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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Good read from the wall street journal.and you thought Bush spending was ridiculous.

* OCTOBER 24, 2008

How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3 Trillion?

The Democrat's tax and spending plans deserve closer examination.


The most troublesome tax increases in Barack Obama's plan are not those we can already see but those sure to be announced later, after the election is over and budget realities rear their ugly head.

The new president, whoever he is, will start out facing a budget deficit of at least $1 trillion, possibly much more. Sen. Obama has nonetheless promised to devote another $1.32 trillion over the next 10 years to several new or expanded refundable tax credits and a special exemption for seniors, according to the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution's Tax Policy Center (TPC). He calls this a "middle-class tax cut," while suggesting the middle class includes 95% of those who work.

Mr. Obama's proposed income-based health-insurance subsidies, tax credits for tiny businesses, and expanded Medicaid eligibility would cost another $1.63 trillion, according to the TPC. Thus his tax rebates and health insurance subsidies alone would lift the undisclosed bill to future taxpayers by $2.95 trillion -- roughly $295 billion a year by 2012.

But that's not all. Mr. Obama has also promised to spend more on 176 other programs, according to an 85-page list of campaign promises (actual quotations) compiled by the National Taxpayers Union Foundation. The NTUF was able to produce cost estimates for only 77 of the 176, so its estimate is low. Excluding the Obama health plan, the NTUF estimates that Mr. Obama would raise spending by $611.5 billion over the next five years; the 10-year total (aside from health) would surely exceed $1.4 trillion, because spending typically grows at least as quickly as nominal GDP.

A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money. Altogether, Mr. Obama is promising at least $4.3 trillion of increased spending and reduced tax revenue from 2009 to 2018 -- roughly an extra $430 billion a year by 2012-2013.

How is he going to pay for it?

Raising the tax rates on the salaries, dividends and capital gains of those making more than $200,000-$250,000, and phasing out their exemptions and deductions, can raise only a small fraction of the amount. Even if we have a strong economy, Mr. Obama's proposed tax hikes on the dwindling ranks of high earners would be unlikely to raise much more than $30 billion-$35 billion a year by 2012.

Besides, Mr. Obama does not claim he can finance his ambitious plans for tax credits, health insurance, etc. by taxing the rich. On the contrary, he has an even less likely revenue source in mind.

In his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on Aug. 28, Mr. Obama said, "I've laid out how I'll pay for every dime -- by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens." That comment refers to $924.1 billion over 10 years from what the TPC wisely labels "unverifiable revenue raisers." To put that huge figure in perspective, the Congressional Budget Office optimistically expects a total of $3.7 trillion from corporate taxes over that period. In other words, Mr. Obama is counting on increasing corporate tax collections by more than 25% simply by closing "loopholes" and complaining about foreign "tax havens."

Nobody, including the Tax Policy Center, believes that is remotely feasible. And Mr. Obama's dream of squeezing more revenue out of corporate profits, dividends and capital gains looks increasingly unbelievable now that profits are falling, banks have cut or eliminated dividends, and only a few short-sellers have any capital gains left to tax.

When it comes to direct spending -- as opposed to handing out "refund" checks through the tax code -- Mr. Obama claims he won't need more revenue because there will be no more spending. He even claims to be proposing to cut more spending ending up with a "net spending cut." That was Mr. Obama's most direct answer to Bob Schieffer, the moderator of the last debate, right after Mr. Schieffer said "The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CFARB) ran the numbers" and found otherwise.

When CFARB "ran the numbers," they relied almost entirely on unverifiable numbers eagerly provided to them by the Obama campaign. That explains why their list of Mr. Obama's new spending plans is so much shorter than the National Taxpayers Union fully documented list.

But nothing quite explains why even the vaguest promises to save money are recorded by CFARB as if they had substance. Mr. Obama is thus credited with saving $50 billion in a single year (2013) by reducing "wasteful spending" and unnamed "obsolete programs." He is said to save Medicare $43 billion a year by importing foreign drugs and negotiating bargains from drug companies. Yet even proponents of that approach such as the Lewin Group find that cannot save more than $6 billion a year. So the remaining $37 billion turns out to depend on what the Obama campaign refers to as undertaking "additional measures as necessary" (more taxes?).

