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Hello Zepfan. I am serious, the Cryboys make me sick. Even most Cryboy fans that I know think that the owner is a jerk. They also think that it is sad the way that he will take any trouble maker that comes along to win. Owens, Johnson (now retired), Jones, the deffensive player from the Bears (I can't think of his name) are just the latest over the past few seasons. The whole "America's team" thing, etc., etc., just does not work anymore either. Wow, last year they had a big winning streak going. It was because every team they had beaten was below 500. When they started to play a few good teams.........the real Romo showed up. I agree that this year they are loaded up with a ton of talent. But, when it's players like Owens and Jones that only think of themselves it usually back fires in the end. Guys like this can turn it on and off. Now they are acting like great team players, but everyone knows how they really are. And even if you get lucky and win it all, look at who you had to get to do it.

Love this post. They absolutely lack integrity and more importantly, chemistry. Talent? Lots and lots.

I hate Dallas more than any other team as any good Steeler fan should.

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I'm sure Tony Romo will, he's dating Jessica Simpson.

Love this post. They absolutely lack integrity and more importantly, chemistry. Talent? Lots and lots.

I hate Dallas more than any other team as any good Steeler fan should.

...and they even had the nerve to call themselves, "America's Team", yeah, right... :D

They suck, indeed. I hope they get beat so badly in pre-season and every game this season.

R B)

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Hey "ZeppFanForever"! You should visit a fellow Giants fan on Long Island, and bring that wad with you. I'll show you around all the titty bars - pacman would approve!! ROCK ON!!!

How's it going "jimmie ray?" I'm on my break, but after reading some of the posts under this topic, I felt that I should answer them and not get too backed up. I will definitely take you up on going to Long Island that but forget about Pacman and Tank Johnson. Despite that I'm already under the gun with my employer, I can't afford another scandal. ROCK ON!

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For my moms' sake;I hope they do.....

It'd be nice to see a Ravens/Cowboys Super Bowl.....with a Ravens victory. B)

.....as long as it's NOT the Colts,Steelers, or Redskins......

How's it going "59LesPaul" AT LAST, someone who likes the Cowboys! I need all of the Cowboys' fans to join together on this topic and speak their mind. The Cowboys are due for another Super Bowl. I'm just not sure that Wade Phillips is the right coach for the Cowboys. I still say that we should have kept Jimmy Johnson or Bill Parcells. Those coaches didn't take any shit from Jerry Jones. It seems that Wade Phillips is more lenient with the players than Johnson and Parcells and that softens a team.

By the way, I understand that you are THE Keith Richards defender? I, myself, am a huge ROLLING STONES fan. I've seen THE STONES 9 times. But the most recent tour (A Bigger Bang Tour) is my most favorite one of all because I actually met and shook hands with Keith and his wife Patti. Keith and his wife were late for rehearsal at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Vegas on Saturday, 4 March 2006. I was walking the MGM Grand Mall near the Arena and I ran into Keith and his wife walking towards the Arena. Shaking hands with Keith is like shaking hands with the Devil himself. That was one of the greatest moments of my life. We'll have to chat about THE STONES one of these days. ROCK ON!

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Zeppfan,what is your take on Wade Phillips coaching vs the Big Tuna's coaching of the Cowboys?Keep ROCKING ON!

How's it going "jabe?" Good question! As I have stressed so many times in the past, I question whether Wade Phillips is the right coach for the Cowboys. Phillips is more of a puppet for owner Jerry Jones meaning that Jones can control Phillips. Coach Phillips comes off as being too lenient of a coach on his players and that weakens a team. Please also remmber that Phillips took over a Cowboys' team that Bill Parcells built from scratch. In my opinion, Bill Parcells (The Tuna), like Jimmy Johnson, were hard ass mother f*c*ers and didn't take any shit from anyone including owner Jerry Jones. It is also my opinion that if Parcells would have stayed one more season, the Cowboys would have been better contenders against the Giants (Parcells' former team) and possibly the Patriots (Parcells' former team) in the playoffs on the road to the Super Bowl. Whether the Cowboys would have beaten the Giants or the Patriots, its hard to say. ROCK ON!

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Love this post. They absolutely lack integrity and more importantly, chemistry. Talent? Lots and lots.

I hate Dallas more than any other team as any good Steeler fan should.

How's it going "Zepaholic?" Thanks for your honesty! I do agree with you on the first part of your comment, the Cowboys do lack integrity and chemistry along with aggression. Why, because Parcells is gone only to be replaced by a more lenient coach named Wade Phillips. Let me ask you these questions: how many times has Parcells been to the Super Bowl? How many Super Bowl's has Parcells won? How many Super Bowl's has Phillips been to? That should answer your question.

