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Not the current lot with their short back and sides haircuts, beards, check shirts, skinny jeans. They just look like a right bunch of twats. 

I can't stand that look. 

And don't get me started with the "man bun " eewwwwwww!

Must be an Australian thing.. B)

I know it's been mentioned, but prime time TV was much better as a kid.. and there were only 3 major networks.


You must be kidding. They are everywhere.

Man's man here!!!I appreciate that and Aussie chick probably has a better sense of this than modern American woman.

Today "men" are more and more just big pussies in my opinion. Young men today sit around in their skinny girls jeans sharing their "feelings" on MyFace with their smarty---ass phones instead of being men. 

The other day I was watching the film Woodstock and noticing how much more physically fit we were back then too.  Even hippies looked like they could kick someone's ass if they wanted to.  Today I see some pudgy bearded hipster fuck trying to wear his girls jeans and I just feel like punching him.

I agree! 

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and to Kiwi:


there are always exceptions. I am generalizing, of course.

You are not the average young woman of today, Kiwi. You are the exception, which makes you exceptional.

I have worked with so many young ones, and they have all been hopeless except for one, in the 12 years I have worked this job. What is required in this job is not rocket science, yet they can't do it, or won't do it. Ring up "sick"at the last minute, or just no show.... go AWOL during work time, sloppy with their work, there dress, their punctuality...... on and on.... plus I have two kids of my own in their late 20's and I have watched them and their friends. I have brought them up to be thoughtful of others and honest..... and so far, no problems with either of them.


AND, NO MAN BUN.    At least my son doesn't have one. My daughter is a bit of a hippy, so who knows what my future son in law may look like....... Guess I will have to get over it, if she chooses a hipster......

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...There is also another very critical aspect that seems to have changed for the worse. Human relationships. I am 27 years old and I am proud to say that I do not own a smart phone and I haven't hurt the feelings of my family or friends, by texting constantly or being completely oblivious to my surroundings. I firmly believe in the concept of 'family time'. My philosophy is 'step away from the smart phone and spend some quality time with family. Never ever take your loved ones for granted". I truly do not see the need for texting at the table. It is downright rude, IMHO!! 

Also, when I have to text someone, I choose to do the deed by means of complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar. I also, am not a fan of auto correct. 

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I could have sworn I started this topic a few weeks ago...maybe it was a bit more narrow; I think I called it "they don't make things like they used to." I ranted about electronics and other consumer items that arrive DEFECTIVE. I may have solved this problem, however--I've decided I will now buy only USED  and REFURBISHED items.

What else has deteriorated? People. Where do I see this? My psychotherapy practice. Most of my younger patients have Narcissistic Personality Disorder or traits. They want recognition, but they don't want to work for it, or they expect recognition for talents they just don't have. They are terrified of failure. If something bad happens, it derails them for the entire day or maybe even the week.  I know that this is not the typical population, this is the clinical population, but even so...the patients I was seeing just 8 or 9 years ago and my few older patients don't have these problems. Somehow a pronounced lack of realism has infected "Generation Y." They have incredibly poor judgment. They advertise their mental illnesses on the internet, not thinking that this might prevent them from getting a job in the future. They obtain useless graduate degrees in fields that have no practical value whatsoever, and end up with student loans and no job. I could go on.

I'm not a psychologist, but it sounds like your younger patients lack self awareness and resiliency.  If you can answer this without violating confidentiality...what sort of mental health problems bring young adults to your practice?

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Hi DD! :wave:

Meet my cell phone B) (see photo attached). 

I call this lovely phone, my 'old faithful' as it has been working, without a hitch for the past 11 years now! *knocks on wood 

A lot of folks have turned up their noses and laughed, at this 'primitive' piece of technology, but I am never ever going to trade this in, for a smart phone. A friend of mine who loves to constantly keep up with the latest technology, bought a smart phone pretty recently and is already facing tons of problems, such as a battery that won't charge properly, instances where the smart phone 'locks itself' :blink:, etc. I could go on.

