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Like a few people here, I hate it when people say "pop" when talking about soda (soft drinks, whatever you call it)…

That's all I can think of… :lol:

OH yeah, I think somebody said this, but I don't like when people post on here like they're using some sort of instant messaging (stuff like lol, mayb, 2morrow…………)

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Some more peeves from my infinite list of them:

Tip jars in places where you should not be expected to tip for service.

People who take forever to write a check at the store.


Door to door salespeople and those pesky Mormon kids on bikes.

Added fees at hotles: Parking fees; resort fees; local taxes to pay for stadiums and other public projects.

Loud parties going into the early morning hours

People who leave their trash cans where they can be seen from the street

Drivers who don't turn their lights on even though it is getting dark.

Cars that leak oil or are in disrepair on the roads.

People who believe that "the wealthy" owe them something more in the form of higher taxes.

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In the South sodas are referred to as Coke no matter if it's Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper or whatever.

Yeah, I live in NC too and the only time I've ever heard anyone say "pop" is when somebody wants to pop you upside your head.

Another thing that irks me is when people can't remember simple, recent historical events. I saw something on TV a few months ago where they asked a few ditzy girls what year Sept. 11 was in. They had no idea! Their answers weren't even close! Then they asked them to name all 87 of Brad and Angelina's kids, and they got every single one of them right as if they were the ones who had named them. Come on people! Pick up a damn newspaper!

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The notes that my printing professor sends us to print out are all in colour instead of black and white and to print them would waste a load of ink, so I have to write them out by hand instead. I'm getting so sick of having to do that. I wish he wouldn't do all the colour.

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^ I agree.

I have teachers that post required reading handouts on the class' website so WE have to print them out with our printers. My school gives each professor like 3,000 copies per month. DON'T tell me that they have used all of their copies. :rolleyes:

But I get Power Points that have black backgrounds or blue backgrounds or purple backgrounds...I like to print Power Points out in the notes form--they have the entire slide then blank lines next to them so you can take notes. So I usually change every single Power Point into a different document so they have white backgrounds with very few graphics and black lettering.

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Mine do the same thing. Our lastest notes have a blue back ground and yellow type. I'm only allowed 1,000 copies a semester which doesn't always go that far. But maybe I can print them out in my printing class where there are no paper limits, infact we get free paper donations all the time from paper companies in the area.

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^ I don't know how many copies we get a semester--but it used to be $18 a semester, and depending on what lab you print from, copies are like three cents. But--with all of my classes this semester, I've only got like $7 left, and that's not counting the stuff I printed at home! :rolleyes:

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In the South sodas are referred to as Coke no matter if it's Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper or whatever.


Yeah, I recall my Aunt asking me if I wanted a 'Coke' but then she gave me a Bubble-Up.

My Pet Peeve: when somebody offers you a pop and they pour it out of some plastic bottle from their ice box that was probably opened a week ago.

Flatter than a white boy's ass.

I agree children being harshly disciplined in public is wrong. On the other hand, I have a pet peeze with people who stare at the parent/s when a baby or toddler is having an outburst. It's NORMAL at their age. Damn, I have witnessed just as many adults displaying the same behavior!

I don't know about that. I was raised under the social contract that "Children are to be seen and not heard." My mother never had to smack us in public... she waited until she got us in the car.

I actually learned this little trick from a friend of mine who is a cop. If you smack the kid open handed on the back of the head, it does a really good job getting their attention, plus it never leaves a mark.

Now that I am older.... I wonder whatever happend to the 'seen and not heard' thing?


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^ I don't know how many copies we get a semester--but it used to be $18 a semester, and depending on what lab you print from, copies are like three cents. But--with all of my classes this semester, I've only got like $7 left, and that's not counting the stuff I printed at home! :rolleyes:

We don't have to pay for indivual classes here. I finally got my own printer in my dorm which is nice, but I don't want to waste all of my ink printing things that don't need to be in colour and it's a pain in the arse going to the public print lab because it's on the opposite side of campus from my dorm and I know have any classes in that building this semester.

