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Everything posted by brspled

  1. I got a treadmill from my mother in law. Well, she knows I want to be fit for her son.
  2. She's got some first from me. But I'm sure she'll love yours too, Gio.
  3. brspled


    Hi Gio, I had a happy Christmas, thanks! But it wasn't light... lots of chocolate and fruit cake. But no alcohol. Today I had a small steak and salad for lunch. And melon and pineapple juice.
  4. My ticket friend and I after we got our tickets and wristbands for the LZ O2 concert. *it's a repost, I posted it there on the O2 thread, but well, I just couldn't help posting it again.*
  5. brspled


    It's nice you have a light meal after all that food that you certainly had on Christmas, Gio ....
  6. Sam, I can't really compare both concerts, they were unique, each one of them. On both of them I felt that it was as close as I'd be of really witnessing a LZ concert....but in both moments I was also aware that they were not THE Led Zeppelin. The P/P concert was the 100th concert they made on that tour...I'd say Jimmy, Robert, as well as Michael Lee and Charlie Jones had, at the time, worked out some of the weak points that have possibly happened by then. They were amazing, the concert was fantastic, but they weren't Led Zeppelin. The O2 concert was a kind of dream-come-true event....but no matter how good they played, it was the first and only concert they made, so they didn't have the chance to real "oil the engine"....they were amazing, to be completely honest, better than I have expected. I was taken by the moment, and I haven't heard any boot on the concert so far...but I can say they were fabulous. Yet they were not Led Zeppelin. Well, I'm not an expert on boots, sooooooooooo far from it, the live recordings weren't what kept my love for the band alive for so many years. I wouldn't ever be able to judge a band, no matter how good they were on the studio, based on a live concert. Even Led Zeppelin had really bad moments back on their heyday. All I can say is that those two concerts you posted the links of, well, they were fantastic. And I love them for sentimental reasons.
  7. Merry Christmas to you too! Pity.... I'm late. Well, wish you a great Boxing Day!
  8. I missed Chicken too. Well, one of that Rock Chicks you mentioned, Pilot, was sooooooooooo happy at the day she picked up her ticket........... My "ticket friend" and I just after we got our tickets.
  9. This amazing woman has already done part of your dreams.... Hope you'll find a girl to make your wish come true. But I tell you....you'll be fucking tired while you're doing the trail, so don't have too high expectations....
  10. They are great mightyzep247! :thumbsup: I have seen yours before, Angi, I remember them.
  11. A friend came to visit me yesterday. Her 10 year old daughter was with her. We were talking about a friend we have in common and she told me this friend is getting married. The child turned to her mother and said: is she getting married? the mother answered: yes, she is. The girl: Married? Mom....do you think she finds her boyfriend handsome?? It looks like my friend's daughter doesn't think the guy is handsome. She was soooooooo spontaneous, we couldn't help but laugh.
  12. I know Robert sends Text Messages form his cell phone. And I know it for sure.
  13. brspled

    The pub

    I hope they will! Send Ev MY kisses, OK?
  14. brspled

    The pub

    It was like a dream. *sigh* This place is great, I hope some of the oldies come back to it soon, Ev inclusive.
  15. brspled

    The pub

    I'm so happy to meet you both here! It's been a looooooong time!!! I'm doing fine, I'm happy to be back home and I had the most wonderful time in London, I met the most wonderful people too...and I went to a good concert. Really, Angi, it was amazing! 9 knows a bit about it. Hope you and Ev are doing fine One on me...
  16. brspled

    The pub

    No one?? OK, I'll drink my Diet Coke alone.
  17. I love the ones you posted that have connections with functions, parabolas and any mathematical issues. They remeind me of my days in college.
  18. Welcome. I can say that all the Geordies I have ever met are really great people.
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