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5 Dead in College Shooting...


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But it's also a thing about America, you need to get rid of your guns or something, because in Australia we have never had a school massacre as far as I'm aware in our history, but there seems to be one in America every couple of years.

When Austrailia banned private gun ownership the violent crime rate jumped up aound 300%. If you outlaw guns only the criminals will have them. I'd like you to do some research on the statistic of how many law awbiding citizens in the United States own guns and there is never a problem. Basing your perspective on the handfull of nuts who commit these types of crimes is really just stupid.

There always seems to be a siege mentally in America or a state of war, I mean after WW2 you went into The Korean War, then straight after that you guys went nuts over the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, then when that died down, it was all guns blazing into Vietnam, then during the Carter Administration things quietened down a little bit but then it was suddenly Iran, then Reagan gets in and starts whipping up the Cold War again talking about "the evil empire" then we all thought we were going to die in a nuclear war again, then Lebanon and terrorism happened, then the cold war collapsed, but then we went straight into The Gulf War and Somalia, then it was back to Terrorism now Iraq and probably soon to be Iran again.

You see... you just proved that you are a fucking moron. What does any of that have to do with a shooting by a criminal/insane person you twit?

I notice you didn't mention anything about the mobilization of our military to the Pacific when the Japs were nearly climbing up your ass.

So throughout American history since at least the 1940's, America has always been engaged in some sort of high profile war, and a bit like in the Middle East, that constant state of being in war is drilled into the public consciousness so when there's peace time, fears have to be whipped up to keep the panic going.


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But it's also a thing about America, you need to get rid of your guns or something, because in Australia we have never had a school massacre as far as I'm aware in our history, but there seems to be one in America every couple of years.

And the fact that we have 280 million more peopole than your country has nothing to do with it right?

And as for that "get rid of guns" deal...let me explain something. I've known people from the inner city. Their parents were trying to get out of the bad parts of the city, but it isn't exactly easy. Now see, this area they came from wasn't exactly paradise. Gangs are a part of daily life and guns on the street are common. What do you think the father did? He's a good guy who's looking to get his family out of the city, but for the mean time, he's got to put up with the bull shit being thrown his way. He buys a handgun for his familys defense. Was he wrong in doing so? Should we not allow him to protect himself and his family?

There always seems to be a siege mentally in America or a state of war, I mean after WW2 you went into The Korean War, then straight after that you guys went nuts over the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, then when that died down, it was all guns blazing into Vietnam, then during the Carter Administration things quietened down a little bit but then it was suddenly Iran, then Reagan gets in and starts whipping up the Cold War again talking about "the evil empire" then we all thought we were going to die in a nuclear war again, then Lebanon and terrorism happened, then the cold war collapsed, but then we went straight into The Gulf War and Somalia, then it was back to Terrorism now Iraq and probably soon to be Iran again.

So throughout American history since at least the 1940's, America has always been engaged in some sort of high profile war, and a bit like in the Middle East, that constant state of being in war is drilled into the public consciousness so when there's peace time, fears have to be whipped up to keep the panic going.

As the world's only remaining superpower, should we have rolled over and let the Soviet Union swallow up as many countries as possible? Of course we were guns blazing. Ever since the emergence of world superpowers, countries have been policing the world. That doesn't mean that the people go on murderous rampages. Our warfare is not triggering this violence, because war has been around forever.
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hey Gainsbarre,..

what Del and wannabe meant to say was..

welcome to the board! :wave:

dont mind them,.. they're just two of our resident conservative nutjobs.

well.. wannabe's just a junior conservative nutjob.. but Del's the real deal. :wacko:


sincerely.. I say..

welcome to L-Z.com! yesnod.gif


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hey Gainsbarre,..

what Del and wannabe meant to say was..

welcome to the board! :wave:

dont mind them,.. they're just two of our resident conservative nutjobs.

well.. wannabe's just a junior conservative nutjob.. but Del's the real deal. :wacko:


sincerely.. I say..

welcome to L-Z.com! yesnod.gif


Newbies should not mess with American Superheroes!


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I don't care how infrequent it is, it is very unnerving. Especially when you're a resident assistant, and your job is to enforce policy, and you have to look into a situation. I wonder how many of those people killed thought of it as a numbers game?

Hell yes I'm a little bit scared as a college student. It makes me just wanna get done.

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When Austrailia banned private gun ownership the violent crime rate jumped up aound 300%. If you outlaw guns only the criminals will have them. I'd like you to do some research on the statistic of how many law awbiding citizens in the United States own guns and there is never a problem. Basing your perspective on the handfull of nuts who commit these types of crimes is really just stupid.

