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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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You are so incompetent it pains me. You can't even defend yourself from the liberals here. Del is one of the few who can consistently hold his ground. While he does this, you sit on your ass and make smilies and crack bad jokes and simply repeat Obama is a baby killer comments. for the love of God, prove yourself once and for all srplane. Actually make intelligent conversation, please I'm begging you.

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Oh not the 'wonderful gift of life' bullshit...

Any woman who gives birth to a child also condemns them to death, regardless of when it happens. Women have the choice of either killing their child in pregnancy or letting the child be killed by nature. It's all the same.

What right does anyone have to bring a Downs Syndrome child into the world? What right does anyone have to bring any child into the world for that matter?

None of us asked for life, it was foistered onto us by our parents.

Bringing a Downs Syndrome child into the world might make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but what are you going to say to them when they find out that they're not likely to live past their 40s?

So then if they ever discover a 'gay gene' then it won't be a problem if a woman decides to have an abortion just on that basis? Given the fact that homosexuals tend to be more unhappy in society than people who live more inside the accepted norm. Maybe aborting them will save them being a "foistered life by their parents"?

Stupid people are dangerous. They should come with a warning label.

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Del, Shame on YOU!! You know I respect your opinion but the above statements has to be one of the <insert own adjective here> things you've ever said on this board. Or maybe you don't believe in birth control.

I have no problem with "birth control" that takes place before conception. After concpetion it is killing a human being in my opinion. Like I said, it's a baby not a choice. I would never accept killing babies just so people can feel better about the rest of their week. Like they are having a wart removed, or getting a hair cut.

Speaking to Palins intelligence - how intelligent is it for a family that already has four children to make the choice to have another child despite the well known risks TO THE CHILD when the age of the parents is advanced? I'd have to say that's pretty stupid.

Are you sure that they planned to have another child? You know sometimes married people just get preganant from having normal marital relationships.

But it really doesn't matter if they planned to get pregnant or not. The desire to have a large family may not still be the fashion, but aren't people still permitted to make that choice without being second guessed for their motives? I would not call them stupid for making that choice.

Just in case YOU'RE not aware:

"The incidence of fetal trisomies is directly related to maternal age. The risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases in a gradual, linear fashion until about age 30 and increases exponentially thereafter...

The Palin's do not see their child as a problem. They actually see it a blessing. Why do you see a down syndrome child as being equal to the end of the world?

But what if someone knew their child had a one in thirty chance of being born deaf. Would you say that the parents who brought that child to full term were "stupid" too? Do you honestly believe that having special challenges somehow makes a person less worthy... or worthy to be loved?

Maybe she should have practiced say "NO" to unprotected sex as 'adamantly' as she claims she said to the bridge to nowhere.

You mean unprotected sex with her husband? You almost sound like one of those whacky Planned Parenthood people. The ones who act like they get a commission for every one of the 1.5 million babies killed by abortion in this country every year. The Palin's aren't unhappy with their decision to have a late in life baby (even with the consequences of that) so why are you so critical of it?

BTW - Obama voted for the bridge to nowhere in Alaska. He thought it was a good idea.

Sort of like his plan for American to nowhere.....

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Del....OH DELLLLL....where ARE you??! We MISS you!!! You're team is in desperate need of you!! They are resorting to replies of MEOW to facts that they can't disprove!

Sorry, I was out of town for a few days. I was with my friend G. Gordon Liddy and the President of Diebold on a trip to Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Glad to hear I was missed around here.

Speak for yourself, Medhb.

Geeze Beth, now I'm really hurt.

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Yes, this will be called "Old News" around here by the leftist, animal loving libs around here. Just like they no longer want to talk about Ayres, Rezko, and Wright. And, the libs around here better hope that their hero :notworthy: obama :notworthy: opens up a huge lead in the polls to have a chance.

What size shoe did Biden put in his mouth today??? Did he ask anyone in a wheel chair to stand up today? obama, Biden.................they deserve each other. :hysterical:

McBrillant / Palin ........ 08..........How many more crooks will give money to obama tomorrow???

ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! :angry:

I've not been here in a while but I have to answer this silly, probably unregistered, never voted in the USA before, uninformed sad excuse for a human!

I first voted in 1972 and have voted in every election since then.

I was/am a Hillary supporter since day 1---I mean year one--back in the early 90's. I still am. However, I must do what is best for my country. I looked at McCain briefly but he was too conservative for me. Then, when he picked Palin as his VP candidate, my mind was definately made up to vote for Obama.

