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Look at his skin... so perfect!! By the way, today, september the 7th, we celebrate the 46th anniversary of Led Zep's live debut, as "The New Yardbirds", at Gladsaxe Teen Club of Gladsaxe, Denmark. 46 years, my God... and it still give me the chills everytime I listen to their songs!!! Legends, pure and simple!

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Looking at Robert and Jimmy in the car one can see their personalities, at least that's what I think: here's Robert, the extrovert, a man comfortable with his sexuality, his beauty, his way of beeing, and Jimmy, the introvert, somehow shy, a man keeping all to himself, more like a "dark beauty"... Now enough with the psychology: did you notice, girls, where is Robert holding his hand???? Because I can't take my eyes off that!!!!

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just remembered Robert was in a dream I had last night .... I was watching a cover band - they were playing Pink Floyd and Deep Purple songs. I was walking around the side of the stage and Robert was there. He recognised me ( of course ) but I said "don't worry. I wont bother you with LZ questions, lol " He just smiled and came and sat next to me to watch the band. He seemed to really like the band. He was how he looks today.

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