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Greedy Musicians Bailout of Concerts


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The poor little bastards who are surely short of a quid!

While they are willing to play for free for a cause or to improve their "humanitarian" profile, when the opportunity arises to bring a little joy to people who rarely get the chance to see them and willing to pay exhorbitant prices for the privelege, they decide not to because it's not "economically viable". :thumbdown:

Give me a break. :angry:

Everyone in the world is hurting because of the current economic situation and who do they think of, themselves.

To Madonna the queen of "buying" children there's no fool like an old fool, McCartney the wannabe "Israelite", "oh how the mighty doth fall" and The Eagles well, "when hell freezes over" will I ever listen to your shitful music again.

Metallica and Neil Diamond, nobodies, enough said.

All these arseholes can go fuck themselves. :mad:

What's that you say, "it's all about the fans of the music and not the money"?

Yeah right.

The pigs are fed and ready to fly.

End of :rant:

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The poor little bastards who are surely short of a quid!

While they are willing to play for free for a cause or to improve their "humanitarian" profile, when the opportunity arises to bring a little joy to people who rarely get the chance to see them and willing to pay exhorbitant prices for the privelege, they decide not to because it's not "economically viable". :thumbdown:

Give me a break. :angry:

Everyone in the world is hurting because of the current economic situation and who do they think of, themselves.

To Madonna the queen of "buying" children there's no fool like an old fool, McCartney the wannabe "Israelite", "oh how the mighty doth fall" and The Eagles well, "when hell freezes over" will I ever listen to your shitful music again.

Metallica and Neil Diamond, nobodies, enough said.

All these arseholes can go fuck themselves. :mad:

What's that you say, "it's all about the fans of the music and not the money"?

Yeah right.

The pigs are fed and ready to fly.

End of :rant:

Don't blame ya Reggie. We went through this in Vancouver and other cities in Canada for the better part of 20 yrs. So many artists avoided us because of the weak dollar. I don't expect something for nothing, but those weak dollars were also buying plenty of albums. <_<

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All these arseholes can go fuck themselves. :mad:

What's that you say, "it's all about the fans of the music and not the money"?

Yeah right.

The pigs are fed and ready to fly.

End of :rant:

Fucking McCartney...

He cancelled his last tour in 2002 because of the Bali Bombings!

You know we've been waiting to see that arsehole in Brisbane since 1975...

He cut Australia out in the 1989/90 tour, then cut Brisbane out in the 1993 tour because the stadium he wanted was being refurbished.

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The poor little bastards who are surely short of a quid!

While they are willing to play for free for a cause or to improve their "humanitarian" profile, when the opportunity arises to bring a little joy to people who rarely get the chance to see them and willing to pay exhorbitant prices for the privelege, they decide not to because it's not "economically viable". :thumbdown:

Give me a break. :angry:

Everyone in the world is hurting because of the current economic situation and who do they think of, themselves.

To Madonna the queen of "buying" children there's no fool like an old fool, McCartney the wannabe "Israelite", "oh how the mighty doth fall" and The Eagles well, "when hell freezes over" will I ever listen to your shitful music again.

Metallica and Neil Diamond, nobodies, enough said.

All these arseholes can go fuck themselves. :mad:

What's that you say, "it's all about the fans of the music and not the money"?

Yeah right.

The pigs are fed and ready to fly.

End of :rant:

Amen to that 'Reggie29' , I'm with you there.

When I saw Led Zeppelin at Knebworth 1979 it was £7.50 a ticket and I was on £100 a week, so 7.5% of my wages, the O2 show was what, £120, so I would need to earn £1600 a week to be in the same situation.

Just remember, these people with all the money will give non of their wealth to the charities, they just try to persuede us mugs to give our hard earned cash up to go see them perform. Even Robert Plant said "Its never been about the fans".

Regards, Danny

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Further evidence that Corporate America has officially infiltrated Rock and Roll. I saw it coming when I read that Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp were doing corporate event planning. Corporate and Rock and Roll should NEVER be in the same fuckin sentence.

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This is how they make money. If they want to charge absurd prices and people are willing to pay, then why not? It's their music they're playing and their time that they're using up. Don't like it? Don't go. Someone else will

Hi 'wanna be drummer'

"Greedy Bastards", what £75 million not enough, they are no better than drug dealers who pray on their addicts. They just wait to get you hooked then the prices go up.

You want to grow up with all your childish comments. They champion charaties but look to us to give our hard earned cash to pay for them, they dont dip in to their pockets or buldgeing bank accounts, no they just give their time, plus expences, "Greedy Bastards".

Regards, Danny

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My point is, its their music, their time, and their energy they're exerting. Without them, we wouldn't have music even on albums. Touring is their decision, they should be able to do it for how much they want. You don't want to pay that much? Then don't. You want to go? Find a way to pay. If not, tough luck. Life blows, get over it.

