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Pet Peeves


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My irritation of the day:

Here I am, driving along the (pretty much empty) Interstate going the speed limit, minding my own business, when a FUCKING SEMI DECIDES TO CHANGE LANES OVER ME WITHOUT USING HIS FUCKING BLINKER!

I had not even been on the Interstate for a mile when this happened. It wasn't like the lanes were merging or anything, he just decided to change lanes without using his blinker. I had noticed that he was getting awfully close to the dotted line, and he slowly crossed it, so I was watching him, wondering what the hell he was doing; in fact I had my thumb over the horn button, but I was in the far right lane and had no where to go! I could see his blinkers, and he never bothered to even make it flicker once.

Luckily, I was able to jot onto the shoulder to avoid becoming a bug smooshed to the side of his fucking trailer. I floored it and drove up the shoulder and made sure to make a BIG production of using my blinker a few times in front of him--using it to go from the shoulder to the lane he STOLE from me, back into the lane to the left (the middle one), back to the right lane again. Fucker. This was in a construction zone, too.

It just burns my ass when I see a truck driver doing shit like changing lanes in a 3-trailer semi without using his blinker. It pisses me off even more when you go to pass him and you realize that he's watching a DVD in his cab while you're struggling NOT to get creamed by his death-machine that's all over the road without any warning, (which, BTW, I think he was doing because I could see a strange, blue-gray flickering once I was far enough ahead of him to see the truck's windshield in my rearview mirror).

Stupid fuck. It's not like he doesn't know how times people in a car that get into an accident in a semi die.

I've had this happen too many times to count. It's like the semi drivers decide that they can do whatever the fuck they want on the Interstates. It really pisses me off because I have a bit of a fear of being in a wreck with a big truck like that, (I worked with a guy who was in a wreck with a jackknifed semi about 9 years ago, and he was so lucky that he lived to tell the tale). If you're driving something that big, you should sure as hell use your fucking blinker when you're changing lanes. They've got those signs all over them explaining blind spots, etc., so when I'm near semis, I usually pay extra close attention to be sure that they're not trying to do something and they don't see me--but it's really hard to get an idea of what they're going to do if they don't use the "signals" that are meant to warn you!

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Truck drivers usually don't get enough sleep. They are under so much pressure to deliver their cargo on a tight schedule. One recently drove his vehicle into a car with several passengers including children, not intentionally but the damage was done. I think they sentenced him to a year. He's just a guy trying to make a living, but you see what can happen all too easily. Rather than invite those situations, I do my very best to steer clear of semis, knowing that many are not alert drivers.

Just the other day I read about one who plunged to his death 40 feet when he went over the guard rail.

Edited by eternal light
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I've said that they get my attention any time they're around, but if they aren't being safe, they shouldn't be on the road. Period.

I know many truck drivers, and they all say that they're under deadlines, yes. However, they also have limits to how long they're allowed to drive, and watching movies, surfing the internet, etc., while driving is not okay--I don't care who you are.

Which also brings me to something I've been noticing a lot lately from public servants in my county--police, fire chiefs, paramedics, etc. They all use their laptops while driving!

I totally understand the needs to have a computer in a vehicle if the vehicle is your office, but come on, if the police pull civilians over for talking on the phone, texting, or computer use while driving, why is it okay for them to use the same technology while driving? If it's a quick call because they're being dispatched, okay; but if you are moving in the car while clicking things on the computer, I've got to say that's NOT okay.

About a year ago, I was driving to the grocery store near my house, and I was on a rim of a cliff. I was next to a paramedics vehicle--it wasn't an ambulance--and the driver KNEW I was there, we'd made eye contact at a stoplight a few seconds previous. While we were bounding a corner to go down this (very dangerous) hill, he almost ran me over the edge, changing lanes over me! I honestly don't think he even knew what happened. I didn't honk my horn, because there was really no time or use for it, and when he finally got in front of me, I could see his computer screen. At the stoplight, it was obvious that he was doing something on it. I'm sure he was reading it or something and "drifted" over into my lane and stayed there to make it seem like that's what he was doing.

