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Fav. 90s & 00s Albums


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Well heres another fine mess Ive gotten myself into. To see what Doll Meat is go to the thread about the lavigne lawsuit and see Mr Dalihenrix's definition! Just purely educational! :P As for how could I never heard of these bands? Simple. Lock yourself up in a room for 30 years with nothing but Led Zeppelin and Stones Records (because I know Ill never hear anything better and dont care to) and there you have it. Seriously, just turn onto the non classic rock radio stations and listen to the bullshit that is being pumped out and I always do the same thing-pop in a Zeppalin or Stones or Floyd CD and forget the rest of the world exists.

I love Zep, the Stones and Floyd as much as the next person but what a fucked up existence to resign one's self to the fact that that's the best they'll ever hear.

Oh, and on the "doll meat" thing, we get it already.

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Sorrym left out a few like the Eagles, the Who, Beatles, Ozzie, Santana, Dicky Betts, Purple, Beach Boys, Elton John, Rush, etc. But I still think the 90s suck!

To each their own but it would probably help if you actually listened to the music from that decade before totally dismissing it. Those that live in the past are doomed to repeat it. That's not a musical outlook I'd enjoy, at all.

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Im only trying to say that the 70s as a whole blow the 90s off the map. Name a band in the 90s that can touch any of those I mentioned including Zeppelin, Stones, the Who, and on and on. And dont tell me Green Day please! The bands of those days were so much better than bands of the 90s or late 80s or early 2000's.

I think the point we're all trying to make, is that YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT 90'S MUSIC. You freely admit that you've locked yourself in a room only ever listening to 70's records, and have never heard of any bands from the 90's. So therefore you can't make any sort of informed judgment about the decade, dig? It's like a little kid saying he hates pizza, then admitting he's never tried it.

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Im only trying to say that the 70s as a whole blow the 90s off the map. Name a band in the 90s that can touch any of those I mentioned including Zeppelin, Stones, the Who, and on and on. And dont tell me Green Day please! The bands of those days were so much better than bands of the 90s or late 80s or early 2000's.

It all boils down to a matter of opinion but you state it as though it were a cold, hard fact. On that I call total bullshit.

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I think the point we're all trying to make, is that YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT 90'S MUSIC. You freely admit that you've locked yourself in a room only ever listening to 70's records, and have never heard of any bands from the 90's. So therefore you can't make any sort of informed judgment about the decade, dig? It's like a little kid saying he hates pizza, then admitting he's never tried it.

I think you hit the "little kid" part right square on the head.

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If it weren't for the 90s I would have never discovered one of my favorite bands in Pearl Jam and that's only scraping the tip of the iceberg.

I've encountered my fair share of closed minded individuals on this site over the years but icantquityoubabe may just take the fuckin' cake.

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When did anyone ever say "that since the music is newer and technology has advanced that music must also be better"? Not to beat a dead horse but you should really read people's posts much more thoroughly before replying.

As for programs like Get the Lead Out, Breakfast with the Beatles and the Floyd Void, yes they're a testimony to all of those bands' longevity but they're also guaranteed ratings getters. As for the artists of the 90s "standing the test of time", all you need to do is look around (hard, I know since you seem to prefer living in the past) and you'll see very many of them still going strong, not the least of which is Pearl Jam. You have to remember, a lot of people tried to dismiss rock n' roll as a "fad" but here it is, still going strong as well. Same for "rap".

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I could give a shit if any artist "stands the test of time". It isn't some competition of what artist or decade of music is percieved to be better than another. That isn't why I listen to music. I listen to it for the enjoyment it brings me. All that other shit doesn't even enter the picture.

