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Barack Obama in Berlin


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Yeah, no probs Speedracer. You aren't causing me any angst. However, if you don't want to read about politics or have an informed opinion just don't read these threads!

As you already know, Electrophile is a very strong, opinionated woman. If you treat her with respect you will get respect back. As with everyone on this board. I didn't mean to disrepect you with my post and hope it wasn't taken that way. I just see you speeding ahead to full steam and don't want you to blow a gasket :)

Awww, no worries luv. I'm just having a hard time this election trying to decide who to vote for is all :bagoverhead:

No worries with the others either. Just a thing. I do always vote though. So that's why I'm here looking and learning/

Sorry if I insulted anyone :(

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Yeah,.. it's shameless how Obama was in Berlin

pandering for all those German votes,.. huh Del?

Yeah, we've all heard these speeches like Obama's before

... and they make people feel really good too :D

Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one




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Awww, no worries luv. I'm just having a hard time this election trying to decide who to vote for is all :bagoverhead:

No worries with the others either. Just a thing. I do always vote though. So that's why I'm here looking and learning/

Sorry if I insulted anyone :(

Nah, forget about it! I'll just speak for myself when I say I'm a little leary because of some of the issues on the board in the past. You may find people over react due to the history on this board.

I'm here to learn too....I am also torn. I have reservations about Obama yet I find him very inspirational. I just can't vote for McCain or another Republican though because we do need CHANGE! This country is ready for change and Bush has left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. I do wish there were a better 3rd party choice.....but there's not so for now...I am an Obama supporter. McCain would have to do something really, really, really big to get my vote. Not saying it's impossible but very improbable. B)

And according to the cool test that WannabeDrummer posted I am a left leaning libertarian. That was a nifty little quiz! Unfortunatley, none of the candidates are left leaning libertarians :lol:

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Yeah, we've all heard these speeches like Obama's before

... and they make people feel really good too :D

yeah,.. and they inspire people too.

..for whatever that's worth, right? ;):P

But uhh.. what exactly does that have to do with your rather bizarro

claim that Obama was in Germany "shamelessly pandering for votes"?

How many German votes do you think he'll get in the

general election as a result of his pander in Berlin, eh? :whistling:



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yeah,.. and they inspire people too.

..for whatever that's worth, right? ;):P

But uhh.. what exactly does that have to do with your rather bizarro

claim that Obama was in Germany "shamelessly pandering for votes"?

How many German votes do you think he'll get in the

general election as a result of his pander in Berlin, eh? :whistling:

German votes?

No, not any German votes.

I think most of his votes will probably come in from folks with a background in more historically 'tropical zones' than temperate zones... if you know what I mean.


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German votes?

No, not any German votes.

I think most of his votes will probably come in from folks with a background in more historically 'tropical zones' than temperate zones... if you know what I mean.


Thats naughty.

I truly think Del, that obama should've spent the last month in congress trying to pass the housing bill or an oil bill.

Most americans can't think of a single thing he did in congress, they know he has no leadership skills, he never reached across the aisle and they think he is an elitest. But if was in congress representing me, and fought hard for a compromise between Repubs and Dem. for a good oil bill. All those things becomes part of the Obama mission to help americans out.

But no, he is in Berlin.

same goes to McCain, but atleast he gave speeches in america.

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While I did find his speech alittle recycled, (though what political speech at this point is sincerely fresh) I found the moment inspiring that citizens outside the US are inspired about the next US Presidency enough to draw such numbers for a non-US President's speech. That being said, it does little to change where US voters stand at the moment because we have heard this speech already.

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Thats naughty.

I truly think Del, that obama should've spent the last month in congress trying to pass the housing bill or an oil bill.

Most americans can't think of a single thing he did in congress, they know he has no leadership skills, he never reached across the aisle and they think he is an elitest. But if was in congress representing me, and fought hard for a compromise between Repubs and Dem. for a good oil bill. All those things becomes part of the Obama mission to help americans out.

But no, he is in Berlin.

same goes to McCain, but atleast he gave speeches in america.

Right now the Obama campaign is off 'playing president' and making good photo ops, but as soon as Obama has to face McCain in a debate and really talk about substance, Obama is going to look like a deer in headlights. Obama is basically and empty suit.

And that Jeremiah Wright thing is not over by a long sight either. It will be the Obama "swift boat" in the next few months, just as effective as the John Kerry, "severed head and scenes reminicent of Genhis Kahn" thing. :lol: There ain't no way that Obama is ever going to shake off the fatal bad judgement of sitting in a church full of complete morons and lunatics and not have that stick to him in a presidential race. Especially since that crap is so objectionable to the main body of American voters. Even if it doesn't really matter in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York (how hypocritical of the liberal secular elitists) -- that shit won't sell in the middle American heartland.


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Right now the Obama campaign is off 'playing president' and making good photo ops, but as soon as Obama has to face McCain in a debate and really talk about substance, Obama is going to look like a deer in headlights. Obama is basically and empty suit.

