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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ Yeah, Green Bay has to be one of the biggest disappointments of the season so far. Las Vegas is gonna have to start adjusting Packers lines accordingly, or everyone is gonna start taking the 10 or 12 points that Packer opponents are getting.
  2. ^^^ I love A & W water. Breakfast today was McCann's Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal with blueberries and bananas. Toasted English muffin with Nutella. Orange juice.
  3. It's all apples and oranges when talking about the biggest band of 1974. Besides, the real biggies were all on haitus for the most part in 1974: Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Jethro Tull, Elton John, The Who. Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Yes and ELP simply took advantage of the vacuum. Notice I didn't mention Alice Cooper. Alice Cooper was on haitus in 1974, having broken up the great original Alice Cooper band after "Muscle of Love" came out in 1973. He wouldn't return until 1975 with the wan "Welcome to My Nightmare" and therefore begin his slide into irrelevancy.
  4. WTF!?! This has to be one of the stranger and puzzling judgments on a song yet posted here. The surprise, LiveWire, isn't that other people haven't expressed their dislike for "In the Light"...it's that you have. As Ricky Ricardo would say: You got some explaining to do! Especially that last comment of yours.
  5. ^^^ That would be KILLER if he played that at the Bowl, Missy! Anytime you get "Cortez the Killer" in the setlist is a win! It's long been one of the highlights of any Neil Young & Crazy Horse concert since I first saw them in 1976. The Who have faded. The Rolling Stones have faded. Joni Mitchell has retired. Others have died or become laughing-stocks on the nostalgia circuit. Even Bob Dylan has faded(I find the last few albums of his annoyingly self-consciously retro...plus his voice is shot). Neil Young, though, is still going strong. Still making vital music. Still following his muse. Only Robert Plant is in Neil Young's class when you're talking about the rockers from the 60s who are still creatively relevant today. I'll have to think hard to come up with another...possibly Lou Reed?
  6. Good guess. It's 51.8 F. A rather crisp October day. Here in Los Angeles it is now 67°...or 19.4° C...with the high expected to be 76°. As for the United States switching over to Celsius and the Metric System? HA! Forget about it...it'll never happen. The General Ripper-types in Congress and the Senate think it's all part of a Communist plot to destroy our country. Like fluoridation.
  7. ^^^ Leaves are falling all around...time I was on my way... Got today off...so a whole lotta nuthin'!
  8. Holy shit! Just saw Eric Winston of the Chiefs on ESPN rip into the fans for cheering Cassell's injury. Stay classy Kansas City. I didn't watch the game...DAS, you're our resident Chiefs fan; what's your take? Here's the clip:
  9. ^^^ I think the fact that May is winning the poll is more due to the fact that Queen posted it to their Facebook page, and maybe Quuen's fans are more organized as a group and successful as a large voting bloc. I don't know about you, but most of the people in my life(Zep fans and non-Zep fans alike) that I mentioned this poll to either 1) couldn't be bothered to vote; or 2) couldn't be bothered to care one way or another. Then, there were the people who had never even heard of Guitar World. Don't worry...this poll, and others, will come and go and still have no impact on the general consensus that Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page are a cut above Brian May, great as he is.
  10. Marvelous. I guess you're not talking about the original albums, cause the original "Stop Making Sense" has "Girlfriend is Better" before "Once In a Lifetime" and "What a Day That Was". As for Led Zeppelin IV..."Going to California" is on side two, nestled between "Four Sticks" and "When the Levee Breaks". "Battle of Evermore" is after "Rock and Roll".
  11. Great photo ebk! Sorry you had to go thru all that trouble only to watch the O's lose...but you'll get 'em in Game 2. Didn't expect the Giants to be so in the hole immediately...and they're worse off than Oakland. Oakland at least can look forward to going home for the last three games. San Francisco has to go to Cincinnati for the rest of their series. It's all on Lincecum's slender frame now.
  12. C'mon...that's a little ridiculous. Why are you so obsessed with Freddie's sexuality anyway? I don't know any Queen fan who says "I love Queen because Freddie's gay". They love Queen for their songs, which got massive airplay over AM radio and in the clubs, which is a segment that Led Zeppelin didn't reach as much. They love Queen because they rocked Live Aid like nobody's business, reinvigorating their popularity. They love Queen for Brian May's signature guitar tone and stately style. They love Queen because Freddie Mercury had a great voice and was one of the greatest frontmen in rock and roll; a true showman. They love Queen for the car scene in "Wayne's World" that introduced a new generation to the joys of singing along to "Bohemian Rhapsody". They love Queen because they constantly toured their homeland...they were very popular in the U.S. but they are massively beloved in the U.K. They love Queen because they play their songs in concert just like on the records! A sizable majority of the public likes to hear the songs in concert the way they are on record. Oh, and just for the record...being gay is not a 'lifestyle'. You don't choose to be gay; you either are or you're not. It's biologically determined for you.
  13. Don't despair. As you can see, the Saints D ain't scaring anybody either. Brees #48!!!
  14. Goddamn start this Saints game already!!!
  15. ^^^ Haven't you been 'pre-medicating' since Friday?
  16. Even with Moon the Loon, the Who concerts I saw(1973 and 1976) didn't measure up to the best of the Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones or Queen shows I saw.
  17. I wonder if ebk has to work tomorrow? Who here still gets Columbus Day off?
  18. Hahaha...I almost thought of taking the 11.5 points and Buffalo. Then I came to my senses.
  19. Shrimp Po' Boy w/ cajun slaw; Jambalaya; washed down with an Abita(Louisiana brewery) Turbodog Brown Ale. Probably have some Beignets at halftime. My bartender:
  20. Gorgeous October day here, too. In the high 70s. Sitting on the patio of a New Orleans Saints bar, having a Shrimp Po ' Boy and Jambalaya and an Abita Turbodog English Brown Ale, getting ready to watch the Saints vs. Chargers game and the Orioles-Yankees, if it ever starts.
  21. No kidding! Boo Panthers! And what are the Packers doing losing to the Colts? WTF?!? 8-4 after 12 games; 4-1 in the afternoon saved me. Come on Saints...but only by 4 or less.
  22. Damn East Coast and their rain delays.
  23. Yeah, I haven't been interested or impressed by anything the Who have done musically for almost 30 years. But I have always thought Pete Townshend to be one of the more intelligent and literate people in the music biz, and will definitely be getting his book and read it with keen anticipation.
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