Palin scares the stuff out of me. She will set women's rights back single handly.If she is elected we must remember that the next president will likely appoint new members to the supreme court. And as vice president, she may/will have influence over McCain--and may even become president. Palin's stand on women's rights echos the old school white man dominated politics of the mid century--she will try to overturn Roe v Wade. No one, I mean NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do to her body--whether you agree with abortion or not--I don't for the most part. She does not believe in birth control for heaven's sake. Plus she is a member of a fundamentalist religion which is her right under the constituion but how will this affect her govening. Her stand on gun control is not in synch with what is going on in our cities. Sure, let her use her assault weapon on animals for food, let hunters keep the right to hunt. But what does this have to do with kids in the cities having access to Glocks and other guns. There are no moose in Detroit or St Louis but there are a lot of gangs and murder!Palin has goverened a state with less people that my small city of 25k...and we are next to a metropolitan area of over 2 million. She has never traveled the world and seen how other people think or live and how they view Americans. I have way more stamps in my passport than she does and I actually crossed borders!!!! Also, she has a very shaky education and to me that is most important.

I cannot believe that in the America of the 21st century people are still concerned with race....get real! Obama (who is biracial) has attended two very prestigeous Universities-- The Univ of Illinois and Harvard --a very first class education. and he went on to do what I think is very important --served his community--he cares about people and knows what its like to be lower middle class.

Biden overcame great personal tragedies to become a well respected senator that also had a first class education at U of Deleware and Syracuse University. Palin went to 5 colleges to get a degree in Journalism. That's what we at Memphis State used to say about people who could not make the grade in real classes!

Something else that scares me about the Republican party and their nominees....did you see their convention? Everyone was white---there were a few tokens --- maybe about 200 in the hall. Stepford delegates. Spooky.

While the Democratic convention had all the flavors of the rainbow at their convention, white, black brown, tan, yellow, pink, even a few greens B) -- a real group of what America is really like.

So srplane, do your homework. it's time for a more modern, classical, up-to-date politician to take the reins of our country. One that takes account ALL of the American people, across party lines. And please, be nicer on your posts please.

Ok, I'll get off my soap box now! ;);)

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Palin scares the stuff out of me. She will set women's rights back single handly.

How can a woman who as attained the Governorship of a State be a setback to women's rights? You would think that a woman who proved that there were no limits to how high of an office in her own state would be championed by the women's rights people.

If she is elected we must remember that the next president will likely appoint new members to the supreme court. And as vice president, she may/will have influence over McCain--and may even become president. Palin's stand on women's rights echos the old school white man dominated politics of the mid century--she will try to overturn Roe v Wade.

Has she tried to change abortion laws in her own state of Alaska?


So how can you make this claim?

No one, I mean NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do to her body--whether you agree with abortion or not--I don't for the most part.

Actually according to the Roe V Wade decision, the states CAN enact laws prohibiting or limiting abortions in the last three months of a pregnancy. So your comment is not 100% correct.

she is a member of a fundamentalist religion which is her right under the constituion but how will this affect her govening.

Jimmy Carter was in a "fundamentalist" denomination while he was president; was that a problem for you then? Your fear of her religion smacks of bigotry.

Her stand on gun control is not in synch with what is going on in our cities. Sure, let her use her assault weapon on animals for food, let hunters keep the right to hunt. But what does this have to do with kids in the cities having access to Glocks and other guns.

Her stand on gun rights is very much in sync with how the majority of Americans feel. Won't it be funny if McCain wins in Pennsylvania just based on Palin's views on hunting.

Then will reconsider how out of sync your views are?

Palin has goverened a state with less people that my small city of 25k.

Biden's state of Delaware doesn't have many more people than Alaska, and it's smaller than a polar bear turd.

Something else that scares me about the Republican party and their nominees....did you see their convention? Everyone was white---there were a few tokens --- maybe about 200 in the hall. Stepford delegates. Spooky.


You are a total bigot.

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This is for you srplane............ :lol:

Humane Society Legislative Fund Endorses Obama-Biden

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has been a solid supporter of animal protection at both the state and federal levels. As an Illinois state senator, he backed at least a dozen animal protection laws, including those to strengthen the penalties for animal cruelty, to help animal shelters, to promote spaying and neutering, and to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption. In the U.S. Senate, he has consistently co-sponsored multiple bills to combat animal fighting and horse slaughter, and has supported efforts to increase funding for adequate enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and federal laws to combat animal fighting and puppy mills.

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This is for srplane too, because I think he was the one making fun of Joe Biden for telling someone in a wheelchair to stand up.(one of those embarassing moments everyone has had, like when George Bush asked the blind reported why he was wearing sun glasses, there was no sun)

So here ya go buddy...

"Channeling his inner Queen of Hearts, John McCain furiously, and apparently without even looking around at facts, said Chris Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, should be decapitated".


adds source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8092202583.html

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Even though Palin knew that Stein is a Protestant Christian, from a Pennsylvania Dutch background, her campaign began circulating the word that she would be "Wasilla's first Christian mayor." Some of Stein's supporters interpreted this as an attempt to portray Stein as Jewish in the heavily evangelical community. Stein himself, an eminently reasonable and reflective man, thinks "they were redefining Christianity to mean born-agains."

