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Led Zep "DVD"


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QUOTE (Chrestus @ Nov 25 2007, 02:22 AM)

I'm going to take a random stab at this and guess it has something to do with the coming nuclear robot wars against the Martians in 2012.

Jesus was a Martian. The Motherhip is an ark which will come down and escort 144,000 people back to Mars. These 144,000 people represent the 12 tribes of Israel (see Stairway To Heaven backwards masking thread). Then, the nuclear-tipped Martian mega-robots (4 stories high) will descend upon Earth and annihilate it. The Zep are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (previously thought to be The Beatles), trampling over the Earth and playing their back catalogue through the most awesome nuclear-powered super-amplifiers ever created.

Manson was clued into all of this but then the The Beatles (who are Martian, btw) tricked him and threw him off the scent with all the fake clues in their music, kinda like they did when Orson Welles figured it out in 1936 and then they (the Martians) tricked him into saying it was all a hoax. Not so conicidentally, that was the same year as the Hindenburg disaster, which was supposed to be a trial run but it went haywire (hence the Led Zeppelin name and the album cover).

Now, all of this is just a pet theory and should only be taken at face value.

But you must become a member of The Church Of Scientology by 2012 to be escorted back to the home planet or else you will be zapped like tiny ants under a magnifying glass and your puny planet vaporized into cosmic dust.

I've never laughed as hard in my life as I did when I read this pile of shit.

Glad you laughed Electrophile, that was the point of it. I'm guessing by your "pile of shit" comment that you thought I was being serious. No, it's just taking the piss.

Nirvana, I'm inclined to take what you're talking about half-serious. I certainly wouldn't put it past them to put in secret hidden messages and the like, so all this doesn't sound completely whacked out to me. As to the actual meaning behind it, one can extrapolate all kinds of fantastic interpretations, so I was just having fun with it. Please don't take offense at it, it wasn't meant as a shot at you, I was just carrying it to the extreme as a laugh.

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Nice pic, Nirvana. Joshua Tree meets the Hand of God.

Still perplexed by the DVD puzzle/enigma. I've been researching a variety of different angles, and I'm not picking up on anything. Checked out the history of Monument Valley, looked up some numbers, reviewed all the covers from Zeppelin's albums, etc.

A hint, perhaps? I feel like I'm just off the cusp of something.

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Nice pic, Nirvana. Joshua Tree meets the Hand of God.

Still perplexed by the DVD puzzle/enigma. I've been researching a variety of different angles, and I'm not picking up on anything. Checked out the history of Monument Valley, looked up some numbers, reviewed all the covers from Zeppelin's albums, etc.

A hint, perhaps? I feel like I'm just off the cusp of something.

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The 2003 DVD is a picture of Monument Valley's West Mittens formation.

It is believed that at one time Monument Valley (Valley of the gods) was the gods playground and that these mittens fit the hands of those gods. The gods left them behind as a sign that they will return one day.

That's the story behind the picture... Can't help with the numerology.

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The 2003 DVD is a picture of Monument Valley's West Mittens formation.

It is believed that at one time Monument Valley (Valley of the gods) was the gods playground and that these mittens fit the hands of those gods. The gods left them behind as a sign that they will return one day...

... Yeah, i can see why Zeppelin fan would go nuts over things like this!

This is almost too easy: The Zeppelin - halo over the monument would then mean that they would return one day, that the legacy they left time ago would be just a reminder for everyone else.

I feel that the puzzle is almost finished. What is left is... what, the date then? I bet that's what you are meaning with numerology, right nirvana? Or am i wrong?


No, i don't really believe this but yeah, this really does make an intriguing puzzle!

Edited by Ramci
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The same goes for In |through the out door. Theres something there I cant quite work out. As for Zep IV.. has anyone found the hidden image on this cover? There is definitely one there. Laters..


There's an interpretation, and I emphasis interpretation, that the man on the cover of

ITTOD is Christ. There are six others in the room and the scene is shown from six angles. I'll let you search for the other factor of six which is present.

If you want to see the Led Zeppelin IV "Black Dog" you've got to put the inner album

cover art (the mountain scene) up to a mirror. Don't say I didn't warn you, kiddies.