The number of U.S. troops in Iraq will decline, regardless of who the next president is. Yet the CFARB credits John McCain's budget with only a $5 billion savings from troop reduction in Iraq, while Mr. Obama gets an extra $55 billion.

Straining to add credibility to Mr. Obama's fantasy about discovering $75 billion in 2013 from "closing corporate loopholes and tax havens," CFARB assures us that "the campaign has said that an Obama administration would look for other sources of revenue." Indeed they would.

In one respect, CFARB is more candid than the Obama campaign. Mr. Obama favors a relatively draconian cap-and-trade scheme in which the government would sell rights to emit carbon dioxide. The effect on U.S. families and firms would be like a steep tax on electricity, gasoline and energy-intensive products such as paper, plastic and aluminum. Whenever Mr. Obama claims he has not (yet) proposed any tax increase on couples earning less than $250,000, he forgets to mention his de facto $100 billion annual tax on energy. (The McCain-Lieberman cap-and-trade plan is more gradual and much less costly.)

CFARB assumes Mr. Obama's cap-and-trade tax would raise $100 billion in 2013 alone, but the actual revenue raised would be much lower. Like every other steep surge in energy costs, the Obama cap-and-trade tax would crush the economy, reducing tax receipts from profits and personal income.

The Joint Tax Committee reports that the bottom 60% of taxpayers with incomes below $50,000 paid less than 1% of the federal income tax in 2006, while the 3.3% with incomes above $200,000 paid more than 58%. Most of Mr. Obama's tax rebates go to the bottom 60%. They can't possibly be financed by shifting an even larger share of the tax burden to the top 3.3%.

Mr. Obama has offered no clue as to how he intends to pay for his health-insurance plans, or doubling foreign aid, or any of the other 175 programs he's promised to expand. Although he may hope to collect an even larger share of loot from the top of the heap, the harsh reality is that this Democrat's quest for hundreds of billions more revenue each year would have to reach deep into the pockets of the people much lower on the economic ladder. Even then he'd come up short.

Mr. Reynolds is a senior fellow with the Cato Institute. This was adapted from a paper for Hillsdale College's Free Market Forum (www.hillsdale.edu/seminars/offcampus/freemarketforum/speeches/2008.asp).


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"As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."

Donald Rumsfeld on weapons of mass destruction.


Soldiers and military families say no to John McCain

Posted by Vets for Obama on Oct 24

John McCain's Senate career has been characterized by lip service to, and votes against our troops and veterans. That's why so many military members and families are speaking out against him and supporting Barack Obama for president.

This video of Republican soldiers and military family members that just can't vote for John McCain just came out, and is a must-watch for anyone who is still somehow convinced that he is the best president for our soldiers and vets.

Video here: http://vetsforobama.org/

Courtesy http://vetsforobama.org/

Very long list of soldiers follows:

Edited by Mary Hartman
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"As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."

Donald Rumsfeld on weapons of mass destruction.


Soldiers and military families say no to John McCain

Posted by Vets for Obama on Oct 24

John McCain's Senate career has been characterized by lip service to, and votes against our troops and veterans. That's why so many military members and families are speaking out against him and supporting Barack Obama for president.

This video of Republican soldiers and military family members that just can't vote for John McCain just came out, and is a must-watch for anyone who is still somehow convinced that he is the best president for our soldiers and vets.

Video here: http://vetsforobama.org/

Courtesy http://vetsforobama.org/

Very long list of soldiers follows:

Sad indeed.

That's why I'm voting independent. Neither of the "main" parties are worth a damn. Too bad everyone else can't figure that out.

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On September 10, 2008, the American Nurses Association Board of Directors voted to endorse Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) for President of the United States. ANA believes Sen. Obama is the best candidate to bring real change to our health care system.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) has endorsed a candidate in each presidential election since 1984. As the 1985 House of Delegates Resolution mandates, the ANA-PAC Board and its Presidential Endorsement Task Force members worked to identify the candidate that best serves the interests of the nursing profession and their patients. Click on "ANA's Endorsement Process" to learn more.

