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Everything posted by Knebby

  1. What a great gig that will be! Slightly envious!
  2. I already knew - it is definitely Sam from The Macabees. (PS I answered this question the first time it was posted too ) *I have to edit this to say the blog is a good find too - at least it proves the Grohl pic which I had never seen online before , only on a phone)*
  3. It's backstage at a festival - the guy asleep is one of the band The Macabees, he'd had a few too many and fell asleep, and then several of his heroes were around and he slept right through it. His fellow band members took the photos - there was also one with Dave Grohl and some others - but considering the T-shirt this one was the funniest. When he woke up and they showed them to him, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. (You just beat me Cookie- but I don't think that's the original source of the pic. I first saw it on the phone of the guy who took it. )
  4. *edited because I realise I'm being pedantic. I know,congratulations on a first, eh?
  5. Jason Bonham. He's talked a lot about the Tyler rehearsals.
  6. I worked for him a couple of times - once I was asked to take his breakfast to his hotel for him - it was (literally) a bottle of JD and a black bin bag full of ice.
  7. You don't like them, but you bought all their albums - (yet only named "Ok Computer" as something you had LISTENED to ) ,and you think their music is all "electronic" with no lyrical depth? Ok right.
  8. Ha ha ha - a "1977 repro advert posterr" with 1979 photos. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Led-Zeppelin-vintage-repro-concert-poster-1977-USA-/170937659995?pt=UK_Music_Music_Memorabilia_LE&hash=item27ccadb25b
  9. Every time I've ever seen The Stones ( including 80's 90s and noughties) they have been fantastic and I would LOVE to see them again. However I'm not paying those kind of prices. Tickets were even going for FIFTEEN GRAND on site via Ticketmaster the other day. Unreal. Paris tonight would have been fab.
  10. They're brilliant, you will love them. Richie Hayward - on Robert's left - played drums for Robert in the early 80's. Quite a character.
  11. What? Not every UK resident likes Cliff, the same as not every US resident likes The Doors. It is not part of UK culture to like Cliff - and he actually has a large fanbase in the US. I personally am not a Doors fan, they're too creepy and maudlin for me - just MO - my sister, from the same exact culture as me , loves them.
  12. Why? His past work is all the proof I need. Years of brilliance doesn't happen by fluke.
  13. Knebby

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Sorry you just confused me with the "some pictures I'd never seen before" comment.
  14. Knebby

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I can't say for sure as the other pics don't look so different to me, but the one with RP and Scarlet has been posted on here many times before so check the photo threads.
  15. If the date suggested is correct, Deep Purple were in Europe at the time. I don't think it's Jon lord - I don't think he wore boots like that. Looks more Mick Fleetwood to me, (but they were also touring the UK at the time of the suggested date) but there is also a 60s music-related figure nagging at the back of my mind who I just cannot place or name. Will keep thinking.
  16. It's from my scan - that's my autographed pic x Pretty sure it is from about 1980 - there were others with he and Jimmy on too - will try to look.
  17. Yep - checked on it and he said that "he was basically making an announcement to tell the crowd to calm down and get ready for the music". - Hope that helps.
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