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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Poll: Racial views steer some white Dems away from Obama

By RON FOURNIER and TREVOR TOMPSON, Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) — Deep-seated racial misgivings could cost Barack Obama the White House if the election is close, according to an AP-Yahoo News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them lazy, violent, responsible for their own troubles.

The poll, conducted with Stanford University, suggests that the percentage of voters who may turn away from Obama because of his race could easily be larger than the final difference between the candidates in 2004 — about two and one-half percentage points.

Certainly, Republican John McCain has his own obstacles: Hes an ally of an unpopular president and would be the nations oldest first-term president. But Obama faces this: 40 percent of all white Americans hold at least a partly negative view toward blacks, and that includes many Democrats and independents.

More than a third of all white Democrats and independents — voters Obama cant win the White House without — agreed with at least one negative adjective about blacks, according to the survey, and they are significantly less likely to vote for Obama than those who dont have such views.

Such numbers are a harsh dose of reality in a campaign for the history books. Obama, the first black candidate with a serious shot at the presidency, accepted the Democratic nomination on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech, a seminal moment for a nation that enshrined slavery in its Constitution.

There are a lot fewer bigots than there were 50 years ago, but that doesnt mean theres only a few bigots, said Stanford political scientist Paul Sniderman who helped analyze the exhaustive survey.

We still dont like black people, said John Clouse, 57, reflecting the sentiments of his pals gathered at a coffee shop in Somerset, Ohio.


(A)Somerset! :o I thought this sort of prejudice only existed in the South.


Now where did I read that the country is redneck and backward south of which Illinois town? The latitudinal parallel is Springfield. That must be northern reaches of Alabama. B)

Do people truly not believe racial prejudice is rampant, not only in the deep South? It perpetuates in a large way, apparently unknown to many.

If you've ever been to southern Ohio you'd know that they could be considered 'deep south'. B)

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Maybe your're analyzing the e-mail thing too much. Are you going to decide your vote by that?

Maybe she did it for convenience.

It's interesting, as much as I am against Obama, I've never once pick on him for something that petty.

I don't believe it's petty to think that her use of a non secure public mail system for governmental business is poor judgment. She's shown poor judgment in a lot of 'choices' she's made.

Yahoo more convenient? What, she can access it from her blackberry while riding on the back of the snowmobile? I want my government representatives to be wholly dedicated to the job at hand, not just perform when it's convenient for them.

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Yip! The Palin frenzy is certainly already wearing thin. Even I was impressed the first time I heard her speak. Now, it's like a broken record and that almost shrill voice of hers is quite annoying. All that she adds to the campaign is sarcasm. That is not going to get her into the White House.

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She was named McCain's VP choice on August 29th.

22 days ago.

She was formally nominated on September 4th.

16 days.. over 2 weeks.. ago.

She has yet to give a press conference. :rolleyes:

Nor has she appeared on Face The Nation, Meet The Press,

This Week, Larry King.. or any of the other Sunday morning/

weekly news talk shows that politicians routinely appear on.

McCain campaign keeping her sequestered

from media questioning... speaks volumes.

The message: SHE'S NOT READY.

Can they say Oopsey Daisy! ??? :lol:

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Remember when you were in college (or high school) and you slacked off most of the semester and finals came around and you were completely ill-prepared for the tests? So you spend about 2 weeks cramming every single day in about 6 different classes, just so when you show up you at least pass?

You show up to each test, sit down......and blank. You can't even remember your own name. Easy questions, hard questions......you can't answer a one of them. And this happens for all 6 tests.

National Policy

Energy Policy

Foreign Policy


Health Care


What Sarah Palin is doing right now is trying to cram 30 years worth of knowledge and experience in those 6 subjects into her brain right now, and on October 2nd.....it's time to sit down and take the tests. I think the Republicans have lowered the bar for that debate so low, if she doesn't drool everywhere or shit herself on live TV, they'll think she won.

The woman who doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is, has lied (or the campaign has lied) 37 times since being named VP (Keith Olbermann just cut a check to the Alaska Special Olympics for $3700, one-hundred dollars for each lie so far), doesn't know what branch of the Federal government the Vice-Presidency is even in and thinks seeing Russia from an island in Alaska qualifies as foreign policy experience has the potential of looking not only woefully unprepared but downright out of place in a debate with the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. All Joe Biden needs to do is just address the moderator and treat it like he's doing a one-on-one interview. She'll end up hanging herself if she can figure out how to tie the knot in the noose.

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Remember when you were in college (or high school) and you slacked off most of the semester and finals came around and you were completely ill-prepared for the tests? So you spend about 2 weeks cramming every single day in about 6 different classes, just so when you show up you at least pass?

You show up to each test, sit down......and blank. You can't even remember your own name. Easy questions, hard questions......you can't answer a one of them. And this happens for all 6 tests.

