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Led Zeppelin 5.1 Catalog

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My friends. There've been some rumors about this.

This year is the 40th anniversary of Led Zeppelin, and next year there's 40th Anniversary of LZ I, and I think every Zep fan would like a special treatment for the Zep discography, celebrating the 40th anniversary of their first LP.

It is said Kevin Shirley would do the mixes, and it makes sense, because of his work on the latest Zep releases B)

Any thoughts about this?.

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Pink Floyd is a band made for 5.1. Pink Floyd music i think is more cerebal,(I'm not saying zep isn't cerebal) Zeppelin music punches you in the stomach every time you hear it. So the power should come from straight forward. No Quarter may sound good in 5.1. but i rather have vinyl reissues. I have an DTS LZIV. Which sounds really good for a few songs. But if you put a better bit-rate with the 5.1 version I'm up for that. Generally they come with a 2ch down mix. My dream is getting the music in a way so you can drop the tracks so you can just hear the Guitars or Drums or Bass or Ect... Just like if you were sitting at the studio when they were mixing it. That would be cool.

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The Mothership remaster sold like gangbusters so they know they are on to a good thing there. The question is - does the whole back catalogue really need a re-master? Thoughts?

I don't think it needs a "remaster". It needs 5.1 mixes. After the GREAT Led Zeppelin DVD sound, and the HTWWW 5.1, it would be great to have the catalog on 5.1

Also, it could be done with extras as outtakes, demos, alt mixes, etc. That would be great B)

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I'd rather have a new DVD or a brand new CD than remixed albums, I already have those and I'd just feel guilty at the waste of money if I bought them. I don't think we'd ever see bonus tracks on any of the studio albums, Page has made it quite clear that there's pretty much nothing left in terms of back catalog and outtakes, plus I think they'd find it insulting to the original album, for the same reasons they were reluctant to release singles. All I want is a new video or a new live album (with no editing please!) we all know there's still some live tapes in the vault, it would seem crazy for there not to be...

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The Mothership remaster sold like gangbusters so they know they are on to a good thing there. The question is - does the whole back catalogue really need a re-master? Thoughts?

No I don't think another re-mastering is necessary. It's like beating a dead horse at this point in time. I would like to see 5.1 releases though, but a straight re-mastering? No thanks.


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Pink Floyd is a band made for 5.1. Pink Floyd music i think is more cerebal,(I'm not saying zep isn't cerebal) Zeppelin music punches you in the stomach every time you hear it. So the power should come from straight forward. No Quarter may sound good in 5.1. but i rather have vinyl reissues. I have an DTS LZIV. Which sounds really good for a few songs. But if you put a better bit-rate with the 5.1 version I'm up for that. Generally they come with a 2ch down mix. My dream is getting the music in a way so you can drop the tracks so you can just hear the Guitars or Drums or Bass or Ect... Just like if you were sitting at the studio when they were mixing it. That would be cool.

That's a great idea, Pb, I'm with you.

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Would that actually be possible - to just hear the guitars?? I know zero about making these things, but oh my good god on heaven that would be unspeakably wonderful! And how about a DVD where you could see just who you want to see? :yay:

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The Mothership remaster sold like gangbusters so they know they are on to a good thing there. The question is - does the whole back catalogue really need a re-master? Thoughts?

The remastered and expanded edition of the soundtrack to TSRTS didn't. It's already in the bargain bin at HMV for £6.99.

I doubt there would be much of a market for 5.1 versions.

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The remastered and expanded edition of the soundtrack to TSRTS didn't. It's already in the bargain bin at HMV for £6.99.

I doubt there would be much of a market for 5.1 versions.

I think the new TSRTS was a disaster, really. Terrible editings, shortened versions (Black Dog, No Quarter), AWFUL sonics choices (Moby Dick butchered solo by that annoying phasing effect), etc. That's the reason why it didn't make it. Everyone stick the old soundtrack.

It's well documented that a PROPER well crafted work sales very, very well. Led Zeppelin DVD is an example. Also HTWWW is another example.

So I don't think it would be a good comparision point to judge what the 5.1 catalog sales would go, having experienced TSRTS failure. B)

Trust me, the 5.1 catalog would ROCKS!. Add studio sessions, outtakes and alt mixes, pack on 2 boxsets (Led Zep I - IV and Houses Of The Holy/ In Through The Out Door) and it would go straight to #1 all over the world B)

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I don't know - are we talking about that? Yes, that may be the dumbest question of all time, but if I don't ask it I will remain dumb about it forever.

