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Went to a botanical garden today, and it was just beautiful. I got loads of pictures but not that many were all that good :blush::lol:

YOu make recognise this from the Jurassic Park movie ;)


These things are amazing. Those are roots coming from the tree branches, but what's really neat is that they're like elastic. If you pull on them, they stretch, like a LOT. I didn't expect them to stretch nearly as much as they did:


These are really cool trees that I forget the name of, and the tour guide made me do this:



Me and my parents in a different tree, all of us looking pretty weird… especially my mum :hysterical:


A couple more photos in the next post…

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… couple more photos.

This is also from teh Jurassic Park movie. That little egg-shaped hole in the tree root is where they found the dinosaur egg (in the movie, of course :lol:)


And this last picture is from the tram. It's pretty funny, especially the way my mum's looking at me. And the old lady behind us is hysterical.


:blink: I don't look like my mum. :lol:

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… couple more photos.

This is also from teh Jurassic Park movie. That little egg-shaped hole in the tree root is where they found the dinosaur egg (in the movie, of course :lol:)


And this last picture is from the tram. It's pretty funny, especially the way my mum's looking at me. And the old lady behind us is hysterical.


:blink: I don't look like my mum. :lol:

a Coke!!! My favorite!! **goes and grabs another can** :hysterical:

I like those tree pictures those things are huge.... and yes I can tell it's where they filmed Jurassic Park. Keep posting the pics!!

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a Coke!!! My favorite!! **goes and grabs another can** :hysterical:

I like those tree pictures those things are huge.... and yes I can tell it's where they filmed Jurassic Park. Keep posting the pics!!

I adore Coke as well! :D I "forgot" my water so my parents had to buy me a coke :shifty::lol:

I watched Jurassic Park quite a long time ago, and I'm surprised that I even remembered the places. :lol: It was funny, I was looking at the scenery you know, from the first pic I posted, and the second I saw it, I was like why does that remind me of dinosaurs? Then the guide said that it was where they filmed soem of Jurassic Park. Duh. :lol:

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I adore Coke as well! :D I "forgot" my water so my parents had to buy me a coke :shifty::lol:

I watched Jurassic Park quite a long time ago, and I'm surprised that I even remembered the places. :lol: It was funny, I was looking at the scenery you know, from the first pic I posted, and the second I saw it, I was like why does that remind me of dinosaurs? Then the guide said that it was where they filmed soem of Jurassic Park. Duh. :lol:

considering how often they seem to have it on AMC I'm surprised you haven't seen it more :lol:. What are those trees called? If you posted it I missed it

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considering how often they seem to have it on AMC I'm surprised you haven't seen it more :lol:. What are those trees called? If you posted it I missed it

I posted that I couldn't remember what they were called :lol:

No, I saw it a long time ago, on some movie channel while I was doing a project. I never watch TV though, so I haven't seen it in quite some time! :lol:

I love those pictures you have of yourself and parents tucked up in those roots !!!

Sounds like you're having a great time in Hawaii !!! :)

Thanks, I like em too. I'm glad that tour guide made me do that. :lol:

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Christmas vacation, home with the 'rents.

Here's a pic of the view out the living room window:


Here's a pic of my dad reading by the fire while sporting a saucy beret. The bandage on his hand is from recent hand surgery.


We took a hike on Sky Trail, which takes you up on the plateau above Point Reyes. We saw some deer up there and I caught this one running with the point and Drakes Bay in the background:


Another of Drake's Bay.


Drake's journal says that the line of cliffs you see reminded Sir Francis of the Cliffs of Dover. To their right, you can see the estero that he chose to careen his ship in after raiding South and Central America during his sail around the world.

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Beautiful pics, MS, the place looks soooooo peaceful. Beautiful indeed.

It is that way to be there. They do get a lot of wind and rain they didn't bargain for when they moved in, so they need that fireplace! But it's so beautiful it's hard to complain. It makes me happy to think of them there.

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You've been to the beach, Lu!

And you in Espírito Santo?? who would tell? :P

Just kidding...I'm sure you had a great time there.

And thanks Ertegun2007, I think you're talking about the first pics on this thread, right? It was really beautiful there. ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...


This is off the road at Ponderosa State Park. See how the snow is level with my head?!? It's like that everywhere they didn't snow blow or haul the stuff off!



This is Cougar Mountain Lodge, on Highway 55 in Smiths Ferry, Idaho, which is on the way up to McCall from Boise. The lodge is literally the only public building in the town, LOL. See how high the virgin snow is? It's been YEARS since I've seen this much snow!

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Another one at Ponderosa State Park...a few feet to the left of where Dave and I stood.


Where we had breakfast this morning--The Pancake House in McCall, Idaho. It's directly across the street from the Holiday Inn that we stayed in and the food is freakin' phenominal!


Here's one of my standing in a snow burm outside Smith's Ferry on the way home (the pictures of the lodge were on the way up). I climbed up there, and I fell down in the snow, butt sticking up! Dave was nice enough to capture some pictures of that..I don't wish to share. LOL

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This was the grand prize winner. The US forest service always has good ones. I think the one I posted last year of Smokey The Bear as King Tut was also the grand prize winner last year (was also taken on my birthday last year, LOL)

The little windows are actual blocks of ice. :D


Main Street. Also known as state highway 55.


The hotel we stayed in--see the massive icicles? The big windows in the front are the windows to the indoor pool. The other side had this icicle that was about a foot in diameter that had Christmas lights frozen inside of it and they were still lit up! We forgot to take a picture of them. LOL

If you look at the snow again, you can see that it's about five feet high! The plows sent all the plowed snow back to the back of the hotel--that snow is as high as it was when it fell! :o

also--some of these pictures have a weird foggy cloud-type thing in them. Dave's camera fogs up when its cold. I had to stop using his and start using mine (his is a better camera though...)

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This is a barn in the middle of a field off of HWY 55. See how deep the snow is? You can barely see the fenceposts and the windows to the barn!


This is Payette Lake--right in town.


The Roxy Theater in Cascade, Idaho. It's one of the very, very few remaining Vaudville Theaters that are still in business in Idaho. (darn it! I didn't get the stupid hood ornament and hood of the truck out of the picture! LOL)

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In regards to the picture I talked about that was taken last year.... here it is:


My best friend and me at the US Forest service's sculpture last year...


...a few of the train this year (the train was named Jupiter, in case anyone's wondering--it's a pretty good replication of it). Notice Dave checking it out! ROFL He loves trains. The other picture is of two men who've pt dynomite up and are going to blow the train up...



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