It just kills me that they're doing these types of things while operating a moving vehicle.

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Yeah, they're all nuts. Fortunately, many of the police officers are trained to be expert drivers. You must pull over for the rescue vehicles. They are supposed to have their sirens going and lights flashing in an emergency, but they are trained to be safe drivers and use caution.

Even so, add a laptop and the human error factor, and they can have the whole road to themselves.

Edited by eternal light
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Mandy did you find a number to call and complain? I would have or called 911 or something. It's ridiculous when people drive like that. I was with a friend and her mom in Indianapolis, it was late at night we were going to Ohio to stay with my friends grandma. There was some lady driving a black car, without her lights on. We were on the interstate and flashed lights at her but she wouldn't turn them on so my friends mom just called 911 about it.

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Hey Mandy. They just passed a law here, among other crazy ones, that makes texting illegal while driving.

The question everyone is asking is: how can a cop differentiate a text and a call, which for some stupid reason, wasn't considered illegal.

BUT..if you are stopped at a light...it's ok. :blink::huh::unsure:

Go figure. It's Utah, what can I say. They did however FINALLY put an end to "private club" memberships for bars and clubs so you no longer have to purchase a membership just to get in and get a friggen drink. YAY!!! :cheer: *That should be in 'what made me happy'...*

Ok, on to my peeve of the day. My fricking neighbor leaves her toilet running, wasting water and driving me crazy listening to the pipes that are exremely loud and annoying. I swear I feel like ....nevermind. :angry: When I get that peeved I blast The Rolling Stones. Works for me.

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When the Girl Scouts are selling cookies the one day I'm short on cash, and when I have plenty on hand they are gone.

Oh, but the cookies are good! I bought some the other week. At $3.50 a box - it's still worth it, especially the chocolate mint cookies. :D

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Oh, but the cookies are good! I bought some the other week. At $3.50 a box - it's still worth it, especially the chocolate mint cookies. :D

They are excellent cookies, but invariably the timing is off. Murphy's Law, as soon as I go get that $3.50, those Girl Scouts and their cookies will be gone.

Edited by eternal light
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Yeah, they're all nuts. Fortunately, many of the police officers are trained to be expert drivers. You must pull over for the rescue vehicles. They are supposed to have their sirens going and lights flashing in an emergency, but they are trained to be safe drivers and use caution.

You don't have to pull over for rescue vehicles when they're just driving. This one didn't have lights or anything. He was just driving--the fire station and paramedics station were less than a mile away.

Mandy did you find a number to call and complain? I would have or called 911 or something. It's ridiculous when people drive like that. I was with a friend and her mom in Indianapolis, it was late at night we were going to Ohio to stay with my friends grandma. There was some lady driving a black car, without her lights on. We were on the interstate and flashed lights at her but she wouldn't turn them on so my friends mom just called 911 about it.

I didn't call to complain because I was so freaked out that I forgot to look.

Hey Mandy. They just passed a law here, among other crazy ones, that makes texting illegal while driving.

The question everyone is asking is: how can a cop differentiate a text and a call, which for some stupid reason, wasn't considered illegal.

BUT..if you are stopped at a light...it's ok. :blink::huh::unsure:

If you're stopped at a light, it's not an issue, IMO. It's the people who are driving and looking at their phone that bother me. Granted, if you're texting and driving, a reply text from whoever you're texting may distract you, even if you sent their text while stopped.

Go figure. It's Utah, what can I say. They did however FINALLY put an end to "private club" memberships for bars and clubs so you no longer have to purchase a membership just to get in and get a friggen drink. YAY!!! :cheer: *That should be in

I cracked up when we were at the BX at Hill AFB and the Bud Light had a "strong beer" sticker on it--it was regular beer, not "wanna be O'Doul's."

