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I am totally devastated

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I don't know what you're all so suspicious of, it's not like the poor guy is trying to get anything from us except advice.

I don't have much to add, except that airlines can easily accommodate wheelchair-confined passengers, and make special arrangements to get them between terminals etc. I'm just mentioning that in CASE the doctor decides traveling would not be a significant risk after all.

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I don't know what you're all so suspicious of, it's not like the poor guy is trying to get anything from us except advice.

I don't have much to add, except that airlines can easily accommodate wheelchair-confined passengers, and make special arrangements to get them between terminals etc. I'm just mentioning that in CASE the doctor decides traveling would not be a significant risk after all.

Aqumarine, thanks very much for your feedback. To others that think my story is "suspect" all I can say is that it is very real. I posted the details of his accident on the old forum. There is no way that I am going to allow my friend to fly 9 hours to London. His family and his physician have advised against it. I am obviously more concerned about his health than my going to a concert. I am not looking for sympathy, just any advice that I may not have considered. I have left MANY messages for Ticketmaster and Harvey Goldsmith's office. I have not had ANY response and am starting to panic. Think about this for a second. I was so elated when we won. Then the date gets changed, more money but we can still make it. Then his accident happens. The first thing he says to me is that We're still on! Now, clearly it is not going to be possible. Many people have said that "it should not be a problem as long as you can provide the credit card, ID, doctors letter, etc" and provide the explanation. I'm just trying to get through to someone that will listen! That's all.

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are yr plane tickets refundable ?

if yes, get your money back, if no, depending on how much you wan to go to the show, i'd fly over to england on yr booked flight with ticket confirmation of both you and yr friends tickets, bring your friend's credit card that he payed the ticket for with you, physically visit the "02" arena, and explain the situation, possibly with the dr's note.

..then visit h goldsmith's office, first thing in the morning, (google his address), explain the situation to the staff. b4 flying to england think of the logistics of what you are about to do, prepare, and carefully expalin that circumstances and vicissitude

have led you to do this.

there must be a way round this, sometimes life is about gambling, and gambling and giving it a go, may make someone in england, who can do something to atleast make one of you go to the gig.

should you go and be successful, and yr freind hasnt recuperated in time, yr friend won't be a true friend if is resentful towards you when you return, he'll be happy you tried and were successful.

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I say you find someone else to go with you. I'd listen to the doctor and have your friend stay home. Get the doctor's note. Send a letter and email to Harvey's Office. Contact the O2 Arena about your attendance. And bring the credit card used to purchase the tickets, along with a copy of the original email and the receipt of purchase. Cover all your bases and you will get in.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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I thought I was coming to this concert but now it is looking like it won't happen. My friend Warren and I were scheduled to travel from Vancouver to London for the concert. He is the ballot winner and I am his guest. We made the changes to our trip when Mr. Page broke his finger but fortunately were still able to come. Several weeks ago, Warren was in an ATV accident and broke his leg. We thought he would still be able to attend but unfortunately, as we are getting closer to the actual date, his doctor has advised against flying 9 hours from Vancouver. I am devastated by this and am hoping someone will consider allowing me to still come given the circumstances. I have left messages and sent a letter to Mr. Harvey Goldsmith's office but have not had any response. We are getting so close to the due date but I just don't know where I stand? I have paid for both Warren's and my ticket as well as our airfare (non refundable) & hotel. I have advised that I can provide a letter from the doctor, original credit card, Warren's photo ID, etc. but just need to get through to someone. At this point, Warren is actually contemplating flying with me just to claim the tickets and then immeiately returning home just to get me in. He knows what this means to me but I am not prepared to let him do that. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am running out of time.
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Man what a horrible situation. All you can do is try everything you can to get trough to HG's offices, phone them all you can..ticketmaster...the 02, whoever you need to get in touch with.

You have my absolute sympathies, and your friend is amazing, and you are an amazing friend for caring about him so much. :)

If you don't get trough to anyone, take the plane alone anyway, take the chance, BUT BRING ALL DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE!

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I thought I was coming to this concert but now it is looking like it won't happen. My friend Warren and I were scheduled to travel from Vancouver to London for the concert. He is the ballot winner and I am his guest. We made the changes to our trip when Mr. Page broke his finger but fortunately were still able to come. Several weeks ago, Warren was in an ATV accident and broke his leg. We thought he would still be able to attend but unfortunately, as we are getting closer to the actual date, his doctor has advised against flying 9 hours from Vancouver. I am devastated by this and am hoping someone will consider allowing me to still come given the circumstances. I have left messages and sent a letter to Mr. Harvey Goldsmith's office but have not had any response. We are getting so close to the due date but I just don't know where I stand? I have paid for both Warren's and my ticket as well as our airfare (non refundable) & hotel. I have advised that I can provide a letter from the doctor, original credit card, Warren's photo ID, etc. but just need to get through to someone. At this point, Warren is actually contemplating flying with me just to claim the tickets and then immeiately returning home just to get me in. He knows what this means to me but I am not prepared to let him do that. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am running out of time.

his leg might be damaged for a little while, get on that plane and move your friend, JUST TAKE CARE OF HIM... you're not gonna have this chance again, I would go there no matter what...

SO ... GO TO CLAIM YOUR TICKET NOW!!! AND PUT A SLEEPING BAG ON YOUR FRIENDS LEG.. and enjoy the concert for all of us, who are to far away to assist... with no money in ouir pockets.


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Thanks everyone for your advice. I did speak with a real person at HG's office this morning and explained that I MUST HAVE AN ANSWER FAST as the clock is ticking and I'm scheduled to leave on Friday. I was told that they will call me back on my cell. We shall see.

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Thanks everyone for your advice. I did speak with a real person at HG's office this morning and explained that I MUST HAVE AN ANSWER FAST as the clock is ticking and I'm scheduled to leave on Friday. I was told that they will call me back on my cell. We shall see.

Best of luck.

Can your friend be given some treatment to help prevent blood clots? Also, would it help to break the flights up so that he's not in the air for long stretches at a time? Iceland to London is only three hours... hard to change flights around at this date, though.

Whatever happens, you should go to London, have a pint, enjoy yourself. Why not? You never know what might happen...

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  • 2 weeks later...

To all that gave me positive feedback, thank you very much. I did get an email from the promoters office one week before the show and they stepped up and allowed me to go. This was an incredible experience and one that I will never forget.

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Hi Eternal Light, AlltheKings and Aqua,

Thanks very much. I had to be careful about saying too much before the show. HG's office stepped up and transferred both tickets into my name. I ended up taking a frind from Calgary. Man was he surprised to get that phone call. We had a blast. Here is a link about the whole trip if anyone is interested:


Cheers All!

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