The Palin campaign also started another vicious whisper campaign, spreading the word that Stein and his wife -- who had chosen to keep her own last name when they were married -- were not legally wed. Again, Palin knew the truth, Stein said, but chose to muddy the waters. "We actually had to produce our marriage certificate," recalled Stein, whose wife died of breast cancer in 2005 without ever reconciling with Palin.

Classy broad.

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So then if they ever discover a 'gay gene' then it won't be a problem if a woman decides to have an abortion just on that basis? Given the fact that homosexuals tend to be more unhappy in society than people who live more inside the accepted norm. Maybe aborting them will save them being a "foistered life by their parents"?

Stupid people are dangerous. They should come with a warning label.

That's an interesting question you pose Del, however, unfortunately it doesn't push me into the direction you were hoping I'd go. So I'm afraid that's another zero on your scorecard, but at least you get an honourable mention for bringing up an interesting topic.

Homosexuals are usually unhappy in society because people similar to yourself seem to go out of their way to make them unhappy. But then people like you are unhappy too because whatever happiness they manage to scratch together usually comes at the expense of somebody else.

So yes, if they ever discover the gay gene, will people be tempted to have it corrected? Probably. Maybe not, who knows? But I don't think it would stop at the gay gene, I think people would be tempted to craft their children genetically. Who knows, maybe in the future they'll be able to remove the extra chromasone if a child has Down Syndrome. Is that right or wrong? I don't know, I'm not a moral judge.

In a very crude way we already somewhat genetically craft our children by the partners we pick.

But my guess is, and you may not understand this Del, but in the future if genetic modification becomes standard practice, the more 'perfect' we try to make our children, the more society will seek to find the difference, as there is no set notion of perfection or beauty or correct behaviour or anything really (which can be a complicated notion for people like you who deal in absolutes to understand) there's just a temporary negotiated preference which always changes with the vagrities of time, and also society's preference for striking a balance between equality and inequality.

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How can a woman who as attained the Governorship of a State be a setback to women's rights? You would think that a woman who proved that there were no limits to how high of an office in her own state would be championed by the women's rights people.

it makes no difference how high she has climbed and i applaude her for her achievements. She is not the only woman governor in America. however, just because she is a woman does not mean all women support her as vice president. some do some don't. I don't. she scares me. But, so did Nixon.

Has she tried to change abortion laws in her own state of Alaska?


So how can you make this claim?

I don't know if she has tried to change abortion laws in her own state, that is not the point. the point is she does not approve of abortion under any circumstances. That is scary if she is able to make appointments to the supreme court that favor her belief. Of course there is hope that someone with those strict views would not be confirmed.

Actually according to the Roe V Wade decision, the states CAN enact laws prohibiting or limiting abortions in the last three months of a pregnancy. So your comment is not 100% correct.

yes, I know what the states can do. and at 7 months of pregnancy there is too much harm to the mother and the baby can live. I do not know the stats on this but aren't third trimester abortions rare anyway? aren't most abortions in the first trimester? Again, that is not the point. A woman should have a right to make any decisions regarding her own body.

Jimmy Carter was in a "fundamentalist" denomination while he was president; was that a problem for you then? Your fear of her religion smacks of bigotry.

Bigotry? I was raised in a fundamentalist religion and my brother is a minister in a fundamentalist religion (penecostal). I've been to his church many times over the years. I'm not in the least afraid of her religion. She can believe what she wants. I do. I just don't happen to believe as I did as a child. Jimmy Carter never tried to put his strong beliefs on the people of America. I'm just hoping that Palin can be as thoughtful. She can believe as she wishes as long as she keeps it out of politcs.

Her stand on gun rights is very much in sync with how the majority of Americans feel. Won't it be funny if McCain wins in Pennsylvania just based on Palin's views on hunting.

Then will reconsider how out of sync your views are?

every day on the local news where I live there are shootings and murders. We have one of the highest murder rates in the country. It's easier to get a gun here than drugs. Kids as young as 10 have been caught with guns at school. Drive bys are a nightly occurrence in the city. I have friends on the local police force and they tell me that not everyting even makes the news. We get a daily body count like during Vietnam. In the larger cities this is a major problem. It has nothing to do with hunting game.

Biden's state of Delaware doesn't have many more people than Alaska, and it's smaller than a polar bear turd.

true, Delaware has about 900K vs Alaska 600K


You are a total bigot.

I'm sorry you have come to that conclusion based on a few words -- but believe me I'm about the farthest thing from a racist and a bigot that you could ever meet. If I was a racist and a bigot would I be voting for Obama? or be a Hillary supporter? I don't think so. I'm just stating my opinion like everyone else here.

