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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. HAPPY BD Rorer!!

  2. My cat...the best in the entire world ....was adopted from the shelter as a kitten. My daughter wanted one at the time and we picked him out together. He had to stay home alone for some of the day. At least six hours. We trained him from day one....with the aid of a squirt bottle. He never, ever ever went potty outside his litter box. He never destroyed anything we didn't let him destroy. Never had a problem with him. Also there are play cages you can buy if you're that paranoid. No one would have a pet if as some of you suggested, if they have a job. That's just silly to me. Happily though, our legislators just passed a bill that makes it a crime to have your dog TIED up for 10 hours. Also...older cat's come with their own set of habits, some hard to break. Not that you couldn't find one compatible. Just sayin'.
  3. I wouldn't mind knowing those stats better.....
  4. That's all I have to say.
  5. Happy Birthday Mandy!!!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday To you Leddy!

    The nicest Brit on the board. :)

  7. Awesome, my friend and I were just discussing Hendrix.....and his many talents.
  8. You most definitely should get a kitty at a pet shelter. It will be saving a life and enriching yours. Cat's do fine alone. Even kitties, as long as you have plenty of toys and give them extra lovin' when you get home, it sure beats the hell out of a cage in a shelter. I'd do it. And just dump that screwd up chick. I know it's hard but you have to move on and stop being co-dependant. She sounds like the type to keep using you until you're all used up. MOVE ON. Only my opinion mind you.
  9. Happy Birthday stranger!

  10. Just another.....oh you know. How convenient was it he made his announcement (and took off to Haiti) just before the book is due to come out.
  11. Hey,

    Doing alright, thanks. Hatin' winter, but what can you do? Howz your neck of the woods?

  12. So much for a quick road trip to the beach. Coming from snow country it's weird to see plows plowing mud not snow from the roads. Calling all MUD plows! But seriously, I hope all our CA members are safe, as well as their homes. Be careful guys!
  13. It's a silly idea to begin with. Though I did think someone would suggest it. There are tons of benefits going on now. Haiti may be richer than ever when all is said and done. No, not really, it's just that there are so many ways all of us can help w/o some LZ involvement.
  14. It IS phenomenal! Don't miss Neil on Conan's last Tonight Show! His new material, from the clips I just saw recently look and sound fantastic! I hope I see him one last time before one of us kicks the bucket. And...yeah, screw winter.
  15. Neil Young will be among Conan's last Tonight Show guests, his 45 million dollar goodbye. Spin Article AND Neil has two albums in the works, with Crazy Horse...funny video on his site.
  16. Oh..ok, I didn't know what you meant...but where did you hear Soundgarden WILL play? The rumors are rampant.
  17. Love this one I've never seen.
  18. Happy Birthday Lee!

  19. Just glad to know you're ok Jahfin. Come around when you can.
  20. Sounds like a plan. TCV need to start gigging the states. I'm afraid somebody will get burnt out and fall over on us before I can see them. Now my question is....will SOUNDGARDEN get it together in time...please, please, please...
  21. You should check out Jimmy Kimmel's version as Neil Young. My kid made me watch it. It's on you tube...you find it.
  22. A HEAT wave....40 degrees worth. The crud has left the valley...for now anyway. The last three weeks were the worst I've seen in my entire life. Today I soaked up the sun, despite the wind, we need it! It made me realize how much I personally need sun. I'm praying the crud will not return. Happy #2)...Ordered a Neil Young DVD from the library and when I picked it up it was the ENTIRE Neil Young Archives Vol. 1! Huge box, I was tickled. I'm on a Neil kick of late and 63-72 were such awesome years. Lovin it. edited for oops
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