And that Jeremiah Wright thing is not over by a long sight either. It will be the Obama "swift boat" in the next few months, just as effective as the John Kerry, "severed head and scenes reminicent of Genhis Kahn" thing. :lol: There ain't no way that Obama is ever going to shake off the fatal bad judgement of sitting in a church full of complete morons and lunatics and not have that stick to him in a presidential race. Especially since that crap is so objectionable to the main body of American voters. Even if it doesn't really matter in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York (how hypocritical of the liberal secular elitists) -- that shit won't sell in the middle American heartland.


THAT is precisely what causes me to have reservations about him Del. Why, oh WHY did he have to attend that church?! All the other negatives are much easier to overlook. This one though....don't worry, I haven't forgotten. I'll be looking forward to face on debates between the two that's for sure!

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THAT is precisely what causes me to have reservations about him Del. Why, oh WHY did he have to attend that church?! All the other negatives are much easier to overlook. This one though....don't worry, I haven't forgotten. I'll be looking forward to face on debates between the two that's for sure!

I really think it all goes to character and judgement. It's not like he only attended for a short time, he put himself and his family in that church for 20 years. You would think that at some point a person of good judgement would have to say, "I disagree with this, I can't be here any longer." But unfortunatly for Obama, he did not remove himself from that situation until it became a glaring political liability. And I can't for the life of me see who can accept his explanation --- TWENTY YEARS is hard to just brush off like that.

Do we really want a man as our President who either is so blinded that he either did not see this church as a problem, or he just didn't care? Do we really want a man who has demonstrated that much bad judgement making life and death decisions for us everyday? This is a fatal flaw which Obama has, and for that reason he should not, cannot, will not be our President.

And this is the part that many people who support him in the liberal left just don't get, in all respect. Many of them just don't understand how people of all kinds of traditional American faiths and values see this Jeremiah Wright church disaster. I believe that middle America will be much more sensitive to this, and that result will be very evident come November.

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I really think it all goes to character and judgement. It's not like he only attended for a short time, he put himself and his family in that church for 20 years. You would think that at some point a person of good judgement would have to say, "I disagree with this, I can't be here any longer." But unfortunatly for Obama, he did not remove himself from that situation until it became a glaring political liability. And I can't for the life of me see who can accept his explanation --- TWENTY YEARS is hard to just brush off like that.

Do we really want a man as our President who either is so blinded that he either did not see this church as a problem, or he just didn't care? Do we really want a man who has demonstrated that much bad judgement making life and death decisions for us everyday? This is a fatal flaw which Obama has, and for that reason he should not, cannot, will not be our President.

And this is the part that many people who support him in the liberal left just don't get, in all respect. Many of them just don't understand how people of all kinds of traditional American faiths and values see this Jeremiah Wright church disaster. I believe that middle America will be much more sensitive to this, and that result will be very evident come November.

Del. Who should I vote for and why?


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Del. Who should I vote for and why?


You mean for President, right?

I believe that McCain has much better leadership ability than Obama. Not only is this going to be especially critical as it applies to the war with McCain's understanding of the military, but also because McCain has already demonstrated more than a fair ability to reach across the aisle and work with members of the other party. Many times to the frustration of my party, but I believe in the current domestic situation this will be even more important.

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Most americans can't think of a single thing he did in congress, they know he has no leadership skills, he never reached across the aisle and they think he is an elitest. .. :blahblah:


The *major national polls* show Obama leading McCain, on average, by 4.8%.

On average the major polls show Obama with anywhere from 41%-49% support.

That's hardly an indication that "most Americans"

see Obama the same way you do, muh-man. ;)

It seems to me to be an indication that roughly half of the American

electorate feel Obama is ready and qualified to be the next POTUS. B)




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You mean for President, right?

I believe that McCain has much better leadership ability than Obama. Not only is this going to be especially critical as it applies to the war with McCain's understanding of the military, but also because McCain has already demonstrated more than a fair ability to reach across the aisle and work with members of the other party. Many times to the frustration of my party, but I believe in the current domestic situation this will be even more important.

Yes I meant for President. I guess my issue is, and I know you've heard it before. They promise the moon and then when elected things are as always. Mostly corruption and not pulling through on pre innauguration promises. Yeah, mostly I'm conservative.

Edited by Speed Racer
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Yes I meant for President. I guess my issue is, and I know you've heard it before. They promise the moon and then when elected things are as always. Mostly corruption and not pulling through on pre innauguration promises. Yeah, mostly I'm conservative.

That's one of my problems. I'm fiscally conservative but socially liberal. What I can not tolerate from the Republican party is their socialy conservatism. I want more personal freedom than the Repulican party offers.....

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That's one of my problems. I'm fiscally conservative but socially liberal. What I can not tolerate from the Republican party is their socialy conservatism. I want more personal freedom than the Repulican party offers.....

To me, that pales compared to 9-11 and the economy. Old issues have been forgotten.

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To me, that pales compared to 9-11 and the economy. Old issues have been forgotten.

Oh well the economy! Sorry, that goes without saying I think! If you're unconcerned about that then you certainly ARE an alien! :hysterical:

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As long as your the "head nurse?" I don't care. Put on the knee pads, and serve me up some dilaudid and diazepam.

Thank's Del :)

If Speedracer doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don't think that he would like it.

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