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Brady Bunch star Maureen McCormick 'traded drugs for sex'

The Rover

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Maureen is an actress, so craving attention comes with the territory.....you on the other hand seem to be laughably jealous of this. Try doing anything with your own life before pointing fingers at this woman for "never accomplishing in her life beside being a Brady". Ms.MCormick has successfully raised a daughter, a hell of an accomplishment in my eyes. Try doing anything that involves a long term relationship ( no, not just friends) and then you might be able to speak on the human condition.

The addiction and recovery point that you are missing is that honesty about your days as a user are a big part of the recovery process, as is eduacating other people who might otherwise fall into that trap.

Stick your head back in the sand BOY.

I am not jealous of her at all. I did not even like the Brady Bunch.

Long term relationships are not THAT important.

She does not have to be honest about her disfunctional life to the whole world. She for some reason thinks everyone cares. If she wants to help people or educate people then she should just go to drug rehab places if anything. Most people on this earth cannot relate to ex child stars.

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That's very sad :( I hope she has been able to work through what happened and is happy now. I learned a lot of life lessons from the Brady Bunch, believe it or not. :(

my friends and i all wanted to be marcia brady.

esp when she dated davy jones ( on the show ).

she was so beautiful. im glad she came through it all.

So addtiction and recovery makes you want to put a book out and tell everyone on earth about your private life??? She is just looking for attention. She just misses the spotlight. She never accomplished anything in her life other than being known as a Brady and she wants some more attention from that. That's why she is alos on the celebrity fat club. For more attention. "Watch me lose weight America!!!".

Maureen is an actress, so craving attention comes with the territory.....you on the other hand seem to be laughably jealous of this. Try doing anything with your own life before pointing fingers at this woman for "never accomplishing in her life beside being a Brady". Ms.MCormick has successfully raised a daughter, a hell of an accomplishment in my eyes. Try doing anything that involves a long term relationship ( no, not just friends) and then you might be able to speak on the human condition.

The addiction and recovery point that you are missing is that honesty about your days as a user are a big part of the recovery process, as is eduacating other people who might otherwise fall into that trap.

Stick your head back in the sand BOY.

Nail on head. I'm glad somebody gets it.

I am not jealous of her at all. I did not even like the Brady Bunch.

Youo can miss a point better than just about anyone I've come across.

Long term relationships are not THAT important.

It's probably a good thing you think that.

She does not have to be honest about her disfunctional life to the whole world. She for some reason thinks everyone cares. If she wants to help people or educate people then she should just go to drug rehab places if anything. Most people on this earth cannot relate to ex child stars.

Those who aren't interested don't have to read her book. For someone who professes to not care, you seem to be keeping up with her more than some. (For example, I didn't know she was on celebrity fat club). It's obvious from some of the posts that some folks do seem to care at least a little bit at some level.

I don't particularly care or keep up with various former 'child stars'. I do find it interesting that many of them, supposedly adored and/or envied by the rest of us, actually have not had such wonderful lives. Their 'lucky' days as stars weren't so 'lucky' and many of them have had a terrible time adjusting to 'normal' lives as adults. Many of them apparently wind up paying a very high price for their time as stars, and not all of them even survive. As I said earlier, not everybody gets to peek over the edge into the abyss and then manage to get back out.

You still obviously don't get it and I don't expect you to get it... ever. Now, you better hurry to the Dollar store before they close.


I almost forgot... Del, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :lol:

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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I went to a dollar store in south carolina to get a cigarette ashtray for the car while down there...cause its like a 1500dollar ticket for littering.

just wanted to add tthat i didnt throw the filters outside the car, just the ends of paper/ash. i was informed that i could get a ticket for that.

Anyway, why can't those child stars just get jobs hey...

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I went to a dollar store in south carolina to get a cigarette ashtray for the car while down there...cause its like a 1500dollar ticket for littering.

You don't sound too bitter about avoiding dumping your butts out the window. Good.

Just think of the endless work an unemployed movie star could get going around picking up the billions of trashy butts that are tossed about by smokers. It's like the funeral business, there's enough work to kill you.

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Sez you, dummy. :rolleyes:

Who the bloody fuck are YOU to make that assessment? Hell, you won't even make a date with anything other than your fist! :lol:

Just saying they are not the be all and end all. One can be perfectly happy without one. Don't let society telk you that life is nothing without one.

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