Courtesy http://www.nursingworld.org/gova/obama/

:injured:Support your Nurses every day.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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"As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."

Donald Rumsfeld on weapons of mass destruction.


Soldiers and military families say no to John McCain

Posted by Vets for Obama on Oct 24

John McCain's Senate career has been characterized by lip service to, and votes against our troops and veterans. That's why so many military members and families are speaking out against him and supporting Barack Obama for president.

This video of Republican soldiers and military family members that just can't vote for John McCain just came out, and is a must-watch for anyone who is still somehow convinced that he is the best president for our soldiers and vets.

Video here: http://vetsforobama.org/

Courtesy http://vetsforobama.org/

Very long list of soldiers follows:

The last I heard overseas military were voting for Obama 5 to 1. I have supported him all along because he was one of the very few (Wellstone of MN was another) who was against going there to begin with.

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Sad indeed.

That's why I'm voting independent. Neither of the "main" parties are worth a damn. Too bad everyone else can't figure that out.

Not everyone.

And speaking about overseas military voting, I personally know about 20 people who either have served in Iraq, or have served in our Armed Forces and are now retired. The ratio of support for Obama compared to McCain is 3/4 Obama. All of my friends have said the same thing: We did our job, its time to get out and turn our attention to defeating Al Qaeda head on in Afghanistan.

*They would like to come home one day too.*

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Barack's grandma taped over the phone admitting he was born in Kenya:


Edit: Spelled his name wrong.

I read that link and tried to keep an open mind, and have a few questions that nag (not directed personally at you, just questioning out loud, though if you've got some follow up info it would interesting to read):

wondering if that tape's ever going to be released

would be helpful if someone mentioned where in Kenya he was supposedly born (presumably the country didn't just have the one delivery room??)

can't they check travel records of the paternal grandmother to verify whether she was in fact in Kenya at that time?

If BO was born in Kenya and then registered in US, why would the Hawaii powers that be go against their own laws of birth registration?

RE: "The claim states, 'The 'certificate' that Mr. Obama has posted on his official Website is a 'Certification of Live Birth,' and not a 'Birth Certificate' from Hawaii. There is no indication on even this certificate as to specifically where the birth took place.'" It has been thoroughly disputed here:

factcheck.org born in the USA

and here:

PolitiFact.com Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter

Given how the US Constitution's been so rampantly and creatively not adhered to by the current administration, it's weird how it is pointed to when convenient and ignored when not.

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The last I heard overseas military were voting for Obama 5 to 1. I have supported him all along because he was one of the very few (Wellstone of MN was another) who was against going there to begin with.

It takes tons of moolah to war monger in other countries. STOPPING IT will save billions on billions. Don't get me wrong it will take time and we may not get to have what we wanted ALL THE TIME. But name me one person who wanted to be in a war where we will never own the land, never own any of their resources and never get repaid for any of our contributions. The only thing we get is looking like a bunch of fools to the world at large.

I should know...trust me on this one.


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This is all such bullshit. Barack Obama is a natural-born US citizen just like John McCain. If either of them had anything that would disqualify them from running, don't you think it would have been made known in the primaries?


Your tin foil hats are on too tight. Adjust them please.

Edit: had to fix the image

Edited by Electrophile
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This is all such bullshit. Barack Obama is a natural-born US citizen just like John McCain. If either of them had anything that would disqualify them from running, don't you think it would have been made known in the primaries?


Your tin foil hats are on too tight. Adjust them please.

LOL that's what they said at factcheck.org after sufficiently disproving the birth certificate concerns. It boils down to the fact that if this was a conspiracy, think how many people would have had to have been in on it to cover it up. As if the family were preparing for the possibility that one day their offspring might run for president. Sheesh.

Ockham's Razor: "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

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Not everyone.

And speaking about overseas military voting, I personally know about 20 people who either have served in Iraq, or have served in our Armed Forces and are now retired. The ratio of support for Obama compared to McCain is 3/4 Obama. All of my friends have said the same thing: We did our job, its time to get out and turn our attention to defeating Al Qaeda head on in Afghanistan.