Since this is a 'Things That Used To Be Better In The Old Days' thread, I would happily add cell phones to the list! :D I mean, as far as my phone is concerned, the technology might be seemingly primitive, but I have never faced issues like a defective battery (for instance)! Oh and I read somewhere that there are certain smart phones out there, that are vulnerable to malware and viruses?! :o

Also, where I come from, the more advanced the phone of a subscriber, the higher the monthly rentals charged by the said telecom company! Just awful! My friends have often (in their monthly cell phone bills) found hidden charges, unwanted apps being activated for a fee, etc.! Just shocking! I like to keep things simple and economical, you know? ;) 

My phone carries out basic tasks such as receiving and making phone calls. I send text messages, only when there is a need to. Believe me, I do not text for pleasure. I would rather make a phone call! The last time that I texted someone, was a plumber in order to text my address, when there was a leak from the kitchen sink! :lol: 

I am also happy with my little phone, as it does not serve as a source of unwanted distractions and I can actually have a real relationship with family and friends! :D 



Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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and to Kiwi:


there are always exceptions. I am generalizing, of course.

You are not the average young woman of today, Kiwi. You are the exception, which makes you exceptional.

I have worked with so many young ones, and they have all been hopeless except for one, in the 12 years I have worked this job. What is required in this job is not rocket science, yet they can't do it, or won't do it. Ring up "sick"at the last minute, or just no show.... go AWOL during work time, sloppy with their work, there dress, their punctuality...... on and on.... plus I have two kids of my own in their late 20's and I have watched them and their friends. I have brought them up to be thoughtful of others and honest..... and so far, no problems with either of them.


You're absolutely right, Julie! My generation has a large share of folks who unfortunately, just cannot be bothered to behave in a disciplined fashion! I too have met plenty of folks (who are my age or younger) who were downright jerks! The behaviour of some people during my Uni days, was nothing short of bizarre! Please don't think that I am complaining about folks from my own generation, but honestly, the low waist pants, substituting leggings for pants :blink: , the choice of wearing 'inverted hats' in class (think Justin Beaver) :blink: or choosing to put one's feet on the bench during a lecture, choosing to arrive 'fashionably late' :rolleyes: and not even bothering to apologize to the professor in charge, using one's skateboard as a means of transportation and shouting 'MAKE WAY' to all passers-by, bumping into someone and not even bothering to say 'excuse me', was all just a bit too much for me to bear! I think your kids will agree with me, Julie! I was honestly, so glad and relieved to make friends with a group of people at Uni (who were my age) who shared my views and who actually took their college days seriously! 

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The hysterical thing about these hipsters is that in an effort to be different they are all conforming to the same lame ass thing.  I saw a guy last week with tight jeans rolled up around his calves wearing high top sneaker and PINK SOCKS.  WTF???

Are we just old, or do we just remember what the good old days used to be like?



yeah, there lots of sneakers with no socks,  3/4 pants (yuck)  that are saggy around the bum, ( yuck) and tight at the calves ( yuck)..... I always think they wear clothes that a 6 year old girl would wear. And the hair in a little Pebbles Flintstone  ponytail on the top.... ooooh, so manly.... ooh so sexy.... NOT!

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Socks and underwear. I have noticed these clothing staples don't last near as long as they used to. And shoes. I burn thru tennis shoes (sneakers, cross-trainers, whatever nomenclature you prefer) like crazy.

Edited by Strider
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Guess I hit a raw nerve or something, maybe you like wearing girls jeans?  No anger or "repression" here buddy, to each their own.  Guy wants to wear girls jeans or march in a "parade"--- hey it's free freaking country.   All I was saying (in my opinion), and in response to a woman here giving her opinion on how men today aren't "men" and are too feminine--- all I was saying is that I agree.