You see... you just proved that you are a fucking moron. What does any of that have to do with a shooting by a criminal/insane person you twit?

I notice you didn't mention anything about the mobilization of our military to the Pacific when the Japs were nearly climbing up your ass.

First of all, it's a complete and utter load of bullshit that violent crime jumped 300% in Australia, that's a load of shit and you know it. So 1. stop lying.

Now if you had an ounce of intelligence instead of being a stereotypical loud mouth gun totting wanker, you would understand the reason why I drew that parallel between school violence and America's propensity for war is to demonstrate that American social psyche is always surround by a level of violence or a fear of impending violence, that's why I used the term siege mentality, but you've probably never heard that before...like the word 'Cat' and 'ball'....

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hey Gainsbarre,..

what Del and wannabe meant to say was..

welcome to the board! :wave:

dont mind them,.. they're just two of our resident conservative nutjobs.

well.. wannabe's just a junior conservative nutjob.. but Del's the real deal. :wacko:


sincerely.. I say..

welcome to L-Z.com! yesnod.gif


haha :D Hi thanks for the welcome!

One of the reasons I kept away from the led-zep.com board was I always found myself in savage forum warfare, so I'm going to try and avoid it this time

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When Austrailia banned private gun ownership the violent crime rate jumped up aound 300%.

Just to put some facts to our poor stupid friend:

When the gun laws were introduced in Australia in 1996, the homicide rate was at 0.0018%. After the gun laws were introduced the homicide rate decreased to 0.0014%, which is a reduction of 22%...

The armed robbery rate in 1996 was 0.033%, after the gun laws introduction there was an increase of armed robbery in 1997 to 0.056%, which was a 41% increase , followed by a decline which in 2005 was at 0.029% resulting in a 4% decrease on 1996 levels...

Are you able to follow all this? Still no sign of this mysterious 300% you went on about...

Since 1996 there has been a 50% DECREASE in gun-related homicides...

Since 1996, there has been a 64% DECREASE in armed robberies where the weapon used was a gun...

Still can't find that 300%, And I'm using statistics provided by The Australian Government's Institute of Criminology...

But I think you trouble is, you shouldn't take your 'factual information' from KKK pamphlets...

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hey Gainsbarre,..

what Del and wannabe meant to say was..

welcome to the board! :wave:

dont mind them,.. they're just two of our resident conservative nutjobs.

well.. wannabe's just a junior conservative nutjob.. but Del's the real deal. :wacko:


sincerely.. I say..

welcome to L-Z.com! yesnod.gif


You're just jealous of me ;)


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haha :D Hi thanks for the welcome!

One of the reasons I kept away from the led-zep.com board was I always found myself in savage forum warfare, so I'm going to try and avoid it this time

Good luck with that bro :lol:

I thought about trying to cut down on the arguing for this year...but I've already been in multiple and...helped in getting a thread deleted :blink:

Anywho, welcome

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Newbies should not mess with American Superheroes!


You're just jealous of me ;)


that'd be you on the right, eh Junior?

cute outfit, bud. The mask is particularly intimidating. :P

uhh.. yeah,.. I'm jealous alright. [ :rolleyes: ]


I think you're jealous that I can make those horrid colors flatter me ;)

Just admit Hermit, that's always the first step :D

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Is this the first school shootings this season ? I forget....

What...maybe 7 people died ? Tragic for sure...

But let's put this in perspective.....how many colleges are out there ? How many students are enrolled....

Several million ? Why be so fearful ?

Odds of even seeing a shot fired are infinitesimal !!! No sense in even coming out of the house....oh wait...there's a much larger chance of dying from a slip in the bathtub, so yeah...better get out of the house !!!!

I can't speak for others, but I'm not particularly "fearful". "Fearful" also isn't how I would describe my feelings when I learned of the "incident" at my daughter's dorm... on her floor... a few feet away from her door. Nobody got shot... and the plan to get a rapid-alert system in place finally happened.

I'm well aware that the death toll from car accidents is much higher, etc. etc. However, it will be a sad state of affairs indeed if everybody becomes as ho-hum about this kind of thing as some folks seem to be about car accidents. But then, commonplace they may be, but when they happen, witnesses and passersby still gawk.

The thread I started about my friend's son... I realize far more deaths occur in cars than helicopters, and the 'death toll' from one helicopter crash is pretty small compared to the death toll in Iraq... or Darfur... or wherever. Sometimes something hits close to home for one reason or another... and people pay attention... and sometimes they talk about it.