My pet peeve: I ordered Girl Scout Cookies, and I'm thinking I am not getting them. It's been weeks since all of my friends' cookies came. If I'd have known that they wouldn't get them to me, I would have bought them from the girls at the groery store.

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You don't have to pull over for rescue vehicles when they're just driving. This one didn't have lights or anything. He was just driving--the fire station and paramedics station were less than a mile away.

You're right. There must be some kind of community advocate representative in the fire/paramedics group who responds properly to citizen concerns. You could call and politely ask about what is the appropriate way to react when you encounter a situation like the one that happened. I give myself bonus points if I manage to stay cool and calm discussing the issue with them.

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Okay, here's my pet peeve for the day. Shitty friends.

My sister was on Spring Break last week and a friend of hers who lives in Valdosta, GA asked her to fly down there and spend the week with her, which she did. She was supposed to fly back to Atlanta and then on to Raleigh today, but her first flight got canceled, so she's stuck there. When she found out the flight got canceled, she asked her friend to turn back around and come get her so she could spend tonight at her apartment, rather than a hotel room near the airport alone.

Her friend said and I quote, "I'm too tired, I don't want to drive back."

Now this is the same friend who spent the last two nights drinking and partying with friends leaving my sister alone in the apartment. This is the same friend who was less than 1 hour from the airport and still in Georgia when she called. This friend had to drive back down to Jacksonville to drop another friend off at the airport there, only that flight isn't leaving until tomorrow night. So she had plenty of time to drive back to Valdosta and get my sister and still make it to Jacksonville the next day.

Pardon my language, but what a twat.

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Okay, here's my pet peeve for the day. Shitty friends.

My sister was on Spring Break last week and a friend of hers who lives in Valdosta, GA asked her to fly down there and spend the week with her, which she did. She was supposed to fly back to Atlanta and then on to Raleigh today, but her first flight got canceled, so she's stuck there. When she found out the flight got canceled, she asked her friend to turn back around and come get her so she could spend tonight at her apartment, rather than a hotel room near the airport alone.

Her friend said and I quote, "I'm too tired, I don't want to drive back."

Now this is the same friend who spent the last two nights drinking and partying with friends leaving my sister alone in the apartment. This is the same friend who was less than 1 hour from the airport and still in Georgia when she called. This friend had to drive back down to Jacksonville to drop another friend off at the airport there, only that flight isn't leaving until tomorrow night. So she had plenty of time to drive back to Valdosta and get my sister and still make it to Jacksonville the next day.

Pardon my language, but what a twat.

Don't get me started on shitty friends.

My mum's been in hospital recently, and when a mate asked my boyfriend whether he'd attend his gig, my bf said no - he'd be visiting my mum instead.

And you know what the guy said? He basically said that my bf wasn't a good enough friend to go to his gig (not like the friend who was going) and that he wanted to make my bf 'feel a bit guilty' for not attending it! I was seriously thinking, what the fuck? My mum's in hospital and this idiot didn't get how important she was over his gig. And my bf said so much to him, as well. I suppose when his father was ill last year he forgot just how worrying it can be...

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Don't get me started on shitty friends.

My mum's been in hospital recently, and when a mate asked my boyfriend whether he'd attend his gig, my bf said no - he'd be visiting my mum instead.

And you know what the guy said? He basically said that my bf wasn't a good enough friend to go to his gig (not like the friend who was going) and that he wanted to make my bf 'feel a bit guilty' for not attending it! I was seriously thinking, what the fuck? My mum's in hospital and this idiot didn't get how important she was over his gig. And my bf said so much to him, as well. I suppose when his father was ill last year he forgot just how worrying it can be...

I'm sorry your mum has been in the hospital :console: I don't understand when people behave like that and question your boyfriend's decision. You'd think they would say, no worries, hope her mum is okay. Sometimes people can be really selfish - same with Electrophile's sisters friend :(

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I'm sorry your mum has been in the hospital :console: I don't understand when people behave like that and question your boyfriend's decision. You'd think they would say, no worries, hope her mum is okay. Sometimes people can be really selfish - same with Electrophile's sisters friend :(

Thank you :) It was a routine operation, but at least she's on the mend now.