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I agree with the frustration about people getting irritated when children are acting like children. Yes--I agree that if you're at a restaurant or somewhere in public, children should know that they're expected to be on their best behavior. But--giving a family of decently-behaved children a dirty look because one makes more noise than they should isn't okay. Expecting any child to hold completely still and be silent is not normal. If the kid has an outburst and it's one outburst and the parents correct it at a nice restaurant, fine. If the kid is being a brat, that's different. If you've got a child running up and down the aisles, screeching; or climbing up onto the table; or generally being a nuisance; this is a problem. But a child laughing kind of loud, perhaps even misbehaving for less than fifteen seconds, whatever. Those kinds of things happen--to the best-behaved child. The difference whether it happens once during a meal or repeatedly is the discipline.

I think the "children should be seen not heard" rule should only be followed in very few instances--like places that most (normal) people would not take their children until they knew their child was able to hold still and behave--like a restaurant, no matter the caliber of the joint; or a movie theater. Don't take your kids out if they cannot sit still through a movie or a meal! I don't go to restaurants to hear trashy parents screaming at their children while their children climb up seating at my table. I'd have gone to Chuck E. Cheese's instead of paying $50 a plate for dinner. :rolleyes:

BTW---the fanciest place I was ever taken to dinner was McDonald's or even Pizza Hut when I was a kid until my parents were sure we knew how to act in a restauraunt. We ate at Denny's a lot too when eating out. (uughhh.)

Edited by manderlyh
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^ I get pissed when I go into an adult resteraunt or cafe and there's a family there with a load of kids and the kids are running around and making noise instead of staying in their seats being quiet. <_< Sometimes I wish some of the resteraunts in my town would have child policies about keeping kids under control or no children under the age of 12 allowed. If kids need to act that way that's what they have McDonalds with a playground in it for, or Pizza Hut, or Chuck E Cheeze's. I use to love those places when I was little.

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^ I get pissed when I go into an adult resteraunt or cafe and there's a family there with a load of kids and the kids are running around and making noise instead of staying in their seats being quiet. <_< Sometimes I wish some of the resteraunts in my town would have child policies about keeping kids under control or no children under the age of 12 allowed. If kids need to act that way that's what they have McDonalds with a playground in it for, or Pizza Hut, or Chuck E Cheeze's. I use to love those places when I was little.

How about putting kids in those little cages like they put cats and small dogs in on the airplane?

My son never acted out in resturaunts. One time we went to nice to a restuarant and the hostess/owner was practically insisting that we be seated in this back room where they put people with small kids (my son was about 6 years old at the time). But I refused saying "why should we have to sit with a bunch of noisy brats when my son is very well behaved?" I told the hostess if my son makes any noice or acts out in any way I would give her $100.

After our dinner she complimented us on how well behaved my son was.

The problem with some parents today is that they have no concept of how to control their children. They listen to Dr. Phil and all these other feel good nut jobs when they should have listened to how their grandparents (great grandparents for many of you) disciplined children.

My Pet Peeve: People who say "It takes a village."

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Seen and not be heard, man that is older than the dinosaurs. Do you think that should apply to women, too?

Hitting a child in the back of the head may not leave a noticable "mark" unless they are bald. HOWEVER, it is HEAD TRAUMA that you are causing, just the same. May as well just say it's acceptable to shake babies. You are taking the same kind of risk. How hard is that smack anyway? Well I imagine depending on the level of anger of the person doing the hitting, their strength and their amount of stupidity, you may well be causing a "concussion" or worse.

Let's be honest, this is "child abuse".

I don't think he's talking about hitting his child with brute force. :rolleyes:

The kid's not going to be sitting on the floor knocked out or feeling his head throb for ten minutes afterward.

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You don't have to hit a child with "brute force" to injure them. I went to grammar school with a girl who was "disciplined" by her parents, and they didn't hit her as hard as they would an adult, but she had black and blue marks everywhere and they dislocated her shoulder once by yanking her out of a store. None of those injuries were applied with "brute force" but she was hardly left uninjured.

My parents would swat my sister and I on the rear end if we acted up, but never in public, NEVER hard enough to ever leave so much as a mark and absolutely never on the head/face. I saw a mother smack her kid in the back of the head in a store once, and the kid damn near fell out of the shopping cart. It took a lot of strength not to go over there and ream that bitch a new asshole.

My parents were both abused as children, at least if they did to my sister and I what was done to them, they'd still be in prison right now, so I have no tolerance for people that get that angry at a child, they must strike them. Learn to control yourself.

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Seen and not be heard, man that is older than the dinosaurs. Do you think that should apply to women, too?

No, because thankfully man has evolved to the point where he now has selective hearing.