National Policy

Energy Policy

Foreign Policy


Health Care


What Sarah Palin is doing right now is trying to cram 30 years worth of knowledge and experience in those 6 subjects into her brain right now, and on October 2nd.....it's time to sit down and take the tests. I think the Republicans have lowered the bar for that debate so low, if she doesn't drool everywhere or shit herself on live TV, they'll think she won.

The woman who doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is, has lied (or the campaign has lied) 37 times since being named VP (Keith Olbermann just cut a check to the Alaska Special Olympics for $3700, one-hundred dollars for each lie so far), doesn't know what branch of the Federal government the Vice-Presidency is even in and thinks seeing Russia from an island in Alaska qualifies as foreign policy experience has the potential of looking not only woefully unprepared but downright out of place in a debate with the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. All Joe Biden needs to do is just address the moderator and treat it like he's doing a one-on-one interview. She'll end up hanging herself if she can figure out how to tie the knot in the noose.


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Apparently the VP debate has been adjusted.....for poor widdle Sarah.


McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.

TOUGH SHIT. She wants to be VP, she plays by everyone's rules. She can't do the VP debate the way it's been done in the past, because then everyone who doesn't know already, will figure out this woman is in over her head. Can you imagine the Obama campaign requesting the Presidential debates be tinkered with because he hasn't been in politics as long as McCain? Why would you admit that your candidate can't hack it with everyone else, and thus needs help?

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Apparently the VP debate has been adjusted.....for poor widdle Sarah.

TOUGH SHIT. She wants to be VP, she plays by everyone's rules. She can't do the VP debate the way it's been done in the past, because then everyone who doesn't know already, will figure out this woman is in over her head. Can you imagine the Obama campaign requesting the Presidential debates be tinkered with because he hasn't been in politics as long as McCain? Why would you admit that your candidate can't hack it with everyone else, and thus needs help?


It seems a lot of exceptions are being made for Sarah Palin...

This is why I like the Westminster system of Government, because if she was going for Deputy Prime Minister, she'd have to be a member of Parliament, and every day during Question Time the opposition could ask her as many grilling questions as they liked and she'd have to answer them.

A political candidate 'not available' for questioning is a bad sign...having a VP debate changed so it's to her benefit is a bad sign...

When so many Americans talk of their political history and democratic institutions with such Pride, why do candidates then go and make a mockery of it?

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde:

"The election was a resounding success. The candidates, however, were a complete disaster..."

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Noooo....more like WOOF!!! As they are late in realizing Ms. Palins annoying non stop yapping is way bigger than her bite.

Hello, WE here can have a debate...and the repulisican party VP can't handle a debate? What else can't she handle? She assured the world without hesitation that she was 'ready'!! Ready for what? She can't even frikking have debate!!

Sarah, the water's a little warmer outside Alaska, you are out of your league.

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Thata boy Biden. Keep up the trash talkin against Ohio State's football team. That will win you alot of votes in one of the battleground states. And is it my imagination or did I see that Obama made some negative news today with his pissing off some hispanic's. Hmmm, I don't see these things mentioned here. Once again, I am a registered Democrat. And I am disgusted with my party.

I haven't seen much news this weekend, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. How did he piss of hispanics?

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Noooo....more like WOOF!!! As they are late in realizing Ms. Palins annoying non stop yapping is way bigger than her bite.

Hello, WE here can have a debate...and the repulisican party VP can't handle a debate? What else can't she handle? She assured the world without hesitation that she was 'ready'!! Ready for what? She can't even frikking have debate!!

Sarah, the water's a little warmer outside Alaska, you are out of your league.

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You mean you HATE the PRO-LIFE ideals Palin has?

You mean you HATE the fact that she decided to give life to her beautiful son Trig despite knowing that he was a Down Syndrome baby. And that decision was made in world where 95% of women choose to KILL their babies when they are made aware that the child has Down Syndrome.

Face it. Sarah Palin's mere existence exposes the moral abyss that the Pro DEATH people have crawled out of.



Sarah Palin = VICTORY over the powers of darkness


It's a human being worthy of love.



The only life that she is for protecting is the life of an uborn child... anyone else if fair game. That means a 1 month old born baby as a casualty of war is ok. If you want to talk abortion you better be able to talk casualty of war. Don't get me started again.

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I don't know, why not ask South Carolina's Democratic Party Chairwoman Carol Fowler:

September 10, 2008

Categories: Veep

S.C. Dem chair: Palin primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion

South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate "whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Palin is an opponent of abortion rights and gave birth to her fifth child, Trig, earlier this year after finding out during her pregnancy that the baby had Down syndrome.

Fowler told my colleague Alex Burns in an interview that the selection of an opponent of abortion rights would not boost McCain among many women.

“Among Democratic women and even among independent women, I don’t think it helped him,” she said.

Told of McCain's boost in the new ABC/Washington Post among white women following the Palin pick, Fowler said: "Just anecdotally, I believe that those white women are Republican women anyway."


