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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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:hysterical::hippy: Oh no she di'n't!

Hey, did you see on the news last night they asked both candidates what their favorite movies were? McCain said Viva Zapate, and Obama said The Godfather (I had never heard of Viva Zapata, but it also has Brando in it). Obama did an impression of Brando in the Godfather. My daughter and I cracked up. He described the movie as a mix of old world gentility mixed with savagery; a cool description, IMO. God it's nice to listen to an intelligent person. God I miss having an intelligent prez.

Well, if he likes The Godfather, we must vote for him. He's giving us an offer we can't refuse.

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Letterman RIPPED into McCain for suspending his campaign. He was supposed to come on the Late Show but canceled, telling Dave personally that he had to fly back to Washington immediately. Well, while Letterman is on, they cut into a live feed from CBS News studios and there's John McCain getting ready to do an interview with Katie Couric. Letterman quips, "Do you need a ride to the airport?"

He basically said that if McCain wanted to get off the trail to come to Washington and work, he should have put Palin in his place instead. And then he said "well, where is she?" Gold. Gets even better than that:

"What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!"


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Letterman RIPPED into McCain for suspending his campaign. He was supposed to come on the Late Show but canceled, telling Dave personally that he had to fly back to Washington immediately. Well, while Letterman is on, they cut into a live feed from CBS News studios and there's John McCain getting ready to do an interview with Katie Couric. Letterman quips, "Do you need a ride to the airport?"

He basically said that if McCain wanted to get off the trail to come to Washington and work, he should have put Palin in his place instead. And then he said "well, where is she?" Gold. Gets even better than that:

"What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!"


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Wow, all this political debate and not a word about the president's address to the Nation over an hour ago. Where is is One Drop and Srplane? At least they may have a comment about it? It seems to be an important issue to most americans. Evidentally it isnt worth a hill of beans here?

I missed it, I only saw a clip of him stating, and I'll translate here... that we have to bail out these companies or stick it to 'em.

So what did he say he would like to do?

We are witnessing history here folks. This is just an amazing election cycle.

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Wow, all this political debate and not a word about the president's address to the Nation over an hour ago. Where is is One Drop and Srplane? At least they may have a comment about it? It seems to be an important issue to most americans. Evidentally it isnt worth a hill of beans here?

I watched it....no big revelations. Wow, breaking news! I love how he managed to involve politics into the economic crisis though.... I invited Senators McCain and Obama to the White House...tomorrow. Everyone's saying the deal is 'this close' to being ironed out, they don't need two political candidates to get in the middle and muddy the waters. So, they go vote tomorrow and come back Friday for the debate. McCain is NOT the Knight in Shining armour he so badly wants to play right now.

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They are going to ask congress for 700 billion dollars to bail out mortgage companies and banks and Bush, Obama and McCain are all in agreement to do it. Bush is catching hell from the far right. The 3 of them are meeting at the white house in the morninig about this. I am wondering if I need to put my money under a mattress, load my guns, get 3 months supply of beer and food and pray. I dont know the short term repercussions, but the long term isi unclear and is certainly a gamble. It is going to happen. The future of crediti lines, banks, the stock market, mortgages etc are all on the line.



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Wow, all this political debate and not a word about the president's address to the Nation over an hour ago. Where is is One Drop and Srplane? At least they may have a comment about it? It seems to be an important issue to most americans. Evidentally it isnt worth a hill of beans here?

One Drop is now Herman (Hermit) and all of his previous posts are gone. Srplane is in the same boat... both have been banned multiple times and keep coming back. :blink:

Desperate creatures that have no other outlet to get attention.

I used to think that it was cool to be here because I loved Led Zeppelin. I've heard MORE than enough gibberish from the leftish fringe. It's pretty obvious that we, as Americans, need change, but the constant childish shrieking is unbearable. I'm finding it hard to "join their side".

Hopefully...I'm on the famous ignore list......it must suck to be so sour about everything at such a young age.

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One Drop is now Herman (Hermit) and all of his previous posts are gone. Srplane is in the same boat... both have been banned multiple times and keep coming back. :blink:

Desperate creatures that have no other outlet to get attention.

I used to think that it was cool to be here because I loved Led Zeppelin. I've heard MORE than enough gibberish from the leftish fringe. It's pretty obvious that we, as Americans, need change, but the constant childish shrieking is unbearable. I'm finding it hard to "join their side".

Hopefully...I'm on the famous ignore list......it must suck to be so sour about everything at such a young age.

And your point is....??? I guess I missed that part. B)

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The debate is still in limbo. Maybe Obama can debate Rev. Wright..