Hitting a child in the back of the head may not leave a noticable "mark" unless they are bald. HOWEVER, it is HEAD TRAUMA that you are causing, just the same. May as well just say it's acceptable to shake babies. You are taking the same kind of risk. How hard is that smack anyway? Well I imagine depending on the level of anger of the person doing the hitting, their strength and their amount of stupidity, you may well be causing a "concussion" or worse.

Let's be honest, this is "child abuse".

Nah! Not even close.

I said open hand smack on the back of the head. It's not like a punch with a fist. Besides, nobody said anything about 'shaking babies' or stuff like that.

It sounds like you think a kid is made out of glass or something. When I was a kid we played baseball, tackle football, rode mini bikes, skateboards and fought each other like Ali and Frazier.... and without helmets! And nobody ever died! Putting 'the click' on the back of a kid's head is nothing. I'm 47 and my mother still gives a whack every now and then.

And besides, if you don't smack a kid in anger then what's the point? He's gotta know your mad at him for something he did, or he'll think you are just drunk or something.

Btw, nobody in my family ever heled up a store or was in a gang or anything. I attribute a lot of that to the fact that my parents had the good sense to take a hand to us when we needed it.

My Pet Peave: People who don't love their kids enough to be tough on them when they need to.

btw, welcome to the world of Del Zeppnile ;)


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What I meant in my previous post was that I doubt that Del would admit to beating his child on a public forum. As much of a hard-ass, asshole he can be sometimes, I am sure that he's not a child-abusing jerk.

I personally did not think that he meant that he hit his son any harder than would be prudent. :rolleyes:

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What I meant in my previous post was that I doubt that Del would admit to beating his child on a public forum. As much of a hard-ass, asshole he can be sometimes, I am sure that he's not a child-abusing jerk.

I personally did not think that he meant that he hit his son any harder than would be prudent. :rolleyes:

Well, my father always said that, "if it didn't leave a mark, then it probably didn't make your point."

I draw the line at permanent damage when spanking a child. A few red welts on the butt isn't going too far do you think?

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I don't know how "hard" that smack is. If a grown man with a pretty large hand hits a 5 year old in the back of the head, it can be a significant blow. How often is this child being hit? Even a few times a week, i would expect some "head trauma" is quite possible. I'm saying what Del is condoning is abuse. I'm NOT saying he is abusing anyone, i don't know any more than what he posted himself.

Yeah, "trauma" that's what it was. Like the time my father 'traumatized me' and my brother with his shoe after we had gotten the cat's head stuck inside the front door of my sisters doll house for over five hours. :lol:

Well, I can happily inform you that I have been smacking my kid for years without any permanent damage.

If this sounds like fun to you, why not have your boyfriend smack you the way Del described and let me know if you still agree with this form of "redirection".

Why, did Manders get the cat stuck in a dollhouse too?

Heaven, you are taking this issue much too seriously.

edited because I was addressing Shadow instead of Heaven... my mistake.


Edited by Del Zeppnile
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I don't know how "hard" that smack is. If a grown man with a pretty large hand hits a 5 year old in the back of the head, it can be a significant blow. How often is this child being hit? Even a few times a week, i would expect some "head trauma" is quite possible. I'm saying what Del is condoning is abuse. I'm NOT saying he is abusing anyone, i don't know any more than what he posted himself.

If this sounds like fun to you, why not have your boyfriend smack you the way Del described and let me know if you still agree with this form of "redirection".

I really dont believe in hitting children. But like I said I was abused as a child and it goes on as an adult. From members of this list believe it or not. They feel it's proper to say horrid things to people who have suffered.

Kids dont know so much really. If they need a time out or a good talking to its one thing. But you have no idea what this can do to a persons psyche. The child has not developed mentally and cannot grasp as complex of an idea that a grown up hates them for lets say spilling soup or fighting with siblings.

Not much I can do about what others do, but I think in the long run the Supreme Court even has issues with it.

Their hands are just tied.

2. Sluts. I think common sluts are a terrible thing in society. They pass on diseases without caring, destroy families, promote drugs, indecent behaviour and many earn money doing it. There was a reason these women were stoned to death many years ago. Get a family :D Do something good besides promoting sex as something you do with everyone who will buy you a chablis.

Have respect for your body, it's your shrine. Your children learn their behaviour FROM YOU...

Shad :unsure: w

Edited by shadowlongerthansoul
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