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College football 08


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I didn't see a college football thread yet; but am watching Michigan's incredible comeback against Wisconsin...WOW!!!!!!! :cheer: (Am totally neutral on this game too; we're in ACC territory).

Even though I'm at MSU, I grew up on U of M football so I still like it. Great game Wolverines. I look farward to kicking your ass though B)

Oh and fuck Ohio State :D

Javon Ringer for Heisman!!

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hey now, they so far may have not started with the best footing, but now that they are playing Pryor, and now that Beanie is back in the mix.....they are going to step it up.


"Frankly My Dear"....lol figured you to be a Longhorn fan :D

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Damn I love that picture... I love being at Death Valley to hear that pregame music.... better than the opening of Rock and Roll!!!


Haha, that reminded me of a story I heard once. A buddy of mine's dad used to play football at Alabama or Auburn I forget which, he told me one time back in the late 40's or early 50's they had a big game at LSU. Well the student body had rolled that mobile cage over to where they had to come out of the locker room through some double doors. They were all fired up and the first guy threw the doors open and one of them smacked the cage and the tiger was pissed!lol well they had to exit one at a time with their backs to the opposite door. He said that it was rather unnerving. :blink:

Unnerving? hell I would've had to go back to the locker room to change my underwear! :lol:


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The boyfriend has turned me into a Buckeye fan.

I'm from Texas, but none of the teams ever really sparked my interest enough. Esp A&M. Blah.

Never liked A&M... its a damn cult mentality. I don't mind UT that much (in fact I love going to Austin for work), but since I am originally from Louisiana I will always be a LSU fan.

Now if I could just find that a-hole somewhere in the great state of Texas who stole my personalized license plate idea of "GEAUX"...

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Someone pointed out to me that Vanderbilt it 5-0. I just looked and they are ranked number 14 in the nation. Not bad for a small school. Very tough for these small schools to get ranked but when you pull a monster upset like they just did, they have to be recognized. Ill have to look at their remaining schedule, Im sure a bowl game is in the cards at least.

Vandy is playing some fine football.What makes it even more cool,is that these are intelligent athletes,not just brawny dumbclucks.It looks like Nashville is smoking on several fronts.

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The Hokies had a bye this week and will be at Boston College next week. Their record is currently 5-1. UVA beat ECU today, 35-20; they are now 3-3.

Interestingly, the one team VT lost to was ECU. :unsure: Can't wait for the UVA-VT game; they will be playing in Blacksburg this year on 11/29 :)

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I wish I was in Austin last night just for the major partying that went on due to the beat over OU.

I knew it! you can take the girl outta Texas but you can't take Texas outta the girl B)

On a sad note :( My Tigers were givin a real good whoopin last night!


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