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Jimmy, how you've changed in 30 years


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If you read it on Wikipedia it's not true. Evster made a point of getting that across on the old board.

Jimmy's mother's maiden name was Gaffikin, which is an Irish surname.

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True true, it all plays into the way you age. I think, physically, Jimmy hasn't aged well but at the same time he has. I think it's mostly due to his look though -- he has a baby face and always has, so his baby face is what makes him still cute. If he had "manly" freatures, I don't think he'd look half as good as he does. Even with the wrinkles he just seems to look good.

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thanks lady raven, i knew you could do it! now about that calender.........

If I had the time in my printing class and my professor would let me, I'd do it. But I know he won't and I don't have the time right now. I've been so busy it's not funny.

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Jimmy, Jimmy,

You are like wine. the older you get the better but we also like to remember when you were like this...

I love your pics Amazonic! And to me, there is no difference between these 2 pics. He is just HOT HOT HOT...



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