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Patrick Swayze diagnosed with pancreatic cancer


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I saw the interview with him on CNN's website today. It is still there. Very sad. I am pulling for him.

It is very sad indeed. My heart goes out to him and his family. He's got a really positive attitude to be greatly admired but still, so sad he has to go through this :(

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I'm not only sad for Patrick Swayze, but very sad for his wife Lisa. They've been married 33 years, and they have no kids...she is going to be one sad woman when he dies :( As the wife of a man that went through cancer I feel for what she's going through while he's alive as well.....

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Road House=Man Movie

Even tho he likes to dance and wear tight pants. He automatically is a Man's Man based on that movie.

Than throw the movie "Red Dawn", "Youngblood" and fucking "Point Break", "FatherHood is a movie i can look pass.

Plus add points to being in a movie named after a Led Zeppelin song, "Black Dog". Who the fuck is Chuck Norris, thats what I say.

Red Dawn is easily in my top 5 movies.

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There is an announcement late this afternoon that Patrick is in the hospital with pneumonia. Let's send him positive, healing thoughts & prayers.

Yes I saw that, and I also saw clips of the Barbara Walters interview with him and his wife. My thoughts and prayers go out to him, his wife and his extended family and fan base in this most difficult time. I am a huge Patrick Swayze fan and wish him nothing but the best!

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My Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last August. Needless to say, we were all rivoted to the television during this interview. She was only given a 50% of making it through surgery (whipple procedure), but she's still marching along 5 months later. She's 78, and refused chemo treatments. Everything is day to day, but we're all glad she made it through the holidays without any problems. Next goal....nephew's wedding in June.

I love you Mom ! B)

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So sorry to hear that BongM. She is brave to not take chemo.

My uncle passed from this cancer too. He never smoked or drank his entire life. He was not that old when it took him either. Late 50's I think.

As far as Swayze smoking...so what, he knows his ultimate sentence, so enjoy while you can, I say.

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My Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last August. Needless to say, we were all rivoted to the television during this interview. She was only given a 50% of making it through surgery (whipple procedure), but she's still marching along 5 months later. She's 78, and refused chemo treatments. Everything is day to day, but we're all glad she made it through the holidays without any problems. Next goal....nephew's wedding in June.

I love you Mom ! B)

My uncle had Pancreatic cancer very late in his life and somehow he survived 5 years with it so you never know. Sounds like she's a strong woman BongMan - my thoughts are with you.

I watched Ghost yesterday and I have to say while the end always makes me cry, given Swayze's health, really hit me hard :(

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My Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last August. Needless to say, we were all rivoted to the television during this interview. She was only given a 50% of making it through surgery (whipple procedure), but she's still marching along 5 months later. She's 78, and refused chemo treatments. Everything is day to day, but we're all glad she made it through the holidays without any problems. Next goal....nephew's wedding in June.

I love you Mom ! B)

My sincere thoughts are with you and your family Bong-Man.I wish you good folks the best.

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