. Hardy is finished with his groin. But I am shocked by the two errors that killed us. Little league plays. No recovering from this IMO. Not deep enough in established pitchers in the pen now that Hunter is gone. Buck Showalter has done a horrendous job over the weekend of burying our hopes. But he had lots of help from guys that should have played better. At least they are only 22 years old and should learn from it. But who will be back is the big questioin. Its a disgrace to lose to this team and even though they are still mathmatically in the race with the Yankees recent woes and the Angels not running away, I say they are finished with the recent injuries anyway. Time to access the starting rotation and make some big changes. I keep Chen and Gausman for sure. And O Day and I like what I see from Garcia. I have no idea who is on the UFA list? Wieters for sure. About to change to my Bills logo

My visit was the equivalent of the curse of the Hope Diamond. I cursed my own team. sorry

It's all your fault! ;)

Seriously, I don't blame Buck. He's not out there playing. It's been a rough weekend and I don't think we're coming back from it, but really, the team has played better than I thought they would at the start. I'll enjoy the rest of the games and look forward to next year.

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It's all your fault! ;)

Seriously, I don't blame Buck. He's not out there playing. It's been a rough weekend and I don't think we're coming back from it, but really, the team has played better than I thought they would at the start. I'll enjoy the rest of the games and look forward to next year.

No Esther. I disagree strongly. This team should have been far better with the talent they have and a bunch of guys like Miguel Gonzalez and Chris Tillman underachieved big time. Buck is not faultless. He decides at this stage of the season to play "small ball" and Schoop actually layed down that successful bunt on his own. Gee, it worked. But too little too late. Alot of stupid crap went on. He is trying out guys from Norfolk now, which is basically waving the damn white flag and right now we are in Gettysburgh wearing gray. I am so mad I could scream.The Twins outhit the Yankees 15-4 and could not buy a damn win. We outhit them 11-4 and lose.

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If the Angels and the Orioles are going to dick around and act like they are afraid to make the playoffs, why shouldn't Texas zoom ahead and grab that second wild card slot?

I have long been on the Angels to fire Scioscia's ass. He has lost whatever mojo he once had. His teams never compete for a full season...they always sleepwalk at the beginning, then try to play catch-up in the summer before collapsing in late August or September. Every fricking year it's the same old bullshit.

This past month has been embarrassing...every week the Angels get swept. This weekend's demolishing at the hands of Toronto is the dagger in the season. How many runs did Toronto score...100?

I can't speak for Baltimore fans, but I have gotta think with another underperforming season, Orioles fans are getting tired of Buck Showalter the same way I am of Mike Scioscia.

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I will now predict that the 2015 World Series will be the Saint Louis Cardinals versus either the Kansas City Royals, the Toronto Blue Jays or the Houston Astros. I personally do not care who the American League Champion will be but I would like to see the Cardinals play the Royals or the Astros.

As a kid growing up in the 1970's I was first and foremost a Houston Astros fan (and still am even when they were a consistently losing team). It was not until I was a little older and moved to Saint Louis (from Houston) in 1980 that I became a die-hard Saint Louis Cardinals Fan. My father took me to the first game of the 1982 World Series at Busch Stadium when the Cardinals lost that first game to the Milwaukee Brewers. The score 10 - 0. Of course the Cardinals eventually won the Series in 7 games.

I said this before and will say it again. To those whose teams are not in contention to make the 2015 Post-Season, take a look and watch the Cardinals. They always play with style and grace even when they lose games. It is no secret that the Saint Louis Cardinals have the Greatest and Biggest Fan base in all of Baseball. There is always a sold out Busch Stadium. The Cardinals fans are die-hard and Loyal and pay their money to watch the Cardinals win at home. The most loyal fans in all of Baseball (and that is another proven Fact).



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Sweeping the Rocks in Colorado and skipping Matt Harvey's start doesn't come back to bite us in the ass. Now on to Philadelphia, which is a series the Mets should dominate.