No, I won't go to bed scared that my daughter will get shot in her dorm room... but I won't go to bed unaware and unconcerned that although my little corner of the world is ok, it very much isn't okay for some other folks.

I'll also continue to use a bathmat in the tub. B)

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Same Gun Dealer Sold To Virginia Tech And N. Illinois Killers

Feb 16, 2008

MADISON, Wis. — The online gun dealer who sold a weapon to the Virginia Tech shooter said it was an unnerving coincidence that he also sold handgun accessories to the man who killed five students at Northern Illinois University.

Eric Thompson said his Web site, , sold two empty 9 mm Glock magazines and a Glock holster to Steven Kazmierczak on Feb. 4, just 10 days before the 27-year-old opened fire in a classroom and killed five before committing suicide. http://www.topglock.com

Another Web site run by Thompson's company, , also sold a Walther .22-caliber handgun to Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people in April on the Virginia Tech campus before killing himself. http://www.thegunstore.com

"I'm still blown away by the coincidences," Thompson said Friday.

"I'm shaking. I can't believe somebody would order from us again and do this."



Eric Thompson is blown away by the coincidence.

Innocent victims are blown away by the guns he sold.


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First of all, it's a complete and utter load of bullshit that violent crime jumped 300% in Australia, that's a load of shit and you know it.

No, what is a load of shit is that you used this thread about a tragedy involving an insane person to bash America. You are the one who 'stinked' the place up. And the stink is coming from you.

Now if you had an ounce of intelligence instead of being a stereotypical loud mouth gun totting wanker, you would understand the reason why I drew that parallel between school violence and America's propensity for war is to demonstrate that American social psyche is always surround by a level of violence or a fear of impending violence, that's why I used the term siege mentality, but you've probably never heard that before...like the word 'Cat' and 'ball'....


Yeah sure professor, I never heard of the term "seige mentality." In fact I just sit around here waiting for a braniac like yourself to teach me all about the world. I'm really not sure how I figured out to even tie my own shoes until you showed up.

But I understand why Austrailia had to take guns away from people. Especially since the Austrailian psyche is geared so much around the fact that your country is basically a penal colony with a vast genetic criminal mentality.

Take that sweeping generalization.

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No, what is a load of shit is that you used this thread about a tragedy involving an insane person to bash America. You are the one who 'stinked' the place up. And the stink is coming from you.

ooooh You don't like it when you get caught telling lies, do you? :D

What's even more funny is that you're a Republican too, I mean you're cliché city (sorry for using big words, they're for the other people who can read beyond Dr Seuss...)

I don't think it's America-bashing to question whether mental fuck-ups such as yourself should be allowed anywhere near a gun... I mean I know you believe guns are necessary to shoot to the raccoons and black people who stray onto your porch, but your eyesight, with all that moonshine and incest, well gosh-golly, you even end up shooting the white folk...

But all jokes aside, you'd have to admit that it's pretty stupid thinking that you can have all the guns you want, yet have a low gun-related violent crime rate... That's stupid if you think that.

If you're armed to the hilt with guns, and so is everybody else in your country, then what's everybody gonna use when it comes to crime time? Guns, stupid. If you all have guns then you're establishing at what level the violence should be at, because you're setting the standard for what the weapon is.

I hope you understand this, but you probably don't. i have a feeling intelligence is not your strong point. I think you understand primal urges better.

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This IS really an American problem and it's definately down to the constitutional right of you guys to bear arms. The NRA just don't care how many inocent people are killed as long as they can still have their guns.

I'm 47 and I've never even seen a hand gun or rifle never mind shot one. Over here (England) there has been an increase in inner city gang related shootings but guns just aren't a part of peoples' every day lives. Which means that any disaffected kids just can't get their hands on guns so we don't get mass shootings.

Not that diarming America is feasable with the amount of guns that private citizens own. So, sadly, I can only see it continuing to happen. I'd worry if my daughters were an college over there.

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I don't think it's America-bashing to question whether mental fuck-ups such as yourself should be allowed anywhere near a gun... I mean I know you believe guns are necessary to shoot to the raccoons and black people who stray onto your porch, but your eyesight, with all that moonshine and incest, well gosh-golly, you even end up shooting the white folk...

Be honest, your only intention in this thread is to bash Americans. This post entry pretty much proves that intention.

If you're armed to the hilt with guns, and so is everybody else in your country, then what's everybody gonna use when it comes to crime time? Guns, stupid. If you all have guns then you're establishing at what level the violence should be at, because you're setting the standard for what the weapon is.

