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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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18 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Yep, let 'em all in - the cartels, fentanyl, drug traffickers, human traffickers, sex slaves, child slaves, gangs, potential terrorists, etc.  Give 'em money, free housing, free medical care, phones, whatever they need.  The so-called sanctuary cities - NYC, Chicago, etc. are loving it, they can't wait for even more of them to flood their crime and poverty infested neighborhoods.  :wacko:

Yep, let 'em all in

Fuck no. Who says that? NO ONE EVER.

the cartels, fentanyl, drug traffickers, human traffickers

Fuck no. Who says that? that would be insane.

sex slaves, child slaves,

Fuck yes. Rescue anyone you can. Sex slaves and/or child slaves - you would not want to help those poor souls????

gangs, potential terrorists, etc.

Fuck no. Who says that? NO ONE EVER.


I'm not saying there is not a problem cryingbluerain.

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On 5/18/2023 at 6:30 AM, rm2551 said:

Yep, let 'em all in

Fuck no. Who says that? NO ONE EVER.

the cartels, fentanyl, drug traffickers, human traffickers

Fuck no. Who says that? that would be insane.

sex slaves, child slaves,

Fuck yes. Rescue anyone you can. Sex slaves and/or child slaves - you would not want to help those poor souls????

gangs, potential terrorists, etc.

Fuck no. Who says that? NO ONE EVER.


I'm not saying there is not a problem cryingbluerain.

All those democrat votes storming the border. 😄

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On 5/17/2023 at 7:37 AM, Bong-Man said:

America is entering a Forever Labor Shortage (msn.com)

It's about long-term demographics and profits, not politics.  Nothing causes long-term inflation more than lack of workers to do the job or perform the service.  Advances in technology will solve part of the problem, but we'll still need bodies willing and able to work.  Quit worrying about what country they're from, who they choose to worship, or what color they are.  Open the door and let them in.  It's an economic and a national security issue.  

I agree this feral government-santioned illegal alien invasion is an economic and national security issue.

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I don't think anyone with the slightest intelligence is saying let everyone across the border, just the people who actually deserve to escape whatever hell they're going through in their home country, to have a chance at a better life, here in the "melting pot" known as America. I know I couldn't look at any one individual & decide well, he or she might be okay, or he or she might be a dirtbag, but isn't that what we have elected officials for. You know, people who are in charge, who are supposed to make the competent--and dare I say--tough decisions we put them in Washington for.


As for the one poster who talked about various drug dealers, gang bangers, child abusers and so on, of course keep those cretins out, because the good old US of A has enough of them in our own streets, nevermind the idiots with the neverending gun violence issues--no comments about Ja Morant coming from me...

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1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

I don't think anyone with the slightest intelligence is saying let everyone across the border, just the people who actually deserve to escape whatever hell they're going through in their home country, to have a chance at a better life, here in the "melting pot" known as America. I know I couldn't look at any one individual & decide well, he or she might be okay, or he or she might be a dirtbag, but isn't that what we have elected officials for. You know, people who are in charge, who are supposed to make the competent--and dare I say--tough decisions we put them in Washington for.


As for the one poster who talked about various drug dealers, gang bangers, child abusers and so on, of course keep those cretins out, because the good old US of A has enough of them in our own streets, nevermind the idiots with the neverending gun violence issues--no comments about Ja Morant coming from me...

I direct you to look at the biden vid I posted.  He is literally telling them to surge the border and what happened? they did.  In my book thats telling people to come here.

If their country is so bad then why don't they do anything to fix it themselves?  Instead of looking to America for support they should be trying to educate themselves an do something to stop the horrors they are experiencing in their own country. Dumping people over a border is no answer.

Maybe you don't live anywhere near where they are sending these people or live near the border but I ask you, How would you feel if you were seeing thousands people from another country milling around your town begging for food and money because they came here at the behest of the biden admin and now have no where to go?  No country can just absorb millions people over night if you will and feel that they'll all be just fine. They have no jobs no money and nowhere to live but hey they made in right?  

P.S.  they literally just built a housing project near my neighborhood that has 150 units in it. It's full of people who have no idea what our laws are and cannot speak the language at all. I should feel great about that right?


Edited by hummingbird69
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On 5/21/2023 at 1:54 PM, paul carruthers said:

I don't think anyone with the slightest intelligence is saying let everyone across the border, just the people who actually deserve to escape whatever hell they're going through in their home country, to have a chance at a better life, here in the "melting pot" known as America. I know I couldn't look at any one individual & decide well, he or she might be okay, or he or she might be a dirtbag, but isn't that what we have elected officials for. You know, people who are in charge, who are supposed to make the competent--and dare I say--tough decisions we put them in Washington for.


As for the one poster who talked about various drug dealers, gang bangers, child abusers and so on, of course keep those cretins out, because the good old US of A has enough of them in our own streets, nevermind the idiots with the neverending gun violence issues--no comments about Ja Morant coming from me...