And here's hoping that the Padres take a chunk out of the Nationals...

Good luck sweeping the Sillies, PC. I hope your Mets tear 'em a new one.

But I can't root for the Padres for anything...I hate them, their stupid uniforms, everything about them.

So you're going to have to beat the Nats yourselves when you play head-to-head.

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If the Angels and the Orioles are going to dick around and act like they are afraid to make the playoffs, why shouldn't Texas zoom ahead and grab that second wild card slot?

I have long been on the Angels to fire Scioscia's ass. He has lost whatever mojo he once had. His teams never compete for a full season...they always sleepwalk at the beginning, then try to play catch-up in the summer before collapsing in late August or September. Every fricking year it's the same old bullshit.

This past month has been embarrassing...every week the Angels get swept. This weekend's demolishing at the hands of Toronto is the dagger in the season. How many runs did Toronto score...100?

I can't speak for Baltimore fans, but I have gotta think with another underperforming season, Orioles fans are getting tired of Buck Showalter the same way I am of Mike Scioscia.

I am getting tired of him and Angelos waiting and fucking around rather than giving guys like Wright a call up after the kid earned it with a great performance. And Miguel Gonzalez sucks my left nut and still has a roster spot. Where is Bundy? Bring up a couple guys and send the ones back that are not producing. We have to give Machado a pass for the brutal play at SS. Parades too unfortunatley but not as gracious as Machado. Wake up and do it now boys or pay the consequences later. We are only two out of a wild card so I not yet totally ruling out a possible rally. They have the horses to do it. I hope the Cubs or Dodgers win the NL. And I think the Cubbies are very dangerous. Watch out for ARizona tonight. I think they will get to Lynn.

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^19 and counting so far...


Here is a story about all of the different retired numbers. I think they are a bit too generous in some instances - Pettite being one of them. Next up - #2 Derek Jeter, which is obviously much deserved and welcomed.

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The "Mighty" Saint Louis Cardinals are the best team in Baseball with a winning record of 79 wins and only 49 losses. The Cardinals are on their way to a 100+ winning games this 2015 season. I said this over a year ago that Saint Louis was the team that would Dominate the National League. I knew this because that is what the Saint Louis Cardinals do: They Dominate year after year even if they fail to make it to the World Series. That is the kind of team I like. Not a team that does very well one year and then goes back to being just a team that is just plain mediocre.

Speaking of mediocre, I see that the Baltimore Orioles are 62 wins and 62 losses. I know and realize that that must suck for fans of the Orioles. Like I said, good one year and just plain even the next year.

The Cardinals know how to win games. They will be the National League Champions this year and will have to face an American League team that will be interesting to watch.

(By the way, I think that the Baltimore Orioles will "fire" Buck Showalter at the end of the Orioles season. It's funny how things turn out. He may have been the American League manager of the year, last year, and then be out of a job).

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8 homers last nights by those Metropolitans--if we do get into the tournament, I don't know if anyone could stop us, except maybe the Pirates, and you always have to be concerned about the Cards...

You wont be playing the Phillies Paul. The Cubs have just as good a shot IMO. And St Louis will be NL favorite and cannot count the Dodgers out either.