It didn't bother me as much that he questioned my bf, it was his weird 'I'm just trying to make you feel guilty' remark. He laughed it off as a joke, but this guy lost his father last year (and we were there for him throughout) - you'd think, he of all people, would understand how worrying it would be for me or my bf.

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I hate rib joints with no collard greens. I know ribs aren't exactly health food, but jeez, I'd like to get SOME kind of vegetable in there, and those and green beans are both legitimate BBQ side dishes, so what's the deal? I mean, this is California, and we don't even get a side veggie? There's something wrong with that...

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Okay, here's my pet peeve for the day. Shitty friends.

My sister was on Spring Break last week and a friend of hers who lives in Valdosta, GA asked her to fly down there and spend the week with her, which she did. She was supposed to fly back to Atlanta and then on to Raleigh today, but her first flight got canceled, so she's stuck there. When she found out the flight got canceled, she asked her friend to turn back around and come get her so she could spend tonight at her apartment, rather than a hotel room near the airport alone.

Her friend said and I quote, "I'm too tired, I don't want to drive back."

Now this is the same friend who spent the last two nights drinking and partying with friends leaving my sister alone in the apartment. This is the same friend who was less than 1 hour from the airport and still in Georgia when she called. This friend had to drive back down to Jacksonville to drop another friend off at the airport there, only that flight isn't leaving until tomorrow night. So she had plenty of time to drive back to Valdosta and get my sister and still make it to Jacksonville the next day.

Pardon my language, but what a twat.

That's BS. I'm sorry, but I feel bad for your sister. I'm the type of person that would help out a friend if they called me for a ride to/from the airport--no problem, as long as it's not interfering with my job, school, etc. If anyone I knew, anyone I trusted, called and asked for a ride home from the airport or if they could stay with me b/c of the situation your sister had, I'd do it.

The only thing I'd ask for in return is that if I were in the same situation, someone would return the favor for me. Isn't that how "friendship" works?

And you know what the guy said? He basically said that my bf wasn't a good enough friend to go to his gig (not like the friend who was going) and that he wanted to make my bf 'feel a bit guilty' for not attending it! I was seriously thinking, what the fuck? My mum's in hospital and this idiot didn't get how important she was over his gig. And my bf said so much to him, as well. I suppose when his father was ill last year he forgot just how worrying it can be...

I'm glad your BF cares about you enough to stand up to his friends and do what he thinks is best. It's awesome that you have someone who is there for you.

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It pissed my parents off more than it did her to be honest, because they're stuck here unable to do anything to help her. Fortunately Delta picked up the tab for her hotel room since they canceled the flight AND she was able to rent a car. She's under 25 so she had to pay an extra fee, but at least she had a car to get around in today and then tomorrow. She found a place to eat, went to Target......she calmed down as soon as she had two guaranteed flights to get back here.

And yeah, it is bullshit. Especially when she had her entire sorority and friends in Chicago trying to find someway to get her here. She's Phi Mu, so her Big Sister was trying to get a hold of the chapter at Valdosta State to see if they could do anything to help her, but because it's Spring Break in Georgia now, they had all scattered. Then she had friends volunteering to pick her up in Atlanta and drive her back up to Greensboro if this "friend" of hers would just drive her that far. But no......we have to go party with our friend in Jacksonville instead of helping someone you had fly down to see you to the tune of $400.

Seriously, I'm sitting there calling people I know that live around there, my one friend in Chicago who has even seen my sister in about 9 years volunteered to drive down and get her. Now, it's about 13 hours from Atlanta to Chicago and tack on another 4.5 to get from Atlanta to Valdosta. She was willing to do that for my sister, but her friend wouldn't turn back around on I-75 and pick her up at the fucking airport.

My God, if I ever see this girl face-to-face, she won't have much of one left. <_<

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