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Ouija Boards


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So my brother and I are skeptics of ouija boards, him more so than me. i personally have had paranormal experiences and so has he. but he is in denial about the paranormal. so i brought up the idea that if i purchased a ouija board, would he play it with me. he agreed. so i would like your thoughts and comments or perhaps your own experience with one. personally i am excited. i hope its real.

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I have a kind of humorous but weird ouija board story. When I was in my early teens, I got a Ouija board for a Christmas present. My brother and I played with it a couple times and thought it was boring. My mother put it in the bathroom closet, turned upside down. She wedged it in and made an extra shelf out of it. We kept the door to that closet closed because, otherwise when you opened the bathroom door, they slammed into each other. Well, shortly after making a shelf out of the Ouija board, the closet door started staying open. We started blaming each other for this. Finally, I went into the bathroom, shut the closet door tightly. Made sure there was no way it could pop open. With the kind of latch it had, it couldnt open by itself anyway. I left the room and we all stood and waited for about a minute. We went in and the door was open. The Ouija board went out to the dumpster and the closet door stayed closed. :D

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I messed with it as a teen.........

Then I discovered Zeppelin.


Best left in the closet.

It even scares me to leave it there.

Although ouija boards are viewed by some to be a simple toy, there are people who believe they can be harmful, including Edgar Cayce, who called them "dangerous." Critics warn that "evil demons" pretend to be cooperative ghosts in order to trick players into becoming spiritually possessed.


Edited by eternal light
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I used to have an Ouija board. My elderly babysitter gave it to me when I was a bit older for helping to clean house. It was made out of particle board, it was so old. It wasn't cardboard and folding like the ones you get nowadays. My mom freaked and told me to throw it away. SO of course I kept it (well hidden, though). Me and my best friend used to play it all the time. Once, the little thing you put your hands on actually levitated up off the board. It used to talk to us sometimes, without us ever asking a question....

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I used to have an Ouija board. My elderly babysitter gave it to me when I was a bit older for helping to clean house. It was made out of particle board, it was so old. It wasn't cardboard and folding like the ones you get nowadays. My mom freaked and told me to throw it away. SO of course I kept it (well hidden, though). Me and my best friend used to play it all the time. Once, the little thing you put your hands on actually levitated up off the board. It used to talk to us sometimes, without us ever asking a question....

lol Bonnie that's what happens when you eat purple mushrooms

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No, REALLY. I wasn't high, and neither was Amber. And we have witnesses!!!! Also, every time we played, all the candles would flicker....

Had many incidents of head spinning, or projectile vomiting?...that would be cool

I'm gonna marry the first girl I meet that can spiderwalk upside down down stairs and levitate off the bed

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Ouija Boards are not toys as someone else here pointed out. Before using one, make sure you know how to protect yourselves properly. After all you are inviting a stranger to your home when you establish an unspecified connection with the other side. Could be good... Could be bad.

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My grandmother was very into tarot cards, ghosts, etc. and we used to play the ouiji board with her all the time, much to my dad's horror. She would ask the 'spirits' what us kids would all be when we grew up and miraculously it answered whatever it was we really, really wanted to be. Funnily enough, I'm not a supermodel yet, although apparently in my past life I was Madame Pompadour. I can live with that I suppose ... :rolleyes:

Edited by Cali
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