*They would like to come home one day too.*

I shouldn't really even be posting in this thread but most of the active and retired members of the US Armed Forces that I have known personally for many a year, are thinking the same way. I will tell you that this is significant as it marks a major and I mean major, shift in thinking for those gentlemen !

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I didn't vote for W either time (because, I shit you not, I was worried we might go to Iraq again. It was just a feeling). But when we got attacked and he was talking in the megaphone to the rescue workers I was 100% behind him and I totally supported us going into Afganistan. Watching the focus switch to Iraq was like a bad dream. I still cannot believe it. I wanted to be convinced it was the right thing to do, but I never was- even when Colin Powell got in front of the U.N. That was just so wrong on so many levels. It still bothers me and probably will for a long time to come.

Bin Laden? Remember him?

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This is all such bullshit. Barack Obama is a natural-born US citizen just like John McCain. If either of them had anything that would disqualify them from running, don't you think it would have been made known in the primaries?


Your tin foil hats are on too tight. Adjust them please.

You don't just have to be a citizen. You have to be an American native to be prez and you MAY have to be a native to even run. I do believe factbook will point this out also.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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You don't just have to be a citizen. You have to be an American native to be prez and you MAY have to be a native to even run. I do believe factbook will point this out also.

Yeah, but if yer name's Barack HUSSEIN Obama!!!!!!?????

:hysterical: Idiots. One giant, neverending comedy sketch, our far rightie nutjobs are. Pass the popcorn. Minnesota and North Carolina nutjobs will probably lose their jobs due to their dumbass comments. Pass that friggn popcorn and watch 'em fall like dominoes! :P

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No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 – ratified February 27, 1951

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.




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No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 – ratified February 27, 1951

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.




Well I knew this, except for the 14 years residence part. Interesting.

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I didn't vote for W either time (because, I shit you not, I was worried we might go to Iraq again. It was just a feeling). But when we got attacked and he was talking in the megaphone to the rescue workers I was 100% behind him and I totally supported us going into Afganistan. Watching the focus switch to Iraq was like a bad dream. I still cannot believe it. I wanted to be convinced it was the right thing to do, but I never was- even when Colin Powell got in front of the U.N. That was just so wrong on so many levels. It still bothers me and probably will for a long time to come.

Bin Laden? Remember him?

Really...iraq was totally out of the blue to me. After the other war....never thougtht there were suddenly a big question of weapons. It just seemed weird after the aftermath of sept 11th, just didnt make sense, but the whole "threat" was the thing.

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Really...iraq was totally out of the blue to me. After the other war....never thougtht there were suddenly a big question of weapons. It just seemed weird after the aftermath of sept 11th, just didnt make sense, but the whole "threat" was the thing.

In 2000, I turned to the person next to me and said, "10 bucks says if it's Bush we go to Iraq again." When he got another term in '04, I was freaked out for about a week. There was a newspaper in England, I think, that had the headline, How Could (however many people voted for him) Be So Stupid? I thought, you're asking me? I have no idea! Still don't. Never will.

Now that I think of it, I recently read somewhere about Bush having said that he answered to a higher father than his own(when he was asked if he took his dad's advice). Back when he was first running, I think. I'm not sure, but if I heard that back then, that's probably what got me worried. He needed to outdo his daddy. It sounds overly simplistic, but I had a gut feeling about that. When Clinton was running I thought oh shit, here comes the ladies man. Now I am worried about racist fucks trying to hurt Obama.

Edited by Suz
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In 2000, I turned to the person next to me and said, "10 bucks says if it's Bush we go to Iraq again." When he got another term in '04, I was freaked out for about a week. There was a newspaper in England, I think, that had the headline, How Could (however many people voted for him) Be So Stupid? I thought, you're asking me? I have no idea! Still don't. Never will.

This is weird, but its making me think of this report on how in 04 there was this -osama bin laden videotape which appartently supported -kerry...was a percentage against kerry in that election.

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