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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Great choices, everyone. I knew I wouldn't regret starting this thread. Most of the books listed I have read, although Kat's list contains books I haven't. Maybe I'll start with her list next time I'm at the bookstore.
  2. I saw that movie in the theaters about 50 times before it was released on VHS. I shit you not.
  3. I had a very interesting discussion with some friends of mine about the importance of books and how a lot of people don't take voluntary reading very seriously once they're out of school. So we got to talking about the 5 books we thought everyone must read once before they die. This was my list: 1984 Flowers for Algernon The Razor's Edge Gravity's Rainbow The Road What do you guys think? You don't necessarily have to choose books, some of you may think plays or short stories are essential as well. I'm curious to see what you come up with because a lot of you strike me as being very well-read.
  4. That's The Way on HTWWW is arguably the best version I've heard.
  5. Canadiens are the best team ever? Best team at getting caught up in crime rings, maybe.
  6. To be honest, the songs I love off that album are much better live, IMO. SIBLY and That's The Way are the top songs for me, and again........much better live than on the record.
  7. The last time I went to the movies was about 2 months ago. My ticket was $6.25, the popcorn was $4.75 and the large Diet Coke was $4.25. $6.25 $4.25 +$4.75 ______ $15.25 Look at that.....under $20!
  8. Dazed and Confused (Earls Court 1975) - Led Zeppelin Love Robert's opening line: "Jimmy Page is coming out of the closet"
  9. Last time I went to the movies, it cost me under $20 for the ticket, large drink and large popcorn. Sometimes I splurge and get a Dippin' Dots later in the movie.
  10. That's fantastic news. Hopefully that means even more people are getting into Plant/Krauss and maybe by extension, Led Zeppelin and Union Station. Can't go wrong with either group.
  11. No, I don't think the singer has to sound like Plant. I think they would be foolish (should this even take place, which is highly doubtful) to try and clone Robert Plant, the fans will know what's up. What they should aim for is someone with a unique sound who will, much like Robert, make the songs his own.
  12. I can assure you if Led Zeppelin had even been in the studio working on something, we'd have known about it by now. I think it's safe to say that no, they are not releasing a new album anytime soon.
  13. David Gilmour has aged quite well. Not just physically, but vocally. He sounds just as good now as he did 35 years ago. Who cares if the hair is gray? He's still has those blue eyes and infectious smile.
  14. Are You Gonna Go My Way? - Lenny Kravitz
  15. Thank God SIBLY is beating Stairway. Sometimes I wonder if people drool over that song because they're supposed to. In any event, I chose SIBLY. I'm more of a fan of his blues-driven solos than the more rock-driven ones.
  16. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - Neil Young
  17. I'll continue to shop at Wal-Mart as long as they have products I need at prices I can afford. It's great to be idealistic when you have the money.
  18. What I love is that his thread is still going on. I haven't read that pile of malarkey in months, yet people are still drawn to arguing with this doosh. Love it.
  19. Say you're right and this is all a stunt. Wouldn't that in a way, prove he's got issues? If you're as good of an actor as everyone claims you are, you shouldn't need to do shit like this to get media attention.
  20. It almost amazes me how most of you are willing to accept the argument that this is all a big goof. I think he's seriously got problems.
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