It is up to you to prove that more restrictions equal less crime. Because the facts just don't back up your theory. It is well known that in some the American cities with the most restrictive gun laws on the books there are more gun crimes than places where you can legally carry a gun. Why? Because the problem is with criminals and not the guns themselves.

I'm 47 and I've never even seen a hand gun or rifle never mind shot one. Over here (England) there has been an increase in inner city gang related shootings but guns just aren't a part of peoples' every day lives. Which means that any disaffected kids just can't get their hands on guns so we don't get mass shootings.

I'm also 47 and I have been around guns my whole life. When I was a small boy I would go with my grandfather and hunt in the woods near his farm. As a teenager my buddies and I would hike up in the foothills and spend hours target shooting with all sorts of rifles, handguns and shotguns. I guess I just don't have some irrational fear of something like you do. Being that you obviously have little or no understanding of what responsible gun ownership is about. My guess is that you only hear the bad news reports, so you have no basis for accepting that the vast majority of American gun owners are decent law abiding and caring individuals.

There will always be criminal minded people out there who will do evil. But they don't suddenly become evil just because there are guns to be had. I often think back of the horribly evil incident in your own country where two young boys kidnapped a baby and killed the baby by bashing in his skull with rocks and then left the body on the train tracks. British people were horrified by this terrible crime as were we here in America. But it wasn't the availability of rocks that made these boys do this crime was it? We all need to question why people do evil, but it is foolish to assume that any particular instrument capable of violent use is the cause.

Edited by Del Zeppnile
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You are right we never get reports that say 20 million American gun owners have never shot anybody because that's not news. Their obviously are a majority of responsible gun owners in America but those aren't the ones you have to worry about are they?

I've never seen anything be it target or animal that I've wanted to shoot. My life isn't less rewarding or complete because of that. We don't have a gun culture and we don't have school shootings - it's that simple.

There have been 2 spree killings in this country. An adult went into a first school in Scotland and shot a number of kids and teachers (our best tennis player Andy Murray hid in a cupboard) and someone went on a spree in a small town killing several people but after both incidence our gun laws were tightened to try and stop it happening again.

How many innocent students have to die before you and your country will think something radical has to be done?

The Bulger case was appaling. Your sugestion about rocks is purile but I suppose if the killers had had access to a gun Jamie would have suffered less.

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You are right we never get reports that say 20 million American gun owners have never shot anybody because that's not news. Their obviously are a majority of responsible gun owners in America but those aren't the ones you have to worry about are they?

More people are killed by irresponsible car owners driving drunk, a criminal act too by the way. Becuase of that fact do people develop an irrational fear of cars?

I've never seen anything be it target or animal that I've wanted to shoot. My life isn't less rewarding or complete because of that. We don't have a gun culture and we don't have school shootings - it's that simple.

No, that is what is known as a gross oversimplification. First of all we are clear on your personal uneasiness with the concept of a firearm. But your own feelings of what is personally rewarding or not is not the test for what we allow citizens in a free society. I could make the same arguement about small aircraft that always seem to make it into the news whenever one crashes, killing whole families (including children). Seems like every few weeks I see a news report of one of these plane crashes happening somewhere in the United States. Could we then make a case for banning the private ownership of small airplanes? I suppose one might come to that conclusion. But since we are a free society we value the concept of allowing law abiding citizens the maximum amount of choice. Not to mention the obvious fact that we have a constituional right to own guns.

And I wish somebody would explain to me what this so called "gun culture" is? I know this term gets tossed around a lot in the liberal press, but what exactly is this 'gun culture' that exists in America that you don't have in Britian? Isn't it true that there are hunters and target shooters in Britian too? Isn't it also true that there are mililtary enthusiansts and historical re-enactors in your country? Wouldn't that mean that there is a so called "gun culture" in your country too? And if that is true, then what is wrong with those hobbies/sports anyway?

There have been 2 spree killings in this country. An adult went into a first school in Scotland and shot a number of kids and teachers (our best tennis player Andy Murray hid in a cupboard) and someone went on a spree in a small town killing several people but after both incidence our gun laws were tightened to try and stop it happening again.

Timothy McVeigh killed hundreds of people in Oklahoma City with a truck full of fertilizer and diesel fuel. You don't need a gun to kill people. So I hardly think you can point to the gun as being the source of this problem. And it may be that you can never really guarantee spree killings wether or not they are with a gun, a car or a sword.

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