Great post Paul. I do live in a sanctuary state, and city. It is easy for people who don’t live in these areas to talk shit and spout nonsense. I will tell you without a doubt, if the people who are speaking as if they know how it works in the cities that allow asylum citizens, and if those citizens stopped working at the hotels, restaurants, and any number of places our states would collapse. So Hummingbird69 can say what he wants, I would love to ask where he lives, but the people coming here for a better life absolutely do the work that our natural born citizens will not and would never do. I live in the heart of the agricultural area in central California. There are absolutely no American born citizens picking crops. Not 1! And that is the same throughout the country, the hotel workers, the restaurant workers, they are bussed into the bread basket and also pick those crops, that has been happening since the 40’s and will continue to happen. The right will scream open borders, caravans, illegal immigrants flooding our borders every election cycle. The funny thing is, they have never come up with any solutions. Never once. There was an orange makeup wearing, slob who claimed he would make Mexico pay for the great big wall. That didn’t happen, he built a little piece of shit that was a couple miles long and we paid for it, as a matter of fact he had his buddies involved and Mr. Steve Bannon is on trial for taking money that didn’t belong to him that was supposed to be for the Great Wall! It’s a joke, MTG, and that whore Lauren B who couldn’t graduate the 8th grade are now the spokesperson/ people for the right wing. That sack of shit Tucker who is a Russian asset, and his old buddies at his joke of a television station that just had to pay almost a billion dollars and admit that they are equal to the national enquirer, that they are not journalists, and the next dominos will be OAN, and NewsMax. 

When those stations have to pay and admit to lying to their viewers, what will their excuse be after that?


Same shit, a bunch of nonsense, gross people with gross ideas of what our founding fathers thought we would progress into. Go ahead scream groomers, Trans, ban books, and tell women what they can do with their bodies. The Right is a dying breed in our nation, and it’s because they are totally out of step with the younger generation. I don’t care if I agree with the generation below me or not, I know for sure that the authoritarian right wing is going to be destroyed as time moves on. Let’s have all the assault weapons we can get our hands on, let’s have mass shootings, then claim underprivileged areas are what is destroying our country. It’s all bullshit. 

The poorest cities in our nation, all Republican cities. The most welfare recipients all republican states/cities. The most violent cities are absolutely all republican cities/state run. The states that contribute the most money and prop up those shithole states and cities, all Blue. Please disagree with me. I will throw out statistic after statistic that will refute anything that anyone tries to lie about. 

So, thanks for the post Paul, I hope someone tries to call bullshit. I’ll be waiting. 

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Hi mate....

10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

It is easy for people who don’t live in these areas to talk shit and spout nonsense.

Just as easy as it is for those who live in those areas to not appreciate an outside view.

10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

the people coming here for a better life absolutely do the work that our natural born citizens will not and would never do.

That doesn't necessarily mean the fact they fill that void is "a good thing" in and of itself. There is a much more important question there.

10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

they have never come up with any solutions. Never once.

No one has come up with solutions. Measures that are in the interests of national security, human rights, and generally "trying to do what's best" are not straight forward. We have had really challenging issues with immigration that the left and the right has not dealt with to the dis-satisfaction of the clear majority of people. My assumption is that this is not a unique localised phenomena to Australia (the US, Europe, elsewhere).


10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

There was an orange makeup wearing, slob who claimed...

It's difficult to comprehend just how bad it got. No more democracy. Or at the very least, the very real possibility of no more democracy. An absolute con-man.

10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

The Right is a dying breed in our nation, and it’s because they are totally out of step with the younger generation.

No it's not. There is and always will be a "right". At least I hope so - in ALL free western democratic nations. It is insane on the right right now. The left for all it's faults is NOT as bad or dangerous, but can definitely rise to be equally insane in ways that matter.

I can talk to my parents and in-laws who have incredibly deep and fundamental differences in outlooks because I understand they are coming from their space. My kids don't really agree fundamentally with a lot of what their grand parents might think in the political context, but they have absolutely NO lack of respect or love for them. I don't think it's out of step, it's just every generation and their elders.

I really hope the younger generations NEVER lose touch with the wisdom and appreciation of the difference of the older generations - or those generally with different mind sets.

Edited by rm2551
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On 5/26/2023 at 4:44 PM, Plant77 said:

The right will scream open borders, caravans, illegal immigrants flooding our borders every election cycle. The funny thing is, they have never come up with any solutions. Never once.

Ok, I'll play and then if you ask nicely perhaps I'll run for President. Illegal immigration? I got this. On day one I'd impose a THREE YEAR moratorium on ALL immigration. That means no B1 work visas, no vacation visas, no naturalization ceremonies, nothing. Essentially, if you're a US citizen you can get in and out, but if an illegal alien invader you are free to leave but you ain't getting back in for three years. The next step is mass deportations the likes of which you would never imagine. I don't care if you've been here illegally  three days or thirty years, if you get swooped up your ass is getting deported within one week. Finally, the next person who attempts to cross the border illegally will take two to the chest and one to the head. Wash, rinse, repeat for as long as necessary.    


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Origin game 1 tomorrow night. Mitchel is out for NSW which helps QLD a great deal, but it's still anyones game. Hopefully it will be the same calibre of games as last years series. Game III last year was amongst the best ever.

Go the mighty maroons....

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12 hours ago, redrum said:


Love it! Like the Rittenhouse shooting, I could watch this all day. I hope the impact from that camera crane gave him a skull fracture.

Edited by SteveAJones
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