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My point is, its their music, their time, and their energy they're exerting. Without them, we wouldn't have music even on albums. Touring is their decision, they should be able to do it for how much they want. You don't want to pay that much? Then don't. You want to go? Find a way to pay. If not, tough luck. Life blows, get over it.

Hi 'wanna be drummer'

My point is simple, "Greedy Bastards".

I'm off tomorrow night to see Led By Zeppelin , £15 to get in, not so "Greedy Bastards".

Regards, Danny

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I think this is why I don't go to concerts. It's not worth it.

My advice to everyone is just don't go to the shows. If they aren't selling tickets they will stop what they are doing. And what are you really going to miss anyways?? If you have seen one Mccartney show or Stones show you have seen them all. Same with any of these big name people. It's not as if any of them are improving.

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I think some of you have missed the point.

What pisses me off is the fact that they cancelled because of the weak Oz dollar (which incidentally was just a little less the the US only a matter of weeks ago), not because of the price of concert tickets.

I just shelled out $152 for a Jeff Beck ticket because that's the market and I don't have a problem with that.

I don't know what their logic is when US, UK, Euro, Yen and lot of other currencies will go a lot further in Oz than in the country of origin.

Also world tours help out the local economies of all participating countries.

1972 Led Zeppelin Concert Ticket: $3.80

Fares, Lunch etc.: $2.00

The 3 1/2 Hour Experience: PRICELESS

Edited by Reggie29
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They be greedy bastards all they want. It's up to them, not you.

Of course your right Mr Drummer, but its up to me to bring people like you the facts because you cant see them for your self because you wont/cant open up your mind wide enough to the facts that your precious rock gods could possibily do any wrong.

I'm just showing you they are only human like the rest of us and are prone to life's excesses, this one being greed.


Regards, Danny

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Of course your right Mr Drummer, but its up to me to bring people like you the facts because you cant see them for your self because you wont/cant open up your mind wide enough to the facts that your precious rock gods could possibily do any wrong.

I'm just showing you they are only human like the rest of us and are prone to life's excesses, this one being greed.


Regards, Danny

I realize they can do wrong. Hell, most of my music gods are people that I would NEVER consider role models.

I'm just telling you that it's their right to make as much money as they want, so long as they don't interfere with other people's rights. I'm not saying that what they charge is crazy and a total dick move, but I dont' really care. It is their music and their right so I won't get worked up over it

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Supply and demand, people. People can charge whatever they want and you have every right not to give them your hard-earned money if you don't want to. I'll spend hundreds of dollars to see Springsteen and I know plenty of people who wouldn't spend a penny to see him. To each their own.

I've been waiting to see the Eagles for about 5 years, but it's hard to get tickets because they don't always play where I'm at. Same goes for a lot of other artists I want to see who either blow off my location or schedule but then cancel. It's the nature of the beast. It sucks, but it is what it is. I am sorry that the bands you want to see don't come near you or they're supposed to but they don't. At the end of the day though, they have every right to make money however they want as long as it's not illegal or infringing on anyone's rights. Just suck it up.

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Supply and demand works both ways and they may well price themselves out of the market.

Short term, the up side is it could bring down the prices to make it affordable for those to attend who would normally be unable to do so.

Oil is a case in point where prices have fallen, but for how long?

Playing and / or recording music is not hard work by any stretch.

Except for the drummer and the frontman it's not overly physical or prone to exertion.

As for "owning" the music we all (well most of us anyway), paid for the albums so we "own" it now.

Going to concerts is a matter of choice as mentioned elsewhere and different to buying recorded music.

However it should not be for the elite alone.

In the very near future things will be a lot tougher for everyone and especially for the younger generations who have always had it good (for the most part thanks to their over indulgent parents), won't know what hit them.

I feel for them as many won't know how to handle it.

Job losses, companies folding, increased terrorist activity and other nasties are all happening now and more just around the corner.

So all concerts as we know them could be on their last legs.

Suck that up.

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Hi Mr Drummer and Electrophile,

I hear you and I agree with you, I just wanted to bring to the peoples attention the way the world has changed since 1979 and now, nearly 30 years and my favourite band of all time has gone from £7.50 for an all day event to £120 for a few hours work. They dont need the money, they cant even spend what they earned while they were together, its just pure greed.

But because they are entertainers they can get away with it. From the world of Music through Films and Sport everybody is milking their fans for as much money as they can possibily get, its worshiping the god Mamon all over again. And people wonder why there is so much hatred directed at us in the west today. Rich Film Stars going to Africia to adopt babies, and bring them home to our countries when most of their reliatives are left to starve to death in these poor countries, its not right.

I'm only interested in their music, as for what I realy think of them as people, well getting banned from this site is not one of my ambitions, so enough said.

As a drug addict hates the hold the drugs have hold of him but he cant stop taking them, well thats me and Led Zeppelin. I dont spend money on Sport, Films, Music or entertainment like I use to, no where near as much, but I'll always buy anything from Led Zeppelin, and they know it.