Seems like Palin hatred is more and more in Vogue these days


Oh and BTW, did you hear that it was a Democratic State Representative's Son from Tennessee who hacked Sarah Palin's email account? Yep, probably another Obama operative like the 30 Obama operatives who converged on Alaska last week to try and dig up dirt on Palin. Seems there are no boundries that some liberal Democrats won't stoop to.

Hell, if Palin was a terrorist suspect using the internet, you liberals would have been all up in arms if someone had violated their privacy to this extent. Where is the outrage over this assault on Palin's rights? Hell, the mainstream media isn't even covering it.


You can't pin that on the democratic party. That's like saying all Republican's are going to try do stick their foot under your stall in the men's bathroom. Talk about boundries. :lol:

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It seems a lot of exceptions are being made for Sarah Palin...

This is why I like the Westminster system of Government, because if she was going for Deputy Prime Minister, she'd have to be a member of Parliament, and every day during Question Time the opposition could ask her as many grilling questions as they liked and she'd have to answer them.

A political candidate 'not available' for questioning is a bad sign...having a VP debate changed so it's to her benefit is a bad sign...

When so many Americans talk of their political history and democratic institutions with such Pride, why do candidates then go and make a mockery of it?

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde:

"The election was a resounding success. The candidates, however, were a complete disaster..."

If she were an MP here, she'd be cained alive. Can you imagine her answering questions, on the spot, unaided, every single day?

And there's QT on the BBC at night - and that can be friggin' worse. Anyone can rip into her, because the public are the audience - and the audience are the interrogator's.

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If she were an MP here, she'd be cained alive. Can you imagine her answering questions, on the spot, unaided, every single day?

Could you imagine George Bush, even, having to sit in Parliament every day taking "questions without notice"?

Actually, I just read this on Wiki:

The United States, which has a presidential system of government, does not have a Question Time for the President. However, in 2008 John McCain stated his intention, if elected, to create a Presidential equivalent of the British conditional convention of Prime Minister's Questions.[3] In a policy speech on May 15, 2008 which outlined a number of ideas, McCain said, "I will ask Congress to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the same as the Prime Minister of Great Britain appears regularly before the House of Commons."[4]

Which is fantastic news from McCain, he's gone up in my estimation again. The President should have to answer congress's questions.

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I have a theory about many of Obamas supporters. They are probably too young to vote anyway. Many of them certainly act as if they are in the eighth grade.


Yes, when you can't address the real issue, come back with an attack. Diversionary tactics work all the time. Ya know...... The same tactics Sarah's using.....

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I have a theory about many of Obamas supporters. They are probably too young to vote anyway. Many of them certainly act as if they are in the eighth grade.

I'm not sure why you think that, but our problem is that your vp candidate seems to know less than an 8th grader. So that's a bit of an issue.

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I'm not sure why you think that, but our problem is that your vp candidate seems to know less than an 8th grader. So that's a bit of an issue.

The same people who whine about Obama being a "celebrity" and having a "Cult of Personality" are the same people who leave McCain/Palin events when she's finished speaking. Bet you didn't know that. When she's done.....so is half the crowd. What does that make her, if not a celebrity as well? What's worse, these are the same people that worship Ronald Reagan to the point of exulting him to God-like status.

Yet we're the ones with the "celebrity" running for President. Right-o. Look, Mrs. Palin may be a very nice woman. Really, it's quite possible. Point is, I know people in the 6th grade who can tell you what branch of the government the VP is in. Or when the Pledge was amended to add "under God". Or worse, what a VP actually does. And none of those 6th graders are currently the GOP's nominee for vice-president. If Barack Obama said he didn't know what branch of the government the President was in, wouldn't that make you suspect of voting for him?

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BTW, babies are choices. You can choose to have them naturally, choose not to have them, choose to adopt, choose to use a surrogate, choose to use IVF......the list goes on. It's a clump of cells that has the potential to turn into a human being. Not all fertilized eggs become babies. Some are flushed out once a month, some are miscarried, some are aborted.

You're not going to convince me that a bunch of rapidly mutating cells is a human being.

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If you are into real issues, why did you choose to respond to my Meow post as opposed to this one:


I think any candidate will need to rely on experts/advisers. The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS has been having experts from both candidates on. I think the debates these guys have have been having on the show, may be just as important as a debate between the candidates themselves.

So far, I'm impressed with McCains choices of experts/advisers.

Obama's experts/advisers have looked like bumbling idiots.


Just scroll back to see, it was the next post after the Meow.

Well DUH! The meow was a ridiculous remark, my response at least added some value to the discussion. Furthermore why would I respond to the post you mention above? I don't disagree with anything you said except that it is your OPINION that Obama's experts/advisor's look like bumbling idiots. I disagree but it was at least a valid comment - unlike MEOW when you don't want to face up to the FACTS that you are being presented with.

Just my little sense of humor. So sad you can't seem to get with the program.

Del....OH DELLLLL....where ARE you??! We MISS you!!! You're team is in desperate need of you!! They are resorting to replies of MEOW to facts that they can't disprove!

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