Would that actually be possible - to just hear the guitars?? I know zero about making these things, but oh my good god on heaven that would be unspeakably wonderful! And how about a DVD where you could see just who you want to see? :yay:

Now how cool would that be? :D

ponkine, I'll be looking for the other thread!

PageAngel, when I was growing up my dad used to say it's better to ask a question and look like a fool for five minutes, than keep your mouth shut and remain a fool the rest of your life... :)

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I think 5.1 would work for a few songs - WLL, NQ, Achilles, but many of their songs don't have enough elements to justify a 5.1 mix.

As someone else said, Pink Floyd are ripe for this sort of thing (DSOTM was originally mixed in Quadrophonic anyway). Not sure about Zep

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I think 5.1 would work for a few songs - WLL, NQ, Achilles, but many of their songs don't have enough elements to justify a 5.1 mix.

At least from what I've heard from Led Zep DVD (which contains songs from all Zep albums) all Zep albums would worth 5.1

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At least from what I've heard from Led Zep DVD (which contains songs from all Zep albums) all Zep albums would worth 5.1

I havn't heard the 5.1 mix from the DVD so I'm uninformed here, so please help me. What is in the mix? Surely for a live show such as DVD - you have guitars in the right channel, bass on the left, drums & vox in the centre and crowd in the rear?

But how would this work from the studio songs? I don't see how there are enough elements to actually create a 5.1 mix. Sure, WLL with the theramin part.

But take Communication Breakdown - for the sake of argument. 2 guitar parts + solo. 1x bass track. Drums. Vox. What can you do with those tracks that can't be achieved with stereo?

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Just by the way Dolby Prologic surround sound works, you get a good sense of zep in surround sound that would probaly sound like 5.1. It takes the stereo mix and adjust it for surround sound. It doesn't have a dedicated 6 channel of audio, but it's close. I have a mararantz stereo and with it comes a whole bunch of surround modes that makes it sound like 5.1 mix or even in my case 7.1. If you put it in live, arena, or hall. you will get the same effect. Now some steroes don't do this well. it would just take the stereo mix and put it across the front 3 speakers with little effect from the rear.

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I wanted to be an home theater expert when i grew up. but what i read is the ultimate point of a surround sound mix is for it not to take anthing away from the video or the music. i.e. small things works but seprate guitars, drums, bass, and vox in the mix will only kill the music experience not add to it. Sound is invisable, so it should not be noticed.

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I wanted to be an home theater expert when i grew up. but what i read is the ultimate point of a surround sound mix is for it not to take anthing away from the video or the music. i.e. small things works but seprate guitars, drums, bass, and vox in the mix will only kill the music experience not add to it. Sound is invisable, so it should not be noticed.

I know what you mean. And that's the reason why many fans believe that mono mix is more exciting than stereo, because you don't have the "band separation". So, a 5.1 mix must be done carefully to not kill the band attack and playing as unit B)

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I know what you mean. And that's the reason why many fans believe that mono mix is more exciting than stereo, because you don't have the "band separation". So, a 5.1 mix must be done carefully to not kill the band attack and playing as unit B)

That's a fascinating comment about mono I haven't heard someone say before but have noticed myself. I've always thought that Travelling Riverside Blues benefitted from being in mono...the way all those instruments come together so tightly, then unravelling at the end of the riff only to come back together again right on the first downbeat of the new measure like an explosion of sound. Perfect. Although I'd hardly say I've ever thought that about any other song...maybe mostly because I never listen to them in mono!

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Stereo effect can be interesting and give more depth to a song, in subtle ways. Stairway is a good example as the stereo image opens out as the song progresses, with the 2 x 12 string parts and so on. But these effects should be used to enhance a song. If a song doesn't hold mono it won't be made better by stereo or quad or 5.1 or whatever.

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Stereo effect can be interesting and give more depth to a song, in subtle ways. Stairway is a good example as the stereo image opens out as the song progresses, with the 2 x 12 string parts and so on. But these effects should be used to enhance a song. If a song doesn't hold mono it won't be made better by stereo or quad or 5.1 or whatever.

A great 5.1, mixed very coherent and well integrated concept of instruments playing, with details and performance impact, surely improve the listening experience of the albums.

The problem is when 5.1 creates an artificial sense of air between instruments. Too much space and separation restrain the Rock N' Roll feel of the performances . Same with excessive cleanliness and politeness


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