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I really like this talk about Palins religion.

All these Libs been saying it scares them.

But when we bring up God Damn America Rev. Wright, we are shouted down.

I’m pretty sure Obama will gladly have a debate about religion with Palin.

One teaches life begins at conception.

One believes the U.S. gave the black man AIDS and the U.S.A. is the greatest sin on god.

I’m pretty sure the little church in Wasilla, AK is a little more like everyone else’s church than that black hole of thought in the south side of Chicago.

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I really like this talk about Palins religion.

All these Libs been saying it scares them.

But when we bring up God Damn America Rev. Wright, we are shouted down.

I’m pretty sure Obama will gladly have a debate about religion with Palin.

One teaches life begins at conception.

One believes the U.S. gave the black man AIDS and the U.S.A. is the greatest sin on god.

I’m pretty sure the little church in Wasilla, AK is a little more like everyone else’s church than that black hole of thought in the south side of Chicago.

yeah, cause Everyone knows Jews are going to hell.

And how do you know a Human Life begins at conception? A sperm appears to be life within life if you ask me. Truth is... You don't know. That's the problem, WE DON'T KNOW! Hence, above the paygrade. It's really not anything more than a man being honest to the idea that we don't really have those answers. They are beliefs not facts. No one knows at what point a soul enters the body.

And, What about all the frozen souls? Are you passionate about them too? You know, the babies(or really cells) who are waiting while they see if the parents last in vitro attempt worked... a life on hold... in the freezer, until the parents decide what to do with them.

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yeah, cause Everyone knows Jews are going to hell.

And how do you know a Human Life begins at conception? A sperm appears to be life within life if you ask me. Truth is... You don't know. That's the problem, WE DON'T KNOW! Hence, above the paygrade. It's really not anything more than a man being honest to the idea that we don't really have those answers. They are beliefs not facts. No one knows at what point a soul enters the body.

And, What about all the frozen souls? Are you passionate about them too? You know, the babies(or really cells) who are waiting while they see if the parents last in vitro attempt worked... a life on hold... in the freezer, until the parents decide what to do with them.

He doesn't have alot of answers. Axelrod makes sure of that. David knows nobody is going to question him on anything, so he can change his answers depending on the crowd.

The pay grade comment is referring to supreme court justice pay rate who decide those things.(in which he appoints those people) I believe top brass in the military make more than the senator from Illinois and it didn't stop him from claiming the Iraq war was stupid, lost, and claiming he know how to win it. In which disproves my first comment that he does not give answers, he just gives wrong one, or one just enough to get you off his ass.

Anyways. That was the perfect answer for Obama to give. You retards just drink that shit up and nobody who believes in life was going to vote for him anyways. I’m sure Obama can come out and say he has no idea how to pull us out of this financial crisis and you people will eat that shit with a smile, oh wait, it's already happening.

The point is while Obama is umming between every word on every answer he gives now, he rarely stands besides anything he said or decisions he makes.

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I have no problem with "birth control" that takes place before conception. After concpetion it is killing a human being in my opinion. Like I said, it's a baby not a choice. I would never accept killing babies just so people can feel better about the rest of their week. Like they are having a wart removed, or getting a hair cut.

Are you sure that they planned to have another child? You know sometimes married people just get preganant from having normal marital relationships.

But it really doesn't matter if they planned to get pregnant or not. The desire to have a large family may not still be the fashion, but aren't people still permitted to make that choice without being second guessed for their motives? I would not call them stupid for making that choice.

The Palin's do not see their child as a problem. They actually see it a blessing. Why do you see a down syndrome child as being equal to the end of the world?

But what if someone knew their child had a one in thirty chance of being born deaf. Would you say that the parents who brought that child to full term were "stupid" too? Do you honestly believe that having special challenges somehow makes a person less worthy... or worthy to be loved?

You mean unprotected sex with her husband? You almost sound like one of those whacky Planned Parenthood people. The ones who act like they get a commission for every one of the 1.5 million babies killed by abortion in this country every year. The Palin's aren't unhappy with their decision to have a late in life baby (even with the consequences of that) so why are you so critical of it?

BTW - Obama voted for the bridge to nowhere in Alaska. He thought it was a good idea.

Sort of like his plan for American to nowhere.....

Thought provoking comments Del. It's not the way I'd go about it but you've expanded my thinking a bit, thanks

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A whole lot more classy then you will ever be ~*Lady Elizabeth of the Paggette's*~ You libs around here have said that Sarah Palin may speak in tongues. The only tongues I have ever heard out of Lizzy are four letter words. LOL :lol:

She happens to use a lot of words that contain more than four letters but I have to sympathize with you.....can't hold it against a man just because they can't count past 4 :P

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