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Well no matter what happens from here on out I am thankful I got to see Camden Yards and meet a good friend from the board. I hope to meet more down the road. Perhaps in Florida or California? Its not acceptable to lose to a team like the Twins 4 straight. and we have too much talent for this crap to continue. I know we have to address our starting roster. I say Chen and Gausman are keepers for sure. And I would not give up on Tillman either. Gonzalez who I had such high hopes on, if he gets shelled again tonight I am ready to cut him loose. If we had kept Jake Arrieta I wonder? But would he be this effective in the AL? I am terrified to see the list of unrestricted free agents. I hear its a big list. I know Wieters is on it. I myself say Adam Jones, Manny Machado are two absolute must sign guys and we pay them what ever it takes. After that I would love to keep Davis and Wieters. I think Wieters is a must also. . But the great play of Caleb Joseph gives Angelos an out if we does not want to put up the big bucks for Wieters. Wieters has more talent, but Joseph has more heart. and he can hit. And he can throw out stealers as can Matt. It would be nice to keep Parra too. We have some good young pitchers coming up. Garcia has impressed me. Wright also. Bundy is a mystery to me. Time for us to steal a big name pitcher off the wire. We can afford it. So Angelos had better not let us down. To save this season, we must stop the bleeding now. Not sure it will happen in KC. But we do get alot of home games vs AL East teams. The wild card is still in reach. Just fucking wake up. Hardy is done. And he is signed long term. He needs to do what it takes to return in top form next year. he is one of the best shortstops in baseball, and is a gold glover. 5 Gold glovers on this team. Time to step it up. Cruz was not able to get Seattle any where. He did his job but the team let him down. And they are more talented than their record suggests. You have to be good and LUCKY in this game. We have lost the one run games we won two years ago. I wish Tommy Hunter well with this run the Cubbies are putting in. Go Cubs.

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Well, the Padres were no help last night--kind of figured that would be the case. Oh well, as long as the Mets keep taking care of their own business, I can't complain--but somehow, I have an uneasy feeling that the last 2 series we have with the Nats will decide who wins the NL East....

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My Blue Jays are coming back to life!!!

Never get your hopes too high in this game. It can come crashing down fast like it did with my Orioles. No damn reason for a team with that kind of talent to lose 6 straight and to the Twins to boot. Its hard to believe they are still alive, thanks to the Angels inability to really pull away. Houston went from a team that seemed to be rebuilding to perhaps the team to beat in the AL. Just took the Yankees apart. Kechel is a monster this year. St Louis is the favorite in the NL, and deserving to be. I can see magic happening in Chi town. I think the Cubs are for real. Just imagine a Cubs/Astros series. Who saw that coming?

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Rangers vs Toronto tonight...should be good!

Me and a co-worker went to this game last night because I got two free tickets from a news radio station. Really good seats along the first base line but in the outfield. Someone near us kept yelling at the right fielder Jose Bautista and you could tell it was annoying Jose. My first Texas Rangers game in like 5 years. It was a great time even though the Rangers ended up losing. I think I will try and attend one more Rangers game before the end of the regular season.

Go Rangers!!!

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Verlander has 4 outs to go for a no-hitter against the Angels.

Welllll...the Angels avoided being no-hit at the last minute. Which is more than the Orioles can say. :P

A very small victory in the larger scheme of things...Angels losing and Orioles winning last night means another game lost in the standings.

Tough break for Verlander. But at least he's got Kate Upton to go home to and maybe this gives life to Detroit. There's still time, right Bong-Man?

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This is a verbatim quote in the new issue of Sports Illustrated about the Saint Louis Cardinals (who are also on the cover):


How is that for a profound and very true statement and assessment (and from a magazine strictly devoted to sports)?

If this was printed in a National American magazine by people who are paid to write about sports, is what I have been saying since even before the 2015 pre-season began, does that make me wrong just because the Saint Louis Cardinals happen to be MY favorite baseball team and what I have said all along happens to be what real professionals also feel (and write)?

I realize this last paragraph may confuse some people and make them not be compelled to and or reply/respond. And I am cool with that. To clarify, I know that the Saint Louis Cardinals are a Great Baseball Team. Game after game. Year after year. Even when They lose, They lose with Style and Grace. Their are not too many other teams that that can be said about.

The Saint Louis Cardinals will represent the National League in the 2015 World Series.

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^^^Nobody has ever said you were wrong about that. I think if you go back and look at all the previous MLB contests we've had, you will find that the majority of us have picked the Cardinals to win the NL Central nearly every year.

Paul, myself, redrum, jb126, and others have always praised the Cardinals fighting spirit and how their system and ciaching has them able to lose players to trade or free-agency year after year snd not miss a beat. There is no question Saint Louis is a team others in the League envy.

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