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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. Had a good night at work. I got to leave at 8 pm. I usually leave at 9:30 pm. An hour & a half makes a huge difference.
  2. My friend is going through some hardships right now. I pray that it gets better for her...
  3. Not eating....yet but, I am making chicken alfredo. I also bought some asiago spinach focaccia bread that we make at work to go with it. There has to be some Italian in me somewhere. I swear..
  4. I try to do at least 100 stair steps a day. Sometimes I will do 300. One time I was just bored & did about 500. It just depends on my mood & my drive. I have a petite frame & I sort of want to keep it that way.
  5. HI! I live in NE Oklahoma near Tulsa! I actually live on Grand Lake. Small world isn't it? Amazing story. I saw Clapton about 2 years ago when he came to Tulsa & it was good. Roger Daltrey opened for him. Well, we are glad to have you here.I hope you enjoy it.
  6. I have only skimmed through it but what I have read, is good. I didn't keep up with all of the interviews in the past so the majority of this book is 'new' news to me. I love the cover & the pictures.
  7. Hi & welcome to the forum.
  8. I would have went if it were closer to me. But, life goes on..
  9. Mine is in my dad's truck. Excited to open it!!!! I have to wait until morning though.
  10. Received an email earlier today saying that my book (Conversations with Jimmy Page) has been shipped.
  11. WWHL: Watch What Happens Live on BRAVO I love Andy Cohen!
  12. Took a 'day trip' with my parent's today & had a pretty good time. And yesterday, went to the drags with my dad. Sort of bittersweet, no more races until next year but we had a great time. We always do.
  13. Congrats's to you! I was in drama class in high school & I had to do monologues so I know what it's like to speak in front of people. It can be tough. Fixing to go get some food.
  14. Hi! I've been working but I managed to get a couple of days off & they flew by too fast! No, I will not be going to see Celebration Day. I already had things planned for another occasion.
  15. Jimmy looks absolutely breath taking! Those lucky, lucky fans!!!
  16. I don't either but, I take advantage of it when I do.
  17. Found out that my boss gave me next weekend off. I hardly ever get weekends off. I also get to see my 'friend' race next Saturday..
  18. Wow! Didn't even know stuff like this existed! Top fuel is probably my 2nd favorite class. I am a lover of pro-mods. Glad to hear that nobody was hurt. I think I'll stick to the pavement! Awesome video though!
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