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you can fart around with this ad infinitum and come up with all sorts of nonsense but it's just a bit of fun.

monument valley mittens are a sign the gods will return

year of lz's return = 2007

'DVD' gives us the date of last u.s. gig:

D = 4 (pos in alphabet)

V = 22

D = 4


4+22+4 = 30

2007 - 30 = 1977

split 4224 -> 42 24

for the month, read 42 as 4 to the power of 2 = 16

1+6 = 7

the 24 gives the day


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you can fart around with this ad infinitum and come up with all sorts of nonsense but it's just a bit of fun.

monument valley mittens are a sign the gods will return

year of lz's return = 2007

'DVD' gives us the date of last u.s. gig:

D = 4 (pos in alphabet)

V = 22

D = 4


4+22+4 = 30

2007 - 30 = 1977

split 4224 -> 42 24

for the month, read 42 as 4 to the power of 2 = 16

1+6 = 7

the 24 gives the day


...hhmmm, not bad hcs, not bad at all. Missed one slight reduction, but really very good deductions. I'll give you a 94/100.

As an aside to your fine work here - look for some 1977 footage within the DVD itself...there is a small reference to the "Tour of 77" but on the whole, the entire Tour is missing from the DVD.

Anyone ever question why - when there were such awesome shows such as Detroit, LA Forum, Seattle, Dallas, MSG, Cleveland, etc.

I believe that the tragedies of that year and tour were too great and over-shadowed the incredible shows that did take place.

DVD is the answer.

Edited by nirvana
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To all with an interest in this Thread:

It's only Fair and right to announce that someone has already solved the Mystery of the DVD a couple of days ago.

Everyone can keep trying of course, but just remember that an individual sent me what I believe was the correct responses. It took some work on their part and they did a fantastic job.


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There's an interpretation, and I emphasis interpretation, that the man on the cover of

ITTOD is Christ. There are six others in the room and the scene is shown from six angles. I'll let you search for the other factor of six which is present.

If you want to see the Led Zeppelin IV "Black Dog" you've got to put the inner album

cover art (the mountain scene) up to a mirror. Don't say I didn't warn you, kiddies.

Thats what i was on about Steve... freaked me a little when i did it but hey hey what can i do??


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Hold on here.. something doesn't make sense. Unless I missed a thread.. but the whole DVD thing.. 2007 - 30 = 1977.. that I understand but.. !!! Why is it 2007?? I mean the DVD came out in 2003??

Anyhow, I find this kinda useless cause we are here to share info and all, and this is some sort of game if any info should be shared not a guessing game.. Anyhow, this is just my view. Some will agree, some not...

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Hold on here.. something doesn't make sense. Unless I missed a thread.. but the whole DVD thing.. 2007 - 30 = 1977.. that I understand but.. !!! Why is it 2007?? I mean the DVD came out in 2003??

Anyhow, I find this kinda useless cause we are here to share info and all, and this is some sort of game if any info should be shared not a guessing game.. Anyhow, this is just my view. Some will agree, some not...

Ok, now I understand where the 2007 comes from.. But the second paragraph still stands... If you have info.. share it.. if not.. leave it alone..

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...hhmmm, not bad hcs, not bad at all. Missed one slight reduction, but really very good deductions. I'll give you a 94/100.

As an aside to your fine work here - look for some 1977 footage within the DVD itself...there is a small reference to the "Tour of 77" but on the whole, the entire Tour is missing from the DVD.

Anyone ever question why - when there were such awesome shows such as Detroit, LA Forum, Seattle, Dallas, MSG, Cleveland, etc.

I believe that the tragedies of that year and tour were too great and over-shadowed the incredible shows that did take place.

DVD is the answer.

Why would you have to ask "Why?" DVD is film footage. LA Forum? Dallas? MSG? Cleveland? The answer has nothing to do with tragedy. Film footage from the 1977 U.S tour is limited.

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To all with an interest in this Thread:

It's only Fair and right to announce that someone has already solved the Mystery of the DVD a couple of days ago.

Everyone can keep trying of course, but just remember that an individual sent me what I believe was the correct responses. It took some work on their part and they did a fantastic job.


In other words, guy's a bullshit artist and any effort invested in this thread is wasted.

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