It doesn't work like that. If McCain fails to appear then Obama will have an audience of millions to himself...there will be no rebuttles. Unless McCain want to put Palin in for him....cuz, ya know, she's 100% READY to roll!!

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I understand what you are saying, but McCain and Obama are both standing behind this move. Im only asking for opinions on this multi billion dollar bail out? Im not concerned with Bush himself. But Obama and McCain are going there tomorrow and they both agree on something. that is big news in itself. Party partisanship put aside.

Well, they think some revisions need to be made...but also, they're likely going for different reasons. McCain seems to be hiding out behind bipartisanship just like they're hiding Palin behind VERY controlled media contact. They held debates back in 1944, you know, WWII?????????????? Why not now? I would sure want to know what the guy who's going to inherit this in a little over a month will do. I would like to know how each can defend his position as the better one.

Chuck Schumann: "We do not need presidential politics thrown into the middle of this."

(Side note: anybody catch her response to the question posed about McCain's chief adviser raking in $$$ from the recent market fallout? hemming and hawing all the way, repeating herself...she is going to get slaughtered worse than bambi on an open meadow surrounded by the pack of wolves that haven't yet been killed by aerial shootings)

No one pays attention to a damn thing that guy says anymore. He could come on TV with Jesus Christ standing behind him, promising a free trip to heaven for anyone who could prove they watched it, and most Americans would scratch their asses and turn on Cartoon Network.

It's now so bad that he's become his own punchline: Bush for President is like...Bush for President.

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That's why they want to eliminate the VP debate.

Wow! Where did all that self confidence and oomph go?! I guess she can't walk and chew gum at the same time either. It's clear she's getting crash courses...."It is my belief" Translation: "They're telling me"....PAH!

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We know how much Bush is loved around here. And I voted against him twice. But he is pretty much done now. So what we have to ask ourselves is what is going to happen with this plan? Bitching about what he did for the last 8 years isn't going to solve our future problems. I know that you can't stand him, but it's kind of tough for me to just sit there and say the guy doesn't give a damn what happens to the country. Does anyone think this plan is a good or bad thing?

Here is the transcript.


He basicly said it is needed so the market can get moving. There is alot of bad loans done by people who thought a house was an invesment, not a home, and since the market stopped growing, they can't pay their loans. In simple terms, the govt will buy bad loans off the market so banks can start giving loans out again, and making sure the people who take those loans, can pay them back.

I don't like this plan, but the plan will work. We will get our money back and may make some money off of it. The 700 billion is a high figure, 400 billion is a better number. Im afraid the dems will put more regulations on the free market, which is the cause of all of this. in the 90's, govt. allowed loans to be given out to people who may not pay them back. They believed every one deserves a home. It good and all, but they bought big homes and big cars. Which is stupid and bad. There is a million apartments out there and they need to be filled too.

Some people can't hear the speech because Obama's balls are banging off there chins and all they can do is call Bush stupid and stuff. They are typicaly the ones who default on their loans. They always need someone to blame. Bush and McCain pushed for an overhaul of the system a few times, but were blocked by the dems.

Of course Obama did nothing, because he was too busy running for president. McCain took a leadership role and Obama played politics. Obama rather lose the economy than lose an election.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Wow! Where did all that self confidence and oomph go?! I guess she can't walk and chew gum at the same time either. It's clear she's getting crash courses...."It is my belief" Translation: "They're telling me"....PAH!

That's just part of the interview, you can watch the rest here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/24/...in4476173.shtml

So basically, if you thought it couldn't get worse....it does.

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Here is the transcript.


He basicly said it is needed so the market can get moving. There is alot of bad loans done by people who thought a house was an invesment, not a home, and since the market stopped growing, they can't pay their loans. In simple terms, the govt will buy bad loans off the market so banks can start giving loans out again, and making sure the people who take those loans, can pay them back.

I don't like this plan, but the plan will work. We will get our money back and may make some money off of it. The 700 billion is a high figure, 400 billion is a better number. Im afraid the dems will put more regulations on the free market, which is the cause of all of this. in the 90's, govt. allowed loans to be given out to people who may not pay them back. They believed every one deserves a home. It good and all, but they bought big homes and big cars. Which is stupid and bad. There is a million apartments out there and they need to be filled too.

Some people can't hear the speech because Obama's balls are banging off there chins and all they can do is call Bush stupid and stuff. They are typicaly the ones who default on their loans. They always need someone to blame. Bush and McCain pushed for an overhaul of the system a few times, but were blocked by the dems.

Can you tell me what those overhauls were that they proposed? Because I haven't heard anything about them. McCain has been agains regulation for ever, but I did hear that he tried to do 'something' two years ago (once in 28 years, not bad!) but I don't know what that 'something' was.


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