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wanna be drummer

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He was fun to watch,that's for sure.I wish that I had kept all the stuff that I got from his fan club.

As for the best player, I would normally agree B) ,but my wife is from Edmonton and I don't need to start the New Year off with a bigger bang. :P

:D I hear ya !

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BTW Rorer. It looks as though my opinion on Paul Maurice's return to Carolina is seriously flawed. The Cain's are playing very well and look like they have new life in them.

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BTW Rorer. It looks as though my opinion on Paul Maurice's return to Carolina is seriously flawed. The Cain's are playing very well and look like they have new life in them.

Yeah,they're hanging in there so far.I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I believe Yukon has his crossed a little tighter. ;)

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I thought so :D To me, Orr's the greatest player I have ever seen. No disrespect to Gretzky and Lemieux but winning the scoring title as a defenceman is unheard of in any era. What a player he was

Speaking of great defensemen, we have one on my team that is slowly making the case for "Top 3 Defensemen Ever".

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Speaking of great defensemen, we have one on my team that is slowly making the case for "Top 3 Defensemen Ever".

Lidstrom is a great one alright, and one of the best ever He can do it all. I wish he was a Canuck :D

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Me and you and Ally could put on a pair of skates and beat St Louis. Let me know when your boys beat a real team. We drop the puck in Boston in 6 minutes. GO SABRES!!!!

I think you're about to play a real team right now!We'll see if you can get those two points back.

We've got Tampa tonight B)

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Me and you and Ally could put on a pair of skates and beat St Louis. Let me know when your boys beat a real team. We drop the puck in Boston in 6 minutes. GO SABRES!!!!

Now that would be one hell of a line Yukon :nhl_checking::D

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Everyone wishes he was on their team! Thank God just like our former captain, he'll be a Wing for life.

Yeah he's a Wing for life and he's a class act just like Stevie Y is. I've met a few players over the years and most of them have been great but Stevie is really something special

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Yeah he's a Wing for life and he's a class act just like Stevie Y is. I've met a few players over the years and most of them have been great but Stevie is really something special

Steve is one of the few athletes I've ever seen that have made grown men cry. When he announced his retirement (which we all knew was coming but didn't want to admit), there were members of the Detroit press corps with tears in their eyes. They were crying because Steve was retiring.

I grew up in Chicago and was a huge Bulls fan and when Michael Jordan retired (we watched his press conference live in class....fun times), the Chicago press didn't cry. They were obviously upset because here's this amazing athlete that brought championships to Chicago and now he's leaving, but no one cried.

I really hope that Steve ends up either as General Manager or potentially owner one day. He's got a great hockey mind.

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Steve is one of the few athletes I've ever seen that have made grown men cry. When he announced his retirement (which we all knew was coming but didn't want to admit), there were members of the Detroit press corps with tears in their eyes. They were crying because Steve was retiring.

I grew up in Chicago and was a huge Bulls fan and when Michael Jordan retired (we watched his press conference live in class....fun times), the Chicago press didn't cry. They were obviously upset because here's this amazing athlete that brought championships to Chicago and now he's leaving, but no one cried.

I really hope that Steve ends up either as General Manager or potentially owner one day. He's got a great hockey mind.

Well he'll be running the 2010 Olympic Hockey Team and that is being viewed as some sort of stepping stone into a full time position within the NHL. Personally, I don't think he'll ever have Detroit out of his blood and anything he ends up doing on a full time basis will be with the Red Wings. There are many up here who are questioning his decision to be part of Hockey Canada as only a gold medal will be considered a success and most people know that a gold is in no way guaranteed. Personally, I think he's a great choice no matter what happens in 2010

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Update. End of two. Sabres 4 Bruins 2

were on them like a cheap rug. Wait until your day comes Rorer! We will be in Detroit next Sat night. cant wait for that one!!

I'm waiting,you guys caught them on an off day ;) Actually that was an impressive win for the Sabres.Lindy must have got on the boys,eh?

We're still hanging tough.Hopefully we'll have all the kinks worked out before too long.

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They eared it. They worked the entire game. No doubt they listened. We have Ottawa Tues, and its time we takke care of them. We should because they have all kinds of problems. One of the big surprizes to me. That Ottawa is doing so bad and Boston so good. Very strange. then the Rangers are here Friday and then we go to Detroit. That will be a tough one to say the least. But we have passed Pittsburgh.