Now in reference to your next comment, I think that every Cowboys fan should hate the Steelers as much as the Steelers fans hate the Cowboys. Why, because you beat us twice! I admit, the teams that I love to hate the most but do respect is the Steelers, 49ers, Redskins, Giants, Eagles, Bears and the Packers. All of these teams have given the Cowboys hell through the years and vice versa. Lets see what happens this 2008 season. I even have a lot of war stories to tell while watching NFL games at the Sports Bars. One thing that is for certain is that there will be a lot of drama involving all of these teams this year. ROCK ON!

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...and they even had the nerve to call themselves, "America's Team", yeah, right... :D

They suck, indeed. I hope they get beat so badly in pre-season and every game this season.

R B)

How's it going "reids?" I take it that you are a Falcons fan since you are from Atlanta. You're talking bad about my team considering what has happened to yours. Especially with Michael Vick! Maybe Michael was looking for some tough dogs to play for his team rather than the wimp players that the Falcons have. THE FALCONS SUCK DUDE! You've got a lotta nerve dude! The Cowboys are a whole lot better as a team than Atlanta any day. And so what if the Cowboys have convicts for players like Pacman Jones and Tank Johnson, at least theCowboys went after some players and not dogs like Michael Vick did! ROCK ON!

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Im sure all the cowgirls remember Westbrook knee...


That was a good play....

Oh and also... the Cowboys sucks...


How's it going "eagle87?" I'll just ask you this simple question eagle, how many Super Bowl's has the eagles been to? How many Super bowl's has the Cowboys been to? I REST MY CASE! THE EAGLES SUCK! ROCK ON!

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How's it going "59LesPaul" AT LAST, someone who likes the Cowboys!

Pretty damn good....


I should clarify:

My mom is the Cowboys fan......I just like busting her balls when they lose.

Unfortunately;she's not internet-savvy in any way,otherwise,I'd introduce her to this forum-maybe.

Okay;probably not;but you get the point.

I am a Ravens fan;which means I'm not a fan of the Steelers,or the Dolts (Colts)

By the way, I understand that you are THE Keith Richards defender? We'll have to chat about THE STONES one of these days. ROCK ON!

Yes I am..... B)

Pleased to met you,hope you guess my name.....

P.S. that's a great Keith story;if you've got more,I'm all ears. B)

Edited by 59LesPaul
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Pretty damn good....


I should clarify:

My mom is the Cowboys fan......I just like busting her balls when they lose.

Unfortunately;she's not internet-savvy in any way,otherwise,I'd introduce her to this forum-maybe.

Okay;probably not;but you get the point.

I am a Ravens fan;which means I'm not a fan of the Steelers,or the Dolts (Colts)

How's it going "59LesPaul?" I'm here at my local bar on my Lap Top shit faced off my ass. I've had quite a few shots of Bacardi 151 straight up. First of all, I think you're totally cool. Anybody who doesn't like the Steelers is ok in my book even if you don't like the Cowboys much. However, your mom makes up for it since she is a Cowboys fan. ROCK ON!

Yes I am..... B)

Pleased to met you,hope you guess my name.....

P.S. that's a great Keith story;if you've got more,I'm all ears. B)

Lucifer is your name, steeling souls is your game! Ha Ha!

I have plenty of CRAZY stories of attending ROLLING STONES concerts in L.A., Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Dallas and San Antonio. I also have a hand full of Keith Richards stories which you might find interesting. But first, let us celebrate as I am right now. ROCK ON!

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Hello again Zepfan. I am not joking when I say that my favorite team is whoever is playing the Cryboys that week. If you leaned on me to give you "one" team other then whoever is playing the Cryboys that week it would be the Steelers. I do not live in Pittsburgh, but I grew up watching Bradshaw, Franco, Swan, Stalworth, Lambert, Mean Joe Green, Ham, Blunt, Shell, etc., beat the stew out of the Cryboys everytime they tee'ed it up. Now that was a team for the ages! My hate goes so deep for the Cryboys that even if I had a favorite team, and I had the choice of my team winning the Super Bowl or the Cryboys not making the Playoffs...................I would pick the Cryboys not making the Playoffs.

