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Spoiled brats


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Back in high school a good friend of mine was what I would call a spoiled brat. His daddy gave him a brand new muscle car our senior year in school. He ended up attending the local college (a glorified high school) with the understanding he would work in daddy's business upon graduation. Me on the other hand paid my father $600.00 for a 6 year old car. Thanks for the lesson dad!! NOT. I also used a $2000.00 gift from my grandmother to pay a good portion of my college tuition. Thanks again mom and dad. One day after we graduated college I went to his fathers business and there was my friend sweeping the garage floor. I suspect he was getting oodles of money for that chore. When we started buying our first homes, guess who received help in the form of a down payment from his family.

Needless to say there was always tension between me and my buddy. We recently reconnected and quite frankly, I've had enough. He's too good to return phone calls or emails.

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I'm spoiled, but I'm not a spoiled brat. Spoiled brats are the people who think they are better than anyone else, and I'm not. If he thinks he is too good, then he isn't and he's just a waste of time. Real friends will actually want to talk to you.

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Back in high school a good friend of mine was what I would call a spoiled brat. His daddy gave him a brand new muscle car our senior year in school. He ended up attending the local college (a glorified high school) with the understanding he would work in daddy's business upon graduation. Me on the other hand paid my father $600.00 for a 6 year old car. Thanks for the lesson dad!! NOT. I also used a $2000.00 gift from my grandmother to pay a good portion of my college tuition. Thanks again mom and dad. One day after we graduated college I went to his fathers business and there was my friend sweeping the garage floor. I suspect he was getting oodles of money for that chore. When we started buying our first homes, guess who received help in the form of a down payment from his family.

Needless to say there was always tension between me and my buddy. We recently reconnected and quite frankly, I've had enough. He's too good to return phone calls or emails.

Maybe he can feel some bad vibes coming from you. Sometimes people are more sensitive than we might think. From what you wrote, it seams like you are jealous of what was given to him, and he might sense that. Just becouse some people are given some extra breaks in life, it does'nt make them a spoiled brat.
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It is not his fault if his father has blessed him with abundance. You need to focus on the opportunity that comes your way and what you have been blessed with, and be thankful for what you have. There's no need to worry about keeping up with the Jones's and what they have. Your cup is always half full.

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I knew a kid like that in high school and he was lonely as hell. It was strange to think he had everything everyone else wished they had, but he was really not happy. His parents cared more about their money then they did about him. That's how it seemed, anyway. I think people who get everything handed to them don't necessarily have it better.

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Hey, I know kids that got brand new Mustangs and Escalades, and then go ahead and bitch because prom wasn't in a more luxurious palace than what we got.

Well, they're out of touch with reality. Think how it's gonna be when they realize their shit don't stink! :lol: They'll be all :'(

Might not happen 'til they're 35, but what goes around comes around, you know?

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Maybe he can feel some bad vibes coming from you. Sometimes people are more sensitive than we might think. From what you wrote, it seams like you are jealous of what was given to him, and he might sense that. Just becouse some people are given some extra breaks in life, it does'nt make them a spoiled brat.

Waaaaaahhhhhhh, I need to be hugged.

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Well, they're out of touch with reality. Think how it's gonna be when they realize their shit don't stink! :lol: They'll be all :'(

Might not happen 'til they're 35, but what goes around comes around, you know?

According to Ratt, what comes around goes around but I like the real verson better :lol:

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I'm thanking BOTH my parents right now for being dirt poor.

Because my mom and dad couldn't afford to give me things I wanted (and needed sometimes), I learned the value of working hard.

I grumble about it every once in a while here and there, and I know I did it a LOT growing up when I had friends whose parents bought them stuff my parents couldn't afford or I had to fork out my own dough for things I needed.

Yes, I'm also putting myself through college. I've been an undergrad for almost 10 years now.

But guess what? My mom told me the other day that she thought I had a very good work ethic and that she's proud of me for having it.

That's been a great compliment, IMO.

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Like I said, I know I'm spoiled. My parents do a lot for my brother and I. I thank them for it too. Sometimes we have to go without, and that's okay. We can't always have what we want whenever we want it. Money doesn't grow on trees. It's the love that counts, and a lot of spoiled brats don't get that.

Has anyone seen the show My Super Sweet 16? Those girls need someone to bring them back to reality.

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I'm thanking BOTH my parents right now for being dirt poor.

Because my mom and dad couldn't afford to give me things I wanted (and needed sometimes), I learned the value of working hard.

I grumble about it every once in a while here and there, and I know I did it a LOT growing up when I had friends whose parents bought them stuff my parents couldn't afford or I had to fork out my own dough for things I needed.

Yes, I'm also putting myself through college. I've been an undergrad for almost 10 years now.

But guess what? My mom told me the other day that she thought I had a very good work ethic and that she's proud of me for having it.

That's been a great compliment, IMO.

It is a great compliment. A work ethic is the key to success in more than just financial terms. It gives us identity and, dignity. Sadly, it seems to be in short supply these day's. It's not just the younger people either

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I'm thanking BOTH my parents right now for being dirt poor.

Because my mom and dad couldn't afford to give me things I wanted (and needed sometimes), I learned the value of working hard.

I grumble about it every once in a while here and there, and I know I did it a LOT growing up when I had friends whose parents bought them stuff my parents couldn't afford or I had to fork out my own dough for things I needed.

Yes, I'm also putting myself through college. I've been an undergrad for almost 10 years now.

But guess what? My mom told me the other day that she thought I had a very good work ethic and that she's proud of me for having it.

That's been a great compliment, IMO.

This goes with cycles i guess....cause my grandma's family was really poor, but the stories i heard was that it was a happy simple life, compared to today...like sitting around the radio, compared to the tv. Apparently the whole atmosphere was different in regards to communicationa and such. Now i guess everything is more direct, but i wonder about the spiritual side.

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My parents took care of my college education, but the rest was pretty no-frills growing up. I started babysitting at 10 to earn my own spending money and worked 30 hours/week while taking a full course load my last year in college. I worked fast food jobs over every college break to save up my spending money and have always been a hard worker.

Not having things handed to you helps you appreciate what you have, teaches you the value of a dollar and how to do things for yourself (you know, the old "give a man a fish, vs. teach a man to fish" saying). :)

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Like I said, I know I'm spoiled. My parents do a lot for my brother and I. I thank them for it too. Sometimes we have to go without, and that's okay. We can't always have what we want whenever we want it. Money doesn't grow on trees. It's the love that counts, and a lot of spoiled brats don't get that.

Has anyone seen the show My Super Sweet 16? Those girls need someone to bring them back to reality.

I'm glad you know that, lzfan. I have seen plenty of kids who get things, things, things and money, money, money from their parents instead of love. A LOT of people I know well have made this mistake--paying people to take their kids on vacations that the parents don't want to go on, buying them extravagant gifts instead of spending time with them, etc.

It's another reason I'm happy my parents couldn't afford stuff like that. They spend time with us instead. :D

It is a great compliment. A work ethic is the key to success in more than just financial terms. It gives us identity and, dignity. Sadly, it seems to be in short supply these day's. It's not just the younger people either

I completely agree.

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