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Nerdies Pickup Lines


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Ah, I have just realised that it is NERDY pickup lines. Mine wasn't particularly that nerdy.

How's about these (and I don't know if some of these have appeared), I'll just freestyle a few:

"You be the mouse mat if you let me be the mouse."

"I have a USB stick...you have a USB hub...hubba hubba."

"I'll be Captain Kirk if you will be my green alien babe!"

"Careful baby...my phaser is set to inseminate!" :lol: (I'm quite proud of that, even though it''s dirty)

"My name is Richard....my mission: to boldly go where so many men have gone before!"

"I intend to find out what will happen when I fly into your black hole!"

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I wouldn't use this one unless you want to get smacked in the face. Insinuating a woman is a whore is not a good way to get a date.

I am probably one of the men from the smaller percentage of men that treat women as they ought to be treated...with proper respect, decency and dignity. I am a real gentleman, I put my girlfriends before me in everything. The whole idea of this thread is comedy...nerdy pickup lines. Nerdy being said by a nerd, I merely used my name as an example. Also, with reference to the nerd theme, I quoted a famous line from Star Trek ("to boldly go where no man has gone before"). I assure you, I would never use a single pickup line because I am dead against them. They are cheap...I would begin with a great compliment. However, pickup lines make great comedy as I said.

Sorry if I offended. :)

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I am probably one of the men from the smaller percentage of men that treat women as they ought to be treated...with proper respect, decency and dignity. I am a real gentleman, I put my girlfriends before me in everything. The whole idea of this thread is comedy...nerdy pickup lines. Nerdy being said by a nerd, I merely used my name as an example. Also, with reference to the nerd theme, I quoted a famous line from Star Trek ("to boldly go where no man has gone before"). I assure you, I would never use a single pickup line because I am dead against them. They are cheap...I would begin with a great compliment. However, pickup lines make great comedy as I said.

Sorry if I offended. :)

You didn't offend me, and I knew what you were referencing. I've seen bits and pieces of Star Trek episodes. I also know this thread is meant to be funny, I've expressed several times I've found some of the lines funny. I was just saying that the line "boldly going where so many men have gone before" makes the girl sound a bit slutty. Just how many men exactly? LOL

Edited by Electrophile
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Ok, let's see if my brain will work again:

"I wish I had an inbuilt cooler fan because you are overheating my system!"

"Are you running a Richard compatable system?"

"My onboard love circuits just over heated."

"Fortunately for you I am not a Vulcan...so I don't have to wait seven years before we get in the sack!"

"Which side of the bed do you prefer, the alpha quadrant or the beta quadrant?"

I may do some more in a minute, but I have to browse other threads now. :lol:

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I am probably one of the men from the smaller percentage of men that treat women as they ought to be treated...with proper respect, decency and dignity. I am a real gentleman, I put my girlfriends before me in everything. The whole idea of this thread is comedy...nerdy pickup lines. Nerdy being said by a nerd, I merely used my name as an example. Also, with reference to the nerd theme, I quoted a famous line from Star Trek ("to boldly go where no man has gone before"). I assure you, I would never use a single pickup line because I am dead against them. They are cheap...I would begin with a great compliment. However, pickup lines make great comedy as I said.

Sorry if I offended. :)

Why do you put your girlfriends before you in everything?

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The only guys I've ever thought were more attractive than any guy I was with at the time, were Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. I have no chance in hell of ever so much as locking eyes with either of them, so needless to say, I wouldn't be dropping my boyfriend to go run off with one of them. If I'm breaking up with you, I have a better reason than "I found someone hotter". I can honestly say that when I'm with a boyfriend, I'm not looking around to try and find someone else. I wouldn't want the guy doing that to me, so why would I do that to him?

you don't have to go searching for it. The hot girls are just out there. And if i was more attracted to some other girl then who i was with i don't see what the problem is in thinking about pursuing that. I don't mean cheat. I mean drop the girlfriend i had and see if something happens with the girl who turns you on more. I hate regrets. I already have a few and they are a bite in the ass. Those things stick with ya. What if that girl is better for me than the one i am with and i just let it pass. You could be passing on something good.

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Your "my girlfriend is only my girlfriend until someone more beautiful

comes along" philosophy is not reasonable, it's immature and piggish.

Your unwillingness to accompany a girlfriend to a wedding she asks

you to attend with her is not reasonable,.. it's immature and selfish.

..the list goes on and on. :rolleyes:

anyway,.. c'mon spats..

share some of your old favorite pickup lines with us! :thumbsup:

you know,.. from back in the day.. when you wuz a playuh. ;)

The last time i did the approaching was in my late teens. And I didn't use a pick up line. Maybe it would have helped. In school i got rejected pretty badly by the hotties at school. I already mentioned the rejection at one of our dances. It was brutal. That stuff has stuck with me to this day.

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you don't have to go searching for it. The hot girls are just out there. And if i was more attracted to some other girl then who i was with i don't see what the problem is in thinking about pursuing that. I don't mean cheat. I mean drop the girlfriend i had and see if something happens with the girl who turns you on more. I hate regrets. I already have a few and they are a bite in the ass. Those things stick with ya. What if that girl is better for me than the one i am with and i just let it pass. You could be passing on something good.

...and what if she wasn't? What if you dumped someone wonderful and the 'hotter' girl turned out to be a loser?

If the hot girls are just out there, why don't you have one?

More importantly, why do you keep swapping between saying 'you' and 'I'? You make it sound like electrophile wants a hot girlfriend when I kinda doubt she's all that interested in one.

As for nerdie pickup lines... this one wasn't exactly 'nerdy' but it was pretty stupid. A guy was trying to set me up with his buddy... by telling me I looked just like the buddy's ex-girlfriend. :blink: If true, I just couldn't understand how that could be considered a good thing.

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I've actually heard the "can I have your phone number? I seem to have lost mine" line. :rolleyes:

Spats--I've seen others that are more attractive that boyfriends I'm with at the time. I actually think that's quite normal. If my boyfriend were to stop looking at women I thought were hotter than me, I'd think there was something wrong with him! :o

I don't think about leaving him because there's someone who's hotter out there though--or someone that is more exciting. I wouldn't leave him just because there was someone that was a bit more attractive or "exciting" than him. If I were to leave him, I'd want to be alone for a while before I jumped into the game again...so I can be sure I know who I am before I got wrapped up in a new relationship. That's how I truly believe it should be, because if a person jumps from relationship to relationship, they base their self-worth on who their with, not who they are.

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