"srplane," what did you do, bet a lot of money on them and they lost? Thats usually the answer that I get from many haters of the Cowboys. Then again, I admit, the Cowboys haters do have a legitimate reason to hate them especially since their favorite teams have lost to them quite often. Please don't forget, the Cowboys have lost to some great teams even though I hate the shit out of them but I'm not bitching about it. Every team is going to win some and every team is going to lose some. I hope that I'm making sense, I'm at the bar with my lap top pretty shit faced! I'll just end this one this way. How many Super Bowl's has the Cowboys been to? How many Super Bowl's has the Cowboys won? Let that speak for itself. ROCK ON!

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The only Dallas Cowboys I care about are the cheerleaders and I'm hoping they go all the way this year...








I couldn't resist...



I'll go hang my head in shame, now...

Edited by Nathan
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The only Dallas Cowboys I care about are the cheerleaders and I'm hoping they go all the way this year...








I couldn't resist...



I'll go hang my head in shame, now...

How's it going "Nathan?" At least you want the Cheerleaders to go all of the way, thats better than nothing. ROCK ON!

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No Zepfan, that is not what happened. I live in Texas, and even though I am not a Oiler/Texan fan it is sickening to travel just about anywhere in Texas other then Houston and see how arrogant Cryboy fans really are. I am not saying that you are like that, but Texans that like them are. Even in Houston, there are probably as many cryboy band wagon jumper fans as Texan fans. I have heard this arrogant Cryboy stuff all my life and became sick of it at a early age. I don't like their uniforms, older players, coaches, stadium, city, team colors, star on their helmet, and especially the new Cryboys since Jones bought the team. He has sunk to new lows hiring the low life players that he has all the way back to "Neon Deon". Old Neon, never made a tackle in his career and sure looked for the sidelines before taking a hit. Anyway, I am happy for you if you like them but it ruins my Sunday if they win a game.

How's it going "srplane?" I didn't know that you live in Texas! If you are ever in the San Antonio or Austin area, let me know. I have never met anyone that hates Dallas as much as you. WOW, you should start a topic here on the forum entitled Anti-Dallas Cowboys only! I still respect your opinions and you're still ok in my book even if you don't like Dallas. After all, we love ZEPPELIN huh? ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Dzldoc?" I bet that you were pissed when San Antonio was trying to steal the Saints from New Orleans huh? Hell, my city, San Antonio, even let the Saints play at the Alamo Dome for a few weeks due to the punishment by Hurricane Katrina. Damn, it sure seemed like a lot of Cowboys and Texans fans were jumping ship to jump on the Saints band wagon. I was pissed at that. But then again, thats how you find out who the loyal fans are and who ain't. ROCK ON!

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Will the Cowboys win? I sure as hell hope not. :P

I don't even care anymore. My Lions will go 8-8 at the very best so what do I have to root for? But, being the football fan I am, I'll still watch every game and talk about every player etc.

God, I'd stupid..

How's it going "wanna be drummer?" Thats ok, at least the lions will hit 500 this year. Thats not bad at all. I'll never understand what happened with the Lions organization and Barry Sanders. I'll also never understand why Sanders retired when he only had less than two thousand yards left in becoming the NFL's ALL-TIME leading rusher. Do you have an answer? Every God damn team in the NFL dreaded having to tackle that son of a bitch. Sanders reminds me a lot like Emmitt Smith and Walter Payton. I would have liked to have seen Sanders come back that way there would be no questions or excuses. Good luck with the Lions this year. ROCK ON!

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I don't know about the Cowboys going all the way this year..... :huh:

But, I plan on going all the way this year.... :)

I do hope the Cowboys go all the way "next" year :D

How's it going "The Rover?" (One of my favorite Zeppelin songs and riffs) I'm almost afraid to ask you who you're going all the way with this year. Thats ok with me if you want the Cowboys to go all the way next year. What city in the 51st Country of Texas do you live in? I live in the Alamo city of San Antonio, where Ozzy urinated near the Alamo and managed to get himself arrested and banned from San Antonio for a good ten years. ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Dzldoc?" I bet that you were pissed when San Antonio was trying to steal the Saints from New Orleans huh? Hell, my city, San Antonio, even let the Saints play at the Alamo Dome for a few weeks due to the punishment by Hurricane Katrina. Damn, it sure seemed like a lot of Cowboys and Texans fans were jumping ship to jump on the Saints band wagon. I was pissed at that. But then again, thats how you find out who the loyal fans are and who ain't. ROCK ON!

Not really! More so at the owner for even considering it. Either way they had no choice at the time because FEMA took over the Saints training facillity as a staging area after the storm. :rolleyes:

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