That was a good win for the Sabres Yukon. Wins like that can really spark a team

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It can also make a team over confident and play like shit. We lost Marty for the season and stepped up our game.

All good teams get motivation from somewhere. Your Devils did after losing Brodeur and I think the Sabres will by getting a big win in Boston.

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Hey Y:

I saw Curtis Joseph being interviewed...He looked so sad...ahhhhh..poor Cu-Jo...

Juliet consoling Cu-JO :console:

PS Juliet getting after the Leafs to clean up their act :rant:

Yes.......the tough love approach worked....now I need to use that on my next boyfriend...I've been too nice to the men I've met so far in my life....way to nice... :rant:

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I agree Ally. I hope I can continue to talk hockey with you and Juliet and Rorer. But it seems a few here are out to get me removed. Same old shit.

Well my Canucks lost in a shootout to Dallas last night and after losing in Atlanta that's two bad ones in a row. Our new goalie Jason LaBarbera, who we got from the Kings, was unbelievable last night. The Canucks were lucky to take it to a shootout and if not for LaBarbera standing on his head, it would have been embarrasing. This is not the time to be stinking out the joint but lately, they have.

I hope they don't think that Sundin is going to just come in and do it on his own because, he can't. It's time they stopped giving away points, especially at home or they'll find themselves in a fight to the finish for a playoff spot

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I assume they are just resting Luongo? They are in decent shape to get in. Question is, how far can they go? And can they beat a team like San Jose or Detroit? My team has an old nemesis in town tomorrow. Ottawa. But they are having major trouble. No excuse for the Sabres to not take care of business in that one. The weekend brings the Rangers and Red Wings. Rivet is back tomorrow. Afinigenov is out for a while. It seems Connelly will be back by the weekend.

Well, they made the mistake just before Xmas of trying to bring Luongo back too early and he re injured himself. At this stage, they don't want to take any chances. The Canucks have done better than most of us thought without him but he is the key to any playoff run.

No, they are not as good as Detroit or San Jose. Not sure that they are even a top 4 or 5 in the west but you know what the playoffs can be like. They can't take nights off and last night, it wouldn't have mattered if Luongo was there or not. I think from time to time they are guilty of thinking they are better than they are and from time to time, a team they should beat, proves them wrong. Welcome to today's NHL :D

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I dont think I would ever consider beating Dallas an easy task. But I havent seen them yet this year. We will be on a midwester trip next week. Hitting Calgary and Edmonton and Chicago I believe Unfortunately not hitting Vancouver this year. Next year probably for sure.

Well I don't think Dallas is easy but they have not had a good year to this point. They have had many distractions though with the Avery fiasco. I was expecting more from them and maybe they'll pick it up a notch.

That won't be an easy road trip for the Sabres. Calgary and Chicago will be tough for sure and Edmonton is so unpredictable. They are another team that is underachieving but like Dallas, could go on a roll. Pat Quinn is being mentioned as a replacement for MacTavish. Who know's ?

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To me Dallas has always been the New Jersey Devils of the Western conferance, as their trap, defensive style of play has payed off for years Their record isnt that great, granted. But they had a big win the night before Vancouver, against a good team but I cant recall who at the moment. The Sabres road trip will be no walk in the park, but I think we can beat Calgary and Chicago and the Edmonton game could be nasty. There is bad blood between the management. In Buffalo we felt like they financially raped us to keep Vanek. They offered him the keys to the city knowing Buffalo would pay any price to keep him. And thank goodness we did. We all knew that Vanek was far more important than Briere and Drury over the long haul. He will be a superstar in this league for years. So if you can get that Edmonton game, I recommend watching. Id say Peters will have the gloves off within 5 minutes. Expect Lindy to "send out the goons">

Well it seems like Kevin Lowe has irked a few GM's with his high bid tactics. He did that with Dustin Penner when he was a Duck and Burke has hated Lowe ever since. Some real public spats. Burke let Penner go and he has been a flop in Edmonton. I guess there is some justice afterall and I think his similar move for Vanek ended up costing him his job as GM. A move upstairs and out of the way was the only thing the Oilers could do with him.

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