Here you go buddy. Cute huh? 


When I was 15 I used to wear shark skinned slacks, high collared starched shirts with cuff links, mohair sweaters, a Sinatra style hat and black suede shoes. I was so cool in my own mind and must have looked like an idiot to everyone else. :lol: What a phase that was. Then along came my hippie phase.


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I think it's odd that this thread deteriorated into comments about men's fashion. Who cares about men's fashion?? Anyway I assume these people you are observing are college students or work in retail. If they were working in finance here in NYC, or they were lawyers, they would not be dressing like that.

As for DD's question, most people of any age come to therapy because of depression, anxiety, relationship troubles or career dissatisfaction, plus I also do anger management. No, people don't actually show up saying "I want treatment for my Narcissistic Personality Disorder." The only place you hear that type of honesty is AA.

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Socks and underwear. I have noticed these clothing staples don't last near as long as they used to. And shoes. I burn thru tennis shoes (sneakers, cross-trainers, whatever nomenclature you prefer) like crazy.

Socks is the one that pisses me off - I go through socks on a regular basis, they become best friends with the trash bin

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Oh geez! So I'm not allowed to comment on fashion that in my opinion isn't as good as it used to be? Pfft! 

Who the hell  do you guys think you are! 

And, NO ScarletMacaw what makes you think these "men" work in retail. Ffs, retail workers wear uniforms 90% of the time.... I am talking about guys dressing this way casually. 

I'm seriously pi $$ ed off right now.....

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^^^I don't recall anyone singling you out by name. Relax.

Socks is the one that pisses me off - I go through socks on a regular basis, they become best friends with the trash bin

I get holes in my socks much quicker than I used to...either the cotton isn't what it used to be or the socks aren't made as sturdy as before. 

As for fashion, it's all subjective so it's difficult to argue about it without ruffling someone's feathers. All you people complaining about hipster this and hipster that, I bet your parents and grandparents griped about hippie-fashion or the wide lapels and polyester bell-bottoms you wore as a kid. In the 80s, it was probably kids wearing Izod polo shirts with the collars turned up, leather skinny ties, and Members Only jackets that earned the derision of others.

Every generation has their fahion faux pas. It is cyclical and today's hipsters will be bemoaning the hipsters of 2035 when they are older and have kids of their own.

But a toaster or refrigerator or telly or computer that does or does not work for any length of time? That is an objective quality that one can discern through the decades, no matter your race, gender, religion, and socio-economic background.

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^^^I don't recall anyone singling you out by name. Relax.

I get holes in my socks much quicker than I used to...either the cotton isn't what it used to be or the socks aren't made as sturdy as before. 

As for fashion, it's all subjective so it's difficult to argue about it without ruffling someone's feathers. All you people complaining about hipster this and hipster that, I bet your parents and grandparents griped about hippie-fashion or the wide lapels and polyester bell-bottoms you wore as a kid. In the 80s, it was probably kids wearing Izod polo shirts with the collars turned up, leather skinny ties, and Members Only jackets that earned the derision of others.

Every generation has their fahion faux pas. It is cyclical and today's hipsters will be bemoaning the hipsters of 2035 when they are older and have kids of their own.

But a toaster or refrigerator or telly or computer that does or does not work for any length of time? That is an objective quality that one can discern through the decades, no matter your race, gender, religion, and socio-economic background.


It was clearly meant for me and Livin.

If you feel that I was off topic, then you, as the op could say that I suppose,  but I still feel our conversation was valid. I was simply saying that one thing I find not as good as when I was young, is that men don't look like men anymore, and I hate it.


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Yes, totally agree,  Livin.

And this has zero to do with homophobia, just in case anyone had that idea. I should also say that I hate the way many women dress so trashy these days, too. I love watching old movies from the 30's, 40's, 50's and even the 60's ... the way people used to dress and speak to each other is just beautiful.  I yearn for that..

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