Enough said for tonight, for anyone going to the Led By Zeppelin gig tonight, have a good one and see you there. :beer:

Regards, Danny


"All my tears they fell like rain, cant you see them falling?"

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Supply and demand works both ways and they may well price themselves out of the market.

Short term, the up side is it could bring down the prices to make it affordable for those to attend who would normally be unable to do so.

Oil is a case in point where prices have fallen, but for how long?

Playing and / or recording music is not hard work by any stretch.

Except for the drummer and the frontman it's not overly physical or prone to exertion.

Yeah in the short run. But doing world tours and doing shit for weeks or months on end is tiring. That's why bands hate touring but it is necessary

As for "owning" the music we all (well most of us anyway), paid for the albums so we "own" it now.

They made it. It's theirs. We pay to listen to it. They're paid to make it. They can choose whether or not they wish to go live, n o one can force them

Going to concerts is a matter of choice as mentioned elsewhere and different to buying recorded music.

However it should not be for the elite alone.

It's not for the elite alone. Not even close.

In the very near future things will be a lot tougher for everyone and especially for the younger generations who have always had it good (for the most part thanks to their over indulgent parents), won't know what hit them.

I feel for them as many won't know how to handle it.

Job losses, companies folding, increased terrorist activity and other nasties are all happening now and more just around the corner.

So all concerts as we know them could be on their last legs.

Suck that up.

Wait a minute...job losses, folding companies, increased terrorism, and "other nasties" are coming around the corner and you're concerned with concerts and "their last legs"?

Give me a break. We'll live through what's going on in the world. Yeah, it'll be a struggle and rightly so, but come on. Concerts aren't in danger of going under or anything. They'll be fine.

As far as teenagers going to concerts, me and my friends all work to pay for our tickets, so I dont know where thats coming from.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Yeah in the short run. But doing world tours and doing shit for weeks or months on end is tiring. That's why bands hate touring but it is necessary

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

It's an occupational hazard, though seeing the world is hardly doing it tough.

The only thing they have to worry about is getting to the gig on time and even that's taken care of by others.

They made it. It's theirs. We pay to listen to it. They're paid to make it.

They sold it, I bought it, I own it.

They can choose whether or not they wish to go live, n o one can force them

Tell the record companies that.

It's not for the elite alone. Not even close.

Yeah right, so of the 18000 who attended O2 they all paid for their tickets and weren't given preferential treatment?

Wait a minute...job losses, folding companies, increased terrorism, and "other nasties" are coming around the corner and you're concerned with concerts and "their last legs"?

I couldn't care less about that.

Millions of people will have bigger priorities than going to concerts, like feeding a family and providing a roof over their heads.

Give me a break. We'll live through what's going on in the world. Yeah, it'll be a struggle and rightly so, but come on. Concerts aren't in danger of going under or anything. They'll be fine.

I hope so.

As far as teenagers going to concerts, me and my friends all work to pay for our tickets, so I dont know where thats coming from.

Nor do I, are you misinterpreting something I wrote?


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My point is, its their music, their time, and their energy they're exerting. Without them, we wouldn't have music even on albums. Touring is their decision, they should be able to do it for how much they want. You don't want to pay that much? Then don't. You want to go? Find a way to pay. If not, tough luck. Life blows, get over it.

But would it make much difference in the life of Paul £500 million McCartney? Let's say he agreed to do two concerts in Melbourne for $30 million, because of the drop in the Australian dollar, he's only going to get $18 million now...it's still not a bad pay day...

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If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

It's an occupational hazard, though seeing the world is hardly doing it tough.

The only thing they have to worry about is getting to the gig on time and even that's taken care of by others.

You would know right? :rolleyes:

They're paid to make it.

They sold it, I bought it, I own it.

You own the CD, not the rights to the music itself. You can't force anyone to go live with it, nor could you forbid them from redoing the music

Yeah right, so of the 18000 who attended O2 they all paid for their tickets and weren't given preferential treatment?
So live music is for the elite huh? I, a college student, can easily pay my way into concerts, and let's just say that I'm not exactly elite. Your point makes no sense. If concerts cost upwards of thousands of dollars, then maybe I'd agree with you. But no, for the most part, concerts are for anyone and everyone.

Nor do I, are you misinterpreting something I wrote?
"In the very near future things will be a lot tougher for everyone and especially for the younger generations who have always had it good (for the most part thanks to their over indulgent parents), won't know what hit them." Edited by wanna be drummer
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But would it make much difference in the life of Paul £500 million McCartney? Let's say he agreed to do two concerts in Melbourne for $30 million, because of the drop in the Australian dollar, he's only going to get $18 million now...it's still not a bad pay day...
I never said it wasn't a dick move. But hey, it's his right to do or not do. Edited by wanna be drummer
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