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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. I hope you're right. The Black Dog teaser from 9/28/71 was over a year ago so I hope they release that one in 2018. Frankly, I would much rather have a 70-71 board tape than another 75 or 77. I know there aren't many from 77 lately but I'd like to hear a new SBD show without a high cringe factor for once.
  2. Yeah, Liverpool is way drier and less ambient sounding than Stoke.
  3. Because Stairway almost always gets flagged and taken down on YouTube. Too many flags and your account will be suspended.
  4. Pardon my ignorance but, were soundboard tapes recorded to reels or cassettes? Montreux is on Ampex reels. At least I remember seeing photos of 1/4 inch reels in a Kodak box.
  5. Good point. Winstons source was listed as a 1st gen cassette>dat.
  6. I agree with this. While there is a lot of clarity and detail in the drums, it's mostly high freqs and there isn't very much bottom end or depth or sense of space with this recording. It sounds rather thin and flat like most sound boards from this era. Also, I highly doubt Plant would sign off on much being released from this tour as his voice was pretty rough most of the time. The band however are cracking on this show, especially Bonzo. I wonder if Sean could chime in and offer his 2 cents on this subject. He has a pretty good sounding unknown gen cassette copy of this tape , not sure if that's what Winston used for his source. ??
  7. I never read about Bonzo not liking the song, where was that noted ? He played the shit out of it live most every time. It's not a tedious song , I think it's actually fun to play because of the odd time bars. Bonzo certainly never sounded like he struggled on it, and the ending shuffle was always a fun stretch out at the end. I agree with Blindwillie, it was a really happy, loose way to end a show, after all the intense exploration of the epics. Pity there aren't some versions to hear from 75 and 77.
  8. No shit! I almost expected the second E in Zeppelin was missing. 😦
  9. I thought Kenny G's brother, Stan Gorelick taped at least one of the 72 shows(the better sounding first night) and one of the two audience tapes from 73 was his as well. ??
  10. Thanks for being in existence! 🤘👏😀👍
  11. Word, though I'd be very happy with an officially released best of Earls Court , or 77 LA run , or Copenhagen 79.
  12. Dig it, well....live release it will be then.
  13. Yes, I agree... although I dont think anyone expected St Tristan's Sword or Carrot Celery, Pea Pod medley. Did Jimmy pointedly say no more unheard studio material exists, or will surface? Most diehard fans would eagerly welcome a live show or even a compilation. My list would be Japan 71, Earls Court, LA '77 (prob no multi tracks??) or Copenhagen Warm Ups. I just don't know if the powers at be think there are enough die hard fans to warrant another live release. I would think k so , but...🤔
  14. Does anyone here have the Graf Zep 5 CD set? If so, I'm wondering if the mono source patch used for the beginning minute or so of No Quarter is only one channel? the Neckey remaster is dead on the left side. Did Graf fix that issue and put the audio in both channels?
  15. Correct. As I said the Neckey remaster uses that stereo source, which is missing Dazed, Moby and some other parts. The only boot label to release it is as the primary source is Graf Zeppelin in their 5-disc title.
  16. Here here!! One of my favs too. The coda is a bitch too!
  17. I have an excellent sounding transfer on vinyl of Paris Olympia. There is almost no point though in owning the vinyl sonically over a CD if they use digital sources and transfers . It's really just for the aesthetic value, the artwork. Then again, that damn Paris show sounds and it's cool to see the colored vinyl spin!
  18. Yes, a very nice unintentional variation !
  19. Agreed on discogs comment. The first source according to AA is the shorter source found only on LP originally. He calls Source 2 the long, almost complete tapes used on TDOLZ. However, bootledz says Graf is the only label to use source 2 as the primary which is no correct unless he's calling AA's source 2 source 1 ! ?? Is he mixing up sources?? Seems like there is some misleading info somewhere in there. Neckey was name for a remaster bloke, he was not the taper. The Graf Zep title may likely be ripped from the Neckey which was shared on dime years ago. Maybe Graf did their own merge but I doubt it. I have the Neckey, pm me if you'd like it.
  20. Gary, I want to say THANK YOU for making the effort to get the tapes properly transferred and for preserving this treasure. Mad props!!
  21. I assume Graf Zepp either used the Neckey merge or did their own version along the same lines, using the old LP version as a primary source?
  22. I can't really point to a specific live version that really stands out, precisely because of what blindwillie said. Since there really is not much improvising other than the playing of the ensemble parts/no real solos to speak of, it makes for a fairly predictable song live...and Plant's voice was often rough live in 73 and 75 , so most live versions he sounds like he's straining . There are some good ones ...usually if the mellotron isn't out of tune that automatically makes for a good version, and if Plant can hit the notes . Actually I think TSRTS film version is a great one and I think its the only song from the soundtrack that is exclusively one take, not spliced. Bonham plays with mallets and sticks live which gives it a different feel than the use of brushes only on the studio track.
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