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Im not saying it was posted specifically here. But Ive heard people imply it before. The main point I am trying to make is that newer technology isnt going to make you a better musician. I think that when it comes to rock the 70s had the great bands, and in my opinion the greatest of all time, Led Zeppelin. It is too soon to say if your bands of the 90s will survive the test of time. Hopefully we will both be hack here in twenty years to discuss it. Perhaps you are hoping I wont be, but I do like to talk about music even though it does cause arguments.

it's kind of apparent you've had this 70' - 90's argument quite a few times alreadyin your life. It's cool to be a Zep fan and feel they're ther best band ever and all, but when it's starts causing you to discount any other music from any other time periods, I think even the gentlemen of Zeppelin would feel they didn't really reach you.......

but again it's all subjective and your entitled to your own opinion, I think what annoys me and some others, is the way you present your opinion as an unquestionable fact.....that's what causes arguments

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Well I dont give two shits about what Jahfin thinks of me first of all. I am saying I believe the 70s are far better than the 90s and Ill stand by that statement. I think there are many examples where it is definable and not just subjective as to quality of bands. Look at these lousy acts that come out of American Idol (who dont win on there) and the next thing you know they are selling all kinds of records. Are you going to tell me they are as good as fucking Led Zeppelin! if so then go jump in a lake with Jahfin.

Well, all I can say that it came out thousands of shitty bands and artists in the 70's too. Osmonds, Supertramp, Silver Convention, KC & The Sunshine Band, Avarage White Band, Carl Douglas, Olivia Newton John, Love Unlimited Orchestra, Blue Swede, Bo Donaldson & The Haywoods, Ray Stevens, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Leo Sayer, Abba, Chic, Frankie Valli, Nick Gilder, Commendores etc etc..

It's easy to remember the good stuff from the 70's, but it was a whole lot of corporate crap that came out too, probably more crap than good stuff. Kinda how it is today, actually.

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Well, all I can say that it came out thousands of shitty bands and artists in the 70's too. Osmonds, Supertramp, Silver Convention, KC & The Sunshine Band, Avarage White Band, Carl Douglas, Olivia Newton John, Love Unlimited Orchestra, Blue Swede, Bo Donaldson & The Haywoods, Ray Stevens, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Leo Sayer, Abba, Chic, Frankie Valli, Nick Gilder, Commendores etc etc..

It's easy to remember the good stuff from the 70's, but it was a whole lot of corporate crap that came out too, probably more crap than good stuff. Kinda how it is today, actually.

Yep, that's been my point all along. Take any decade, and there's good music, and ABOMINABLE music. The 70's were no exception, there was a LOT of horrible music made in the 70's.

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Lets face it, young women like differant music than young men. Especially in the 70s. When we were pouning our heads to Zeppelin they were dancing the disco.

That's sexist and ignorant. Not shocking coming from you though. You are an idiot.

I coudn't STAND either of those !!! I hate them as much as you hate the 90s !!! :lol:

Same. I haven't seen them, but I won't.

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Page & Plant worked together again in the 90s, I'm guessing icantquityoubabe hates them too.

As for the "jump in the lake with Jahfin" thing, I'm not the only one here that's expressed an opposing viewpoint to the "90s sucked" thing (or that the 70s music was somehow superior). I do agree with Kissandra though, icantquityoubabe is a fuckin' idiot and tends to dig a deeper hole for himself each time he posts. As for Grease and Saturday Night Fever, can't say I ever liked either of them. Years later I did see Saturday Night Fever the movie and didn't think it was bad at all, the soundtrack still did nothing for me however.

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And you think you know everything Mr Jahfin. I guess this is your forum though based on all the new posts I see. At least Im not creating new posts every 5 seconds.

No, I don't know it all but I do have an opinion which I'm free to express and that is that you are a fucktard of the highest order. I'm always been a frequent poster here and will continue to be. Far as I know there's no rules about how often one can post but there is a flood control limit. Speaking of which, at least I haven't made two separate replies to the exact same post.

As for what women were listening to in the 70s, I had plenty of female friends that were just as heavily into Zep, Rush, Van Halen, etc. as I was.

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Oh, I forgot to mention a great 90's album by an old artist..."Ragged Glory" from Neil Young & Crazy Horse. Awesome album.

Oh shit, I totally forgot about that one!! I bought that when it came out, and it still sounds fantastic to me. Good call.

Boy this thread has turned ugly. :rolleyes:

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No kidding. I realize that, but there were plenty more into disco and you know it.

There you go thinking for others again. I was speaking from my own experience and the girls I went to high school with. Your experience may have differed and apparently did but unless you went to the same high school I did you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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