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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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2 hours ago, rm2551 said:

At best, it's a gaff that deserves the following: She has to go on every Fox show that will have her and answer a single question:

What the fuck was that????

At best.

How can we be considered a serious country any longer? The entire administration is comprised of oath-violating Affirmative Action hires, epitomized by this moronic dullard in a pant suit. "I'm not finished. Hee hee hee hee". No, you are finished. I would debate this idiot tonight and twice on Sunday on ANY topic and she'd get her ass handed to her.



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49 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

How can we be considered a serious country any longer? The entire administration is comprised of oath-violating Affirmative Action hires, epitomized by this moronic dullard in a pant suit. "I'm not finished. Hee hee hee hee". No, you are finished. I would debate this idiot tonight and twice on Sunday on ANY topic and she'd get her ass handed to her.



she must of been good at something to get this far this quick with shit for brains?

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16 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

Kind of that, not exactly,........

She is a moron. She has no talent or intelligence. She is where she is because of the people she knows and the boxes she ticks. There is no real reason for her to be in the position she is in or anywhere near another position like it.

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13 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

She is where she is because of the people she knows and the boxes she ticks.

Which can be applied to literally everyone.


13 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

There is no real reason for her to be in the position she is in or anywhere near another position like it.

except for the vote.

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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

She is a moron. She has no talent or intelligence. She is where she is because of the people she knows and the boxes she ticks. There is no real reason for her to be in the position she is in or anywhere near another position like it.

It goes deeper than that. Joe Biden was Obama's bullet proof vest for eight years. Now that Biden is essentially carrying out Obama's third term, they had to find someone even worse to serve as Biden's bullet proof vest. They struck gold with this fake black ditz. How universally disliked is Cum-allya? If you recall when she was running for President, she was polling at 1%. ONE percent.  


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