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The Good, The Bad, The Britney

Mary Hartman

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If my suspicions are correct, you're the person involved in that low blow you threw at tangerine. And you clearly knew what I was talking about, otherwise you wouldn't have edited the comment out of your post.

All I know is your trying to fight once again. What's wrong, no Spats thread hopping for you where you can toss at him. I am not Spats, so carry on.

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I believe your in the wrong not me. Have your friend contact me and I will sort it out for you ok?

Sorry i missed the post. I made a post about my opinion of a highly overrated celebrity who should be yesterday's news. How did that personally offend you? I would love to hear what you said before your edit...please share.

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The fact that she's still relevant to society just shows how far the country has fallen -_-

I say shame on these stage parents for pushing children into show business at such a young age. I really feel sorry for Britney and for the other (former) child stars who ran into hard times (or worse) later on.

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Sorry i missed the post. I made a post about my opinion of a highly overrated celebrity who should be yesterday's news. How did that personally offend you? I would love to hear what you said before your edit...please share.

okay i am quite new here, but i am not new on this earth (47y/o this birthday)

what i have seen in the past few weeks says this to me

you and your partners in crime (electrophile & wannabe) are just petty troublemakers

i will give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's because you are young and impressionable

dont make the mistake of thinking your actions/posts/combative approach makes you look good.

it does actually highlight your lack of maturity and inexperience

personally, i will ignore all future posts from the three of you until you show some signs of maturity and respect

all i can suggest to other members is they do the same!

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Partners in crime? Jesus, you ARE new here :rolleyes:

YOU are one of the few people that REALLY piss me off, and I let you know that, right off the bat. Everyone else is perfectly fine, and I don't think I'm that hated, otherwise I'd have been banned years ago. So calm down, and keep let big boys and girls talk things out aight?

Oh and by the by, if someone wants to tell Mrs. Newblet here that she can kiss my ass and I couldn't care less that I'm on her ignore, feel free. ;)

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Love the video, very sweet. Chris Crocker is great. Tantrums are great stress relievers even if you do feel embarrassed afterwards.

Too bad he's not a Robert Plant fan because then he could do a Leave Robert Alone video and post it on the why-won't-RP-tour threads.

Britney Spears has loyal fans. I'm glad that she is doing better in her outlook even if she is not garnering rave critical reviews.

Edited by eternal light
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okay i am quite new here, but i am not new on this earth (47y/o this birthday)

what i have seen in the past few weeks says this to me

you and your partners in crime (electrophile & wannabe) are just petty troublemakers

i will give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's because you are young and impressionable

dont make the mistake of thinking your actions/posts/combative approach makes you look good.

it does actually highlight your lack of maturity and inexperience

personally, i will ignore all future posts from the three of you until you show some signs of maturity and respect

all i can suggest to other members is they do the same!

All i can say is ignore all you want. AFAIC, you should look in the mirror...this post is an excellent example of immaturity and disrespect. Also seems to be out of left field to me. I know i have never said anything "combative" to you. Who are you trying to protect here? I was speaking to Mary, who apparently said something nasty about me, and then cowardly edited it off the board.

As for my age, if you read my posts over the last few days, you would be able to figure out my age by some of them. As for experience, i have plenty of that. See ya.

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All i can say is ignore all you want. AFAIC, you should look in the mirror...this post is an excellent example of immaturity and disrespect. Also seems to be out of left field to me. I know i have never said anything "combative" to you. Who are you trying to protect here? I was speaking to Mary, who apparently said something nasty about me, and then cowardly edited it off the board.

As for my age, if you read my posts over the last few days, you would be able to figure out my age by some of them. As for experience, i have plenty of that. See ya.

ah! - i almost lumped you in with the other two there love!

on reflection i owe you an apology

i apologise sincerely - and i really hope you accept!

have also pm'ed you - take care!


Edited by caroselambra~
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All i can say is ignore all you want. AFAIC, you should look in the mirror...this post is an excellent example of immaturity and disrespect. Also seems to be out of left field to me. I know i have never said anything "combative" to you. Who are you trying to protect here? I was speaking to Mary, who apparently said something nasty about me, and then cowardly edited it off the board.

As for my age, if you read my posts over the last few days, you would be able to figure out my age by some of them. As for experience, i have plenty of that. See ya.

Mary didn't "cowardly" do anything. I am allowed to edit posts just as anyone else and if you and or Electro want to make an issue of if it shows your lack of respect for other members of this board. AFAIK she attacks everything which hits the board. But that is just her. You on the other hand I had higher expectations for.


I have no issues with others success or looks causing me problems in my personal life and thus the need to attack them to make me look better. I know it's childish and redundant. The Britney post was news and if that's a threat to you or Eletro, like I said it shows immaturity.

If she's a success good, if not better luck next time. She's really a generation below me but I can respect her work and hope she lives in this world where everyone is just nasty and abusive.

I made a post, decided it was bad to say and said in the heat of the moment, so instead of leaving it I pulled it.

Like it or don't.

* Edited, no explanation needed.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Another thread gone to shit because of pitiful online bickering..

Atleast it finally occurred in a thread we could do without.

And FYI, Britney Spears' whole saga is a further indicator of where America is going: sleeze. Throw her on some MTV reality show where she auditions nannies to take care of her kids. It sounds so fucking predictable..I predict a 2010 pilot.

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ah! - i almost lumped you in with the other two there love!

on reflection i owe you an apology

i apologise sincerely - and i really hope you accept!

have also pm'ed you - take care!


Your apology is accepted, caroselambra.

I will say that i totally enjoyed reading Electrophile's political views during that hot topic, and while i didn't agree with wannabe too often, i respect that he says what he thinks. It would be boring if everyone thought the same thoughts...or everyone